ANTIFA is the Neo Red Guard

Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?

Thank God "someone" is pushing back.

You leftists are comfortable knowing that no matter what you do, VERY FEW will push back. But when they do, the first thing you do is accuse the DEFENDERS.
Never the OFFENDERS like Antifa etc.

An outbreak of violence here....a spattering of violence there.....and suddenly you have Civil war

What is a "leftist"? These "antifa" might be running around on our streets, but so are these "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types. They are, as you say, "offenders." Trash from the sewer. Do not pretend that they "defend" anything. I am an American.I am from a European background. Do not try to rope me into this plot to destroy the United States. This trash does not belong on our streets. How long before these "proud boys" or these "militia" gangs invade MY community? They are criminals and domestic terrorists. I will not play this game. Trash is trash.

One of these things is not like the other. KLANTIFA are the ones inciting violence and beating up journalists for reporting on their behavior.

Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

No. They are not. Speech is not inciting violence.
Oh, and I did want to take this opportunity to thank the double digit IQ members of the hive mind who have participated in this thread, thus confirming that post #2 in this thread is 100% accurate.
Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?

Thank God "someone" is pushing back.

You leftists are comfortable knowing that no matter what you do, VERY FEW will push back. But when they do, the first thing you do is accuse the DEFENDERS.
Never the OFFENDERS like Antifa etc.

An outbreak of violence here....a spattering of violence there.....and suddenly you have Civil war

What is a "leftist"? These "antifa" might be running around on our streets, but so are these "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types. They are, as you say, "offenders." Trash from the sewer. Do not pretend that they "defend" anything. I am an American.I am from a European background. Do not try to rope me into this plot to destroy the United States. This trash does not belong on our streets. How long before these "proud boys" or these "militia" gangs invade MY community? They are criminals and domestic terrorists. I will not play this game. Trash is trash.

One of these things is not like the other. KLANTIFA are the ones inciting violence and beating up journalists for reporting on their behavior.

Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?
Don't play in the street
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
You have been talking to Mayor Nagin of NOLA again havn't you? The chocolate city mayor and the prog female governor killed thousands. But you blamed W. Bush. One of the great things about Trump is that he has shown us the frauds if times get bad. Depending who people listen to can/will decide if they survive in bad situations.
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
You have been talking to Mayor Nagin of NOLA again havn't you? The chocolate city mayor and the prog female governor killed thousands. But you blamed W. Bush. One of the great things about Trump is that he has shown us the frauds if times get bad. Depending who people listen to can/will decide if they survive in bad situations.
What in the hell are you even talking about??? Who killed whom? Blamed whom for what? Are you in Louisiana and drinking?
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
You are not too bright yourself.
The subject is supposed to be antifa's ideological roots.
There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
You are not too bright yourself.
The subject is supposed to be antifa's ideological roots.
Which has nothing to do with the Proud Boys, idiot.

Proud Boys being a despicable group does not make ANTIFA any less despicable.

They are merely two different forms of authoritarian intolerance .
What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
You are not too bright yourself.
The subject is supposed to be antifa's ideological roots.
Which has nothing to do with the Proud Boys, idiot.

Proud Boys being a despicable group does not make ANTIFA any less despicable.

They are merely two different forms of authoritarian intolerance .
Correct, but that has nothing to do with the op.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
You are not too bright yourself.
The subject is supposed to be antifa's ideological roots.
Which has nothing to do with the Proud Boys, idiot.

Proud Boys being a despicable group does not make ANTIFA any less despicable.

They are merely two different forms of authoritarian intolerance .
Correct, but that has nothing to do with the op.
Tell that to your retarded comrade.
I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
You are not too bright yourself.
The subject is supposed to be antifa's ideological roots.
Which has nothing to do with the Proud Boys, idiot.

Proud Boys being a despicable group does not make ANTIFA any less despicable.

They are merely two different forms of authoritarian intolerance .
Correct, but that has nothing to do with the op.
Tell that to your retarded comrade.
I'm telling you.

We are four pages in and you do not have one post on topic.

You must be trolling.
…..and I don't think there is a single leftist here who doesn't defend them.

I see very few conservatives defending David Duke, but the left has become so tribal that even a despicably violent group like ANTIFA will be defended by the rank and file members of the hive mind.

I agree with that.
The same for White Supremacist, who the left ironically try to say are Republicans, you see conservatives overwhelmingly denouncing them.
Same for Farrakhan, Al Sharpton the list is long.
There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.

What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
You are not too bright yourself.
The subject is supposed to be antifa's ideological roots.

"antifa's ideological roots" mean nothing absent an examination of the ideological roots of these other groups I mentioned. Who are these "proud boys," white "militia" gangs, etc.? They seem to embrace and champion the ways of fascism. Of course, they will generate opposition from Americans. Do you want animals like "proud boys" and "militia" running amuck in your neighborhood?
What "assaults on the right"? How does "the Left," whomever they are, incite violence?

Go ahead and deny that the these right-wing sewer-scum boys travel to incite violence. The right-wingers try to assault decent Americans. We have a right to respond to these pigs who invade our streets. To demonstrate, many of the people who caused trouble in Charlottesville were from Ohio and beyond. Are the people fighting in Washington and Oregon all locals?

These "proud boys," "militia" gangs, neo-nazi gangs, and the rest of their sort travel to incite violence. Even here in northern Virginia, people went to their mailboxes only to find KKK literature planted by someone in the middle of the night.

What has been done to "the Right"? How has the far right been attacked? Please provide the facts and locales.
It's the subject of this thread, you dumb shit.

A person who is merely conservative was attacked and you support that simply because you are a fucking retarded imbecile.

I am asking who these proud boys, white "militia" gangs, "Jews will not replace us" tiki torchers are and why are they bringing their shit onto America's streets.

What does "conservative" even mean anymore? It used to mean something else but now seems only to denote white trash.
The subject is ANTIFA violence.

I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand .
You are not too bright yourself.
The subject is supposed to be antifa's ideological roots.

"antifa's ideological roots" mean nothing absent an examination of the ideological roots of these other groups I mentioned. Who are these "proud boys," white "militia" gangs, etc.? They seem to embrace and champion the ways of fascism. Of course, they will generate opposition from Americans. Do you want animals like "proud boys" and "militia" running amuck in your neighborhood?
Antifa has a history all its own. It goes back to Nazi era Germany.

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