Antifa attacks little girl and her father


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Antifa Attacks Little Girl And Her Father

A pair of conservative rally demonstrators were attacked and chased down a highway by a large Antifa mob after they got separated from the main group of conservative marchers.

When Michelle said go low they Obeyed past their orders ............... the low go after children they know what that does to the non communist thinnkers it's a bait trap
Concealed carry is a wonderful thing....5 maybe 6 dead Antifa DemonRATS in the middle of the street would send a strong message....just have to be hit a few times with the baseball bats or a brick they tend to carry...bleed alot and open . click, click...time for the second clip!.....a little pain for all that gain! Patriots need to think these things out!
Antifa Attacks Little Girl And Her Father

A pair of conservative rally demonstrators were attacked and chased down a highway by a large Antifa mob after they got separated from the main group of conservative marchers.

When Michelle said go low they Obeyed past their orders ............... the low go after children they know what that does to the non communist thinnkers it's a bait trap

The Anitifa mob are of course, sub human scum.

But the conservative rally demonstrator, is a reckless fool, taking his daughter to Portland, if that is what he did.
Antifa Attacks Little Girl And Her Father

A pair of conservative rally demonstrators were attacked and chased down a highway by a large Antifa mob after they got separated from the main group of conservative marchers.

When Michelle said go low they Obeyed past their orders ............... the low go after children they know what that does to the non communist thinnkers it's a bait trap

The Anitifa mob are of course, sub human scum.

But the conservative rally demonstrator, is a reckless fool, taking his daughter to Portland, if that is what he did.
I certainly agree with that point....perhaps a few 21 year old frat boys with WALKING CANES that are needed after the football injuries they attained from last weeks scrimmages....lolololol!
The white prog female broadcasters with children on TV must be the targets of this. Once they are attacked and feel what they in part help to cause then they will start to get it. There is no point to protest if you do not expect and prepare for the worst. Ending up with permanent injuries or death is not going to win anything. ANTIFA is playing with free money.
Wow. Real tough chasing a kid and his dad. They are sad excuses for humans There a group of scumbags

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