Anti-Voter ID Activists Storm Georgia Capitol. Has Anyone Called the National Guard?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Georgia legislators just got serious about fixing this nation’s voter fraud problem by passing a bill requiring ID to vote absentee. The Hill reported,

The Georgia state Senate on Tuesday passed legislation that would require voters to submit a driver’s license number, state identification card number or a photocopy of an approved form of identification in order to vote absentee in the state.
Predictably, the passing of this bill sparked a protest by Democrats on Monday who don’t want anyone to know who is voting absentee. Voter ID laws mean less fraud, a thing no Democrat I’ve ever known wants. Instead, they pretend it’s “racist” to require IDs. They have no problem, however, requiring IDs to get into their conventions.

Insurrection.....shoot them black folk.
Understandably, This is not considered an insurrection because no conservatives were involved in the storming of the Georgia State capitol.
Obviously this was done by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist funded Antifa/BLM..
The Quisling Media are refusing to report this and the further destruction of Portland Oregon.

Media continue to pretend Portland riots are 'mostly peaceful' (
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Georgia legislators just got serious about fixing this nation’s voter fraud problem by passing a bill requiring ID to vote absentee. The Hill reported,

The Georgia state Senate on Tuesday passed legislation that would require voters to submit a driver’s license number, state identification card number or a photocopy of an approved form of identification in order to vote absentee in the state.
Predictably, the passing of this bill sparked a protest by Democrats on Monday who don’t want anyone to know who is voting absentee. Voter ID laws mean less fraud, a thing no Democrat I’ve ever known wants. Instead, they pretend it’s “racist” to require IDs. They have no problem, however, requiring IDs to get into their conventions.

Insurrection.....shoot them black folk.
Funny. I just check local Atlanta stations and news outlets, but nobody has anything today about an insurrection. Even saw broadcast from inside the State Capital about the the measure republicans support to limit voting, but it was quiet in the halls of the state capital and no mention of a riot. did read aout estimated 2 dozen people that showed up planning to protest outside the capital for 12 hours. Don't know if they stayed all day or not. When the only articles you can find supporting a riot are from hundreds or thousands of miles away from the new worthy(?) event, the stories are usually trumped up lies or posted by intentional liars, figuring nobody will check local sourcesl
Georgia legislators just got serious about fixing this nation’s voter fraud problem by passing a bill requiring ID to vote absentee. The Hill reported,

The Georgia state Senate on Tuesday passed legislation that would require voters to submit a driver’s license number, state identification card number or a photocopy of an approved form of identification in order to vote absentee in the state.
Predictably, the passing of this bill sparked a protest by Democrats on Monday who don’t want anyone to know who is voting absentee. Voter ID laws mean less fraud, a thing no Democrat I’ve ever known wants. Instead, they pretend it’s “racist” to require IDs. They have no problem, however, requiring IDs to get into their conventions.

Insurrection.....shoot them black folk.


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