Antifa shot in balls by rubber bullet… Marxist screams in agony…

Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you....

I could laugh at videos of those moonbats getting what they deserve all day. This one is great played at loud volume at .25 speed.

There's a ton of funny videos of Democrat moonbats getting shot with rubber bullets, tear gassed, run over, decked by patriots and catching themselves on fire at Leaked Reality.
Lancaster Black Lives Matter Militant Calls for People to Shoot Cops After Rioters Are Shot With Rubber Bullets

Kyle Rittenhouse proved the point exactly. He was attacked and defended himself, yet he has been arrested and charged with murder. Meanwhile, the guy he shot in the arm is a convicted felon, illegally had a gun in his hand when tried to assault Rittenhouse and was shot, ANNNND, he STILL not been charged with a crime,.... showing us how far the left will go to keep these criminals out of jail and in the riots !
The fact Kyle has been charged with 1st degree murder, while protecting himself from """3""" Convicted felons trying to commit bodily harm against him, is truly a sick agenda the left has for our nation !
From where I sit, ..............Soviet style 'fairness' is all we can expect from the left !
American citizens are awakening.
The two tiered justice system is being exposed, The election of President Trump exposed the lies of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist, the lying Quisling MSM lies and disinformation.
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Lancaster Black Lives Matter Militant Calls for People to Shoot Cops After Rioters Are Shot With Rubber Bullets

Kyle Rittenhouse proved the point exactly. He was attacked and defended himself, yet he has been arrested and charged with murder. Meanwhile, the guy he shot in the arm is a convicted felon, illegally had a gun in his hand when tried to assault Rittenhouse and was shot, ANNNND, he STILL not been charged with a crime,.... showing us how far the left will go to keep these criminals out of jail and in the riots !
The fact Kyle has been charged with 1st degree murder, while protecting himself from """3""" Convicted felons trying to commit bodily harm against him, is truly a sick agenda the left has for our nation !
From where I sit, ..............Soviet style 'fairness' is all we can expect from the left !
American citizens are awakening.
The two tiered justice system is being exposed, The election of President Trump exposed the lies of the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist, the lying Quisling MSM lies and disinformation.

Man Who Fired First Shots Behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Has Been Charged

13 Oct 2020 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks
The man who fired the first shots from behind Kyle Rittenhouse during the fatal incident in Kenosha has been charged.
Joshua Ziminski, 35, has been charged with disorderly conduct and use of a dangerous weapon for firing his weapon during the incident on August 25.
According to the charging document, obtained by The Gateway Pundit, while investigating the shooting by Rittenhouse, Kenosha detectives obtained videos in which Ziminski “was holding a black handgun, which he was holding in his left hand, pointing downward. Detective Howard reports that in reviewing multiple other videos, he was able to see the defendant and Kelly Ziminski, in and around multiple other people on the streets, and the defendant was seen holding the handgun down at his side in said videos.”
The police go on to report that when speaking to Ziminski, and his wife who was present at the time, both admitted that he had fired off a “warning shot” into the air.
This strengthens the case that Rittenhouse had reason to fear for his life and was acting in self defense when he shot and killed two rioters.
A New York Times timeline of events of the shooting states, “while Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.”
“Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head,” the Times report continues.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and the biased complicit MSM are working hard to cast this kid and white men as "terrorist white supremacists."
This is the narrative war. Democrat Leftists will crush our sons if we allow them too.
Joshua Ziminski firing his pistol appears that he was trying to stir up the crowd against Mr Rittenhouse, he was intentionally trying to incite violence against Kyle, and is in part responsible for the deaths of the others.
Mr Rittenhouse bares no responsibility as he acted lawfully.
If these anarchist Commies are able to to shut down all businesses, the Yelp is rolling out, to label "raaaaacist" businesses - targeting conservative-owned businesses for destruction.
But if we defeat these anarchist commies and re-claim our homeland, people like Kyle will be the patriot-heroes of our era.
Odd isn't it, JJ Ziminski claims to have fired an inexplicable warning shot into the air while standing beside
his wife on the night of Aug. 25th 2020 while participating in a mostly peaceful protest, then quietly egressing the crowd forming because of the gun shot, while they were both wearing the uniform duj our of the non existent terrorist Antifa the so called mythical non-group.
Then he claimed during an Oct. 7th 2020 police interview that the gun he used was serendipitously
stolen from his residence a “few” days prior to the shooting.
The next questions that have to be asked.. Does Ziminski live in Kenosha does he have a permit for the pistol and is the pistol registered to him?
To make sure I understand. If someone is injured or killed whom I disagree with I am encouraged to cheer and shout they deserved it. Do I have that just about right?

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