ANTIFA is the Neo Red Guard

Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.

If James Fields was a Proud Boy, then Lizzie Grubman was an ANTIFA.

Lizzie Grubman did similar to James Fields.
The sentencing, and media publicity were totally different, however.

Now, why is that?

Could it be because one side is a Leftist, and the other a Right winger?

There's a glaring hypocrisy, and the idiots fall for it every time.

I certainly don't support the actions of James Fields.

But, it's out of control, that they are so intent on brainwashing the masses, and throwing the book at Right-Wingers, and not everybody else so much...
Finally, someone in ANTIFA has acknowledged the ideological roots of ANTIFA. It's the U.S. equivalent of Mao's Red Guard.

EDIT: From now on, I'm referring to them as KLANTIFA.

Compare this:

View attachment 267706

with this:

View attachment 267707
It's certainly telling when those known as donnie's deplorables are all against anti-fascist people.
If fascism takes root in the US it will be our "progressives" (pronounced: regressives) who plant it and they will do so under the guise of anti-fascism, perhaps even cynically calling themselves something like ... ANTIFA.
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The mayor of Portland just banned MASKS at demonstrations...that's the end of these low-life cowards in Portland.

Or not....It could be used to actually help Antifa.

Suppose the mayor and other Portland authorities somehow fail to enforce the ban against everyone equally?
I'm not sure if Antifa was the ONLY group using masks...maybe....but even if it's banned, the ban is useless if the Police
won't enforce it.

And so far, the Portland Police seem to side with the Mayor and Antifa.

I guess time will tell.
I'm a combat Vet, of millions who will not see you vermin trash our Constitution and ruin our nation with your filthy communism....anything else?

That's really good to hear. I hope it's true.
But, so much damage has already been done with no answer.

The Constitution has already been trashed. Gun rights, for example, are being revoked little by little across the nation. Opposition has been silenced at Universities.
Warrant-less searches, civil forfeiture, the "patriot" Act....and on and on and on....
They're already well on the road to severely limiting 2nd Amendment rights. I'm no longer sure anything would be done if they started confiscating brazenly.

Seems to me the Communists have been handed a blank check and keys to the bank. Everyone is afraid.

What will it take? will they have to begin rounding up the opposition and loading them into the trains?
Will they have to make Sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants and provide them with free legal aid, free health care and free education (even though Americans can't get that)?

Maybe if the Supreme Court illegally allows something like forced health care payments? Maybe that will do it?
If none of that, what if they take our children (for God's sake) and force them to learn about sexual perversion in schools....would that do it?

If none of those have....I doubt the cavalry can be counted on. Sad to say.

I just don't see this willingness you speak of to defend the Constitution. Nothing personal. I'm sure you'd be one of the few who would.
But I think you'd be a VERY, VERY small group all told. Not millions.

Again, I hope I'm wrong.....because the way we're headed the real shit is gonna hit the fan sooner or later. Probably after they outright steal an election.

God bless and thank you for your service.
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.

Say what?
Antifa are just a rerun of the spineless pieces of shit from the sixties, socialists... They are easily defeated
But what do these "proud boys," white "militia" gangs, KKKers, want? What is their motive that drives them? Just who are these people? They are not wanted in decent communities.

Here is what you keep missing: the right wing group you cite are fringe groups that no mainstream conservatives support. KLANTIFA is supported by the Dems.

How do we tell anyone apart? Where is the list? What is a "mainstream conservative"? Groups with names? Policies? What are the distinguishing characteristics? "conservatives" now are a radically different group from when I was growing up, with different values and policies. Only the name is the same.

Condolences on your lack of awareness.

My "lack of awareness" of exactly what??? Be specific, you all-wise person. What exactly do you know that I don't know?

You clearly don't bother to inform yourself of what conservatism is. I'm not your interwebs reserach assistant. If you really want to learn, read up on your own.
Finally, someone in ANTIFA has acknowledged the ideological roots of ANTIFA. It's the U.S. equivalent of Mao's Red Guard.

EDIT: From now on, I'm referring to them as KLANTIFA.

Compare this:

View attachment 267706

with this:

View attachment 267707
It's certainly telling when those known as donnie's deplorables are all against anti-fascist people.
If fascism takes root in the US it will be our "progressives" (pronounced: regressives) who plant it and they will do so under the guise of anti-fascism, perhaps even cynically calling themselves something like ... ANTIFA.

That is exactly the risk to our society. Progressivists and their KLANTIFA vanguard are determined to turn the U.S. into an Authoritarian nightmare.
KLANTIFA has guidelines for the press - very FASCIST of them:


Read Antifa's press 'guidelines' for DC rally — it shows everything you need to know about Antifa

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