ANTIFA is the Neo Red Guard

View attachment 267718
The Origins of Antifa

Germany 1932.

One of the drivers to the rise of Hitler.
That link says fractured politics was what lead to Hitler's ability to gain control of the country.
Your point?
Does that mean all other factors cannot be considered?
The point is that actuating a self defense unit to fight Nazi aggression did not in itself lead to the rise of Hitler.
What is this "line" that any of us might "step much farther out of line" with? Who are you? This is not American. You apparently do not belong to the U.S.A. and you don't want to live here among your fellow citizens.

Just who do you think you are? You aren't any of us Americans. Explain your self.

I'm a combat Vet, of millions who will not see you vermin trash our Constitution and ruin our nation with your filthy communism....anything else?
I was a communist for a time when I was younger.

Then I turned 16 and put away such childishness .
View attachment 267718
The Origins of Antifa

Germany 1932.

One of the drivers to the rise of Hitler.
That link says fractured politics was what lead to Hitler's ability to gain control of the country.
Your point?
Does that mean all other factors cannot be considered?
The point is that actuating a self defense unit to fight Nazi aggression did not in itself lead to the rise of Hitler.
So the KPD were freedom fighters then huh? They only existed to fight the NAZI menace? Good Communists...only concerned with protecting the German people.

Do faggots like you grow on trees or are you shat out?
View attachment 267718
The Origins of Antifa

Germany 1932.

One of the drivers to the rise of Hitler.
That link says fractured politics was what lead to Hitler's ability to gain control of the country.
Your point?
Does that mean all other factors cannot be considered?
The point is that actuating a self defense unit to fight Nazi aggression did not in itself lead to the rise of Hitler.
So the KPD were freedom fighters then huh? They only existed to fight the NAZI menace? Good Communists...only concerned with protecting the German people.

Do faggots like you grow on trees or are you shat out?
You have no argument I see.

Enjoy the rest of your Fourth.
Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?

Thank God "someone" is pushing back.

You leftists are comfortable knowing that no matter what you do, VERY FEW will push back. But when they do, the first thing you do is accuse the DEFENDERS.
Never the OFFENDERS like Antifa etc.

An outbreak of violence here....a spattering of violence there.....and suddenly you have Civil war
View attachment 267718
The Origins of Antifa

Germany 1932.

One of the drivers to the rise of Hitler.
That link says fractured politics was what lead to Hitler's ability to gain control of the country.
Your point?
Does that mean all other factors cannot be considered?
The point is that actuating a self defense unit to fight Nazi aggression did not in itself lead to the rise of Hitler.
So the KPD were freedom fighters then huh? They only existed to fight the NAZI menace? Good Communists...only concerned with protecting the German people.

Do faggots like you grow on trees or are you shat out?
You have no argument I see.

Enjoy the rest of your Fourth.
Go jump into an AIDS bush...****.

Everything these Alt-Left thugs use today is exactly the same as back then. Their logo, weaponized words, double standards and lack of logic. Its all from Germany 85 years ago. They call everyone Nazis because that is who their opposition in Germany was. Antifa prefaced The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and empowered them. Without Antifa’s violence the Nazi party would have never won anything.

Antifaschistische Aktion
The first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic. During the early 1930s amidst rising tensions between Nazis and the communists, Berlin in particular has been the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups. In May 1932, the communist paramilitary organisation Rotfrontkämpferbund had been banned and, following a skirmish between Nazi and communist members in the parliament, the Antifaschistische Aktion was founded to ensure that the communists had still a militant wing to rival the paramilitary organisations of the Nazis. After the forced dissolution in the wake of the Machtergreifung in 1933, the movement was revived during the 1980s.

One of the biggest antifascist campaigns in Germany in recent years was the, ultimately successful, effort to block the annual Nazi-rallies in the east German city of Dresden in Saxony, which had grown into “Europe’s biggest gathering of Nazis”.

In October 2016, the Antifa in Dresden campaigned on the occasion of the anniversary of the reunification of Germany on 3 October for “turning Unity celebrations into a disaster” („Einheitsfeierlichkeiten zum Desaster machen“), to protest this display of new German nationalism, whilst explicitly not ruling out the use of violence.

source Antifa Flag Comes Directly From The German Communist Party In 1932 | From the Trenches World Report

Everything these Alt-Left thugs use today is exactly the same as back then. Their logo, weaponized words, double standards and lack of logic. Its all from Germany 85 years ago. They call everyone Nazis because that is who their opposition in Germany was. Antifa prefaced The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and empowered them. Without Antifa’s violence the Nazi party would have never won anything.

Antifaschistische Aktion
The first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic. During the early 1930s amidst rising tensions between Nazis and the communists, Berlin in particular has been the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups. In May 1932, the communist paramilitary organisation Rotfrontkämpferbund had been banned and, following a skirmish between Nazi and communist members in the parliament, the Antifaschistische Aktion was founded to ensure that the communists had still a militant wing to rival the paramilitary organisations of the Nazis. After the forced dissolution in the wake of the Machtergreifung in 1933, the movement was revived during the 1980s.

One of the biggest antifascist campaigns in Germany in recent years was the, ultimately successful, effort to block the annual Nazi-rallies in the east German city of Dresden in Saxony, which had grown into “Europe’s biggest gathering of Nazis”.

In October 2016, the Antifa in Dresden campaigned on the occasion of the anniversary of the reunification of Germany on 3 October for “turning Unity celebrations into a disaster” („Einheitsfeierlichkeiten zum Desaster machen“), to protest this display of new German nationalism, whilst explicitly not ruling out the use of violence.

source Antifa Flag Comes Directly From The German Communist Party In 1932 | From the Trenches World Report
You're learning!

Everything these Alt-Left thugs use today is exactly the same as back then. Their logo, weaponized words, double standards and lack of logic. Its all from Germany 85 years ago. They call everyone Nazis because that is who their opposition in Germany was. Antifa prefaced The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and empowered them. Without Antifa’s violence the Nazi party would have never won anything.

Antifaschistische Aktion
The first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic. During the early 1930s amidst rising tensions between Nazis and the communists, Berlin in particular has been the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups. In May 1932, the communist paramilitary organisation Rotfrontkämpferbund had been banned and, following a skirmish between Nazi and communist members in the parliament, the Antifaschistische Aktion was founded to ensure that the communists had still a militant wing to rival the paramilitary organisations of the Nazis. After the forced dissolution in the wake of the Machtergreifung in 1933, the movement was revived during the 1980s.

One of the biggest antifascist campaigns in Germany in recent years was the, ultimately successful, effort to block the annual Nazi-rallies in the east German city of Dresden in Saxony, which had grown into “Europe’s biggest gathering of Nazis”.

In October 2016, the Antifa in Dresden campaigned on the occasion of the anniversary of the reunification of Germany on 3 October for “turning Unity celebrations into a disaster” („Einheitsfeierlichkeiten zum Desaster machen“), to protest this display of new German nationalism, whilst explicitly not ruling out the use of violence.

source Antifa Flag Comes Directly From The German Communist Party In 1932 | From the Trenches World Report
You're learning!

I've known this for along time. :confused-84:
Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?

Thank God "someone" is pushing back.

You leftists are comfortable knowing that no matter what you do, VERY FEW will push back. But when they do, the first thing you do is accuse the DEFENDERS.
Never the OFFENDERS like Antifa etc.

An outbreak of violence here....a spattering of violence there.....and suddenly you have Civil war

What is a "leftist"? These "antifa" might be running around on our streets, but so are these "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types. They are, as you say, "offenders." Trash from the sewer. Do not pretend that they "defend" anything. I am an American.I am from a European background. Do not try to rope me into this plot to destroy the United States. This trash does not belong on our streets. How long before these "proud boys" or these "militia" gangs invade MY community? They are criminals and domestic terrorists. I will not play this game. Trash is trash.
What is this "line" that any of us might "step much farther out of line" with? Who are you? This is not American. You apparently do not belong to the U.S.A. and you don't want to live here among your fellow citizens.

Just who do you think you are? You aren't any of us Americans. Explain your self.

I'm a combat Vet, of millions who will not see you vermin trash our Constitution and ruin our nation with your filthy communism....anything else?
I was a communist for a time when I was younger.

Then I turned 16 and put away such childishness .

Seeing the tax withholding on the first paycheck does that for most folks.

Everything these Alt-Left thugs use today is exactly the same as back then. Their logo, weaponized words, double standards and lack of logic. Its all from Germany 85 years ago. They call everyone Nazis because that is who their opposition in Germany was. Antifa prefaced The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and empowered them. Without Antifa’s violence the Nazi party would have never won anything.

Antifaschistische Aktion
The first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic. During the early 1930s amidst rising tensions between Nazis and the communists, Berlin in particular has been the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups. In May 1932, the communist paramilitary organisation Rotfrontkämpferbund had been banned and, following a skirmish between Nazi and communist members in the parliament, the Antifaschistische Aktion was founded to ensure that the communists had still a militant wing to rival the paramilitary organisations of the Nazis. After the forced dissolution in the wake of the Machtergreifung in 1933, the movement was revived during the 1980s.

One of the biggest antifascist campaigns in Germany in recent years was the, ultimately successful, effort to block the annual Nazi-rallies in the east German city of Dresden in Saxony, which had grown into “Europe’s biggest gathering of Nazis”.

In October 2016, the Antifa in Dresden campaigned on the occasion of the anniversary of the reunification of Germany on 3 October for “turning Unity celebrations into a disaster” („Einheitsfeierlichkeiten zum Desaster machen“), to protest this display of new German nationalism, whilst explicitly not ruling out the use of violence.

source Antifa Flag Comes Directly From The German Communist Party In 1932 | From the Trenches World Report
You're learning!

But you're not.
Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?

Thank God "someone" is pushing back.

You leftists are comfortable knowing that no matter what you do, VERY FEW will push back. But when they do, the first thing you do is accuse the DEFENDERS.
Never the OFFENDERS like Antifa etc.

An outbreak of violence here....a spattering of violence there.....and suddenly you have Civil war

What is a "leftist"? These "antifa" might be running around on our streets, but so are these "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types. They are, as you say, "offenders." Trash from the sewer. Do not pretend that they "defend" anything. I am an American.I am from a European background. Do not try to rope me into this plot to destroy the United States. This trash does not belong on our streets. How long before these "proud boys" or these "militia" gangs invade MY community? They are criminals and domestic terrorists. I will not play this game. Trash is trash.

One of these things is not like the other. KLANTIFA are the ones inciting violence and beating up journalists for reporting on their behavior.
Finally, someone in ANTIFA has acknowledged the ideological roots of ANTIFA. It's the U.S. equivalent of Mao's Red Guard.

Compare this:

View attachment 267706

with this:

View attachment 267707

Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

Going the old equivalency route just shows you refuse to discuss the point at hand.
Finally, someone in ANTIFA has acknowledged the ideological roots of ANTIFA. It's the U.S. equivalent of Mao's Red Guard.

EDIT: From now on, I'm referring to them as KLANTIFA.

Compare this:

View attachment 267706

with this:

View attachment 267707
It's certainly telling when those known as donnie's deplorables are all against anti-fascist people.

KLANTIFA is not Anti-Fascist. Their self-label is an Orwellian bit of gaslighting. In realityland, they oppose the Western Civilization Liberty tradition, and wish to replace it with Totalitarianism.
Last edited:
Finally, someone in ANTIFA has acknowledged the ideological roots of ANTIFA. It's the U.S. equivalent of Mao's Red Guard.

EDIT: From now on, I'm referring to them as KLANTIFA.

Compare this:

View attachment 267706

with this:

View attachment 267707
It's certainly telling when those known as donnie's deplorables are all against anti-fascist people.

KLANTIFA is not Anti-Fascists. Their self-label is an Orwellian bit of gaslighting. In realityland, they oppose the Western Civilization Liberty tradition, and wish to replace it with Totalitarianism.

To them anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney is a Fascist.
Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?

Thank God "someone" is pushing back.

You leftists are comfortable knowing that no matter what you do, VERY FEW will push back. But when they do, the first thing you do is accuse the DEFENDERS.
Never the OFFENDERS like Antifa etc.

An outbreak of violence here....a spattering of violence there.....and suddenly you have Civil war

What is a "leftist"? These "antifa" might be running around on our streets, but so are these "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types. They are, as you say, "offenders." Trash from the sewer. Do not pretend that they "defend" anything. I am an American.I am from a European background. Do not try to rope me into this plot to destroy the United States. This trash does not belong on our streets. How long before these "proud boys" or these "militia" gangs invade MY community? They are criminals and domestic terrorists. I will not play this game. Trash is trash.

One of these things is not like the other. KLANTIFA are the ones inciting violence and beating up journalists for reporting on their behavior.

Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?
Bullshit. The "proud boys," these white militia gangs etc. are inciting violence. Who deliberately ran over whom in Charlottesville"? Who chants "Jews will not replace us" while marching down the street? Weren't journalists roughed up at the whore's rallies?

There are always exceptions.
However, the fallacy of your point is that in fact, MOST of the violence is incited by the Left.

To deny that is to flat out lie through your teeth.

Also, for the Left to continue it's assaults on the Right and expect the Right to never respond is ludicrous. But because the right seldom responds, it's now "expected" of the Right not to respond.
Finally, someone in ANTIFA has acknowledged the ideological roots of ANTIFA. It's the U.S. equivalent of Mao's Red Guard.

Compare this:

View attachment 267706

with this:

View attachment 267707

Every time that I see this "antifa" appearing somewhere, the thugs from the "Proud Boys," "Patriot Prayer", white "militia" gangs," the richard spencer types seem to be there as well, and violent.

If you want to post something about these "antifa," post something about these other violent groups as well. Just what groups were marching around Charlottesville, carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us," and showing up the next day in bizarre outfits with strangely painted shields, helmets, and truncheons?

Why do you limit your complaints to "antifa"?
The groups you mention aren't violent but they will defend against filth such as you.

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