antifa terrorist tries to lock people inside building

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I wonder if he was going to torch the place next.

Andy Ngo on Twitter

He deserves a brake check on the way to headquarters. Leo’s will know what that means.

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I think everyone has become aware of the illegal actions of police, and knows what a break check means. It's one of the reasons cops don't have the respect they once had.

Just because you don’t have the balls to be a cop you don’t get an opinion. How many lives did you save, how many bad people did you put in jail. Did you ever have someone pull a gun or knife on you. NO. Just like in any other job there are going to be bad apples. NYPD has 40,000 cops. Yeah there will be some bad one. I wasn’t a good cop I was a great cop. You go to the scene where a guy beat the shit out of his three year old and see how you would feel. Rapes, murders, drug dealers, robbers and women beaters. How many fights have you been in. I worked the projects for 5 years. Fights every night. So unless you been in a police officer shoes you don’t get an opinion. You wouldn’t last a Day in the projects.

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I was a cop for over 5 yrs the destruction that time did to my physical and mental health still lingers. I lost faith in the system and the belief that I could actually make a difference. The "Blue wall of Silence" is real! I was foolish enough to report bad behavior of some of my police brothers. I say mistake because it ended up being the reason I left public service. After reporting misconduct I witnessed on the job, I became a Pariah basically an outcast in the Department. There were several instances when I put out calls for assistance on trouble calls and the "Brothers I trusted to have my back simply turned their backs and didn't respond to assist. I resigned my commission a year later. I now consider most Police Officers to be the Guys who have an axe to grind the "kids who got their milk money taken" who now have the power to get back for all the wrongs that were done to them in their youth. All career Police officers have dirty laundry and skeletons in their closets but I' sure you are clean as the driven snow. How many people did you arrest just because you wanted to cause them grief and financial hardship. I had a partner who I reported for misconduct who would arrest citizens for " failure too do right" ! I actually had to move to another town to escape the constant harassment and intimidation. Did you ever report misconduct by your fellow Police officers? Nah probably just looked the other way it's much safer than doing the right thing when the people abused, mistreated and arrested on false pretense are scumbag perps in your eyes anyway! You must have been a real outsider to get the Jects for five years. They were hoping you would quit dumbass!:5_1_12024:
I wonder if he was going to torch the place next.

Andy Ngo on Twitter

He deserves a brake check on the way to headquarters. Leo’s will know what that means.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think everyone has become aware of the illegal actions of police, and knows what a break check means. It's one of the reasons cops don't have the respect they once had.

Just because you don’t have the balls to be a cop you don’t get an opinion. How many lives did you save, how many bad people did you put in jail. Did you ever have someone pull a gun or knife on you. NO. Just like in any other job there are going to be bad apples. NYPD has 40,000 cops. Yeah there will be some bad one. I wasn’t a good cop I was a great cop. You go to the scene where a guy beat the shit out of his three year old and see how you would feel. Rapes, murders, drug dealers, robbers and women beaters. How many fights have you been in. I worked the projects for 5 years. Fights every night. So unless you been in a police officer shoes you don’t get an opinion. You wouldn’t last a Day in the projects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was a cop for over 5 yrs the destruction that time did to my physical and mental health still lingers. I lost faith in the system and the belief that I could actually make a difference. The "Blue wall of Silence" is real! I was foolish enough to report bad behavior of some of my police brothers. I say mistake because it ended up being the reason I left public service. After reporting misconduct I witnessed on the job, I became a Pariah basically an outcast in the Department. There were several instances when I put out calls for assistance on trouble calls and the "Brothers I trusted to have my back simply turned their backs and didn't respond to assist. I resigned my commission a year later. I now consider most Police Officers to be the Guys who have an axe to grind the "kids who got their milk money taken" who now have the power to get back for all the wrongs that were done to them in their youth. All career Police officers have dirty laundry and skeletons in their closets but I' sure you are clean as the driven snow. How many people did you arrest just because you wanted to cause them grief and financial hardship. I had a partner who I reported for misconduct who would arrest citizens for " failure too do right" ! I actually had to move to another town to escape the constant harassment and intimidation. Did you ever report misconduct by your fellow Police officers? Nah probably just looked the other way it's much safer than doing the right thing when the people abused, mistreated and arrested on false pretense are scumbag perps in your eyes anyway! You must have been a real outsider to get the Jects for five years. They were hoping you would quit dumbass!:5_1_12024:

I never turned my back. I don’t tolerate fellow officers that think the badge and gun make them untouchable. We policed are own. They were spoken to in the locker room and told if it happens again there gone. I’m sorry for what you went through. It always amazed me that other cops would look the other way. Those few bad apples make us all look bad. We have had bad cops who resigned The blue wall of silence isn’t permission to do whatever you want. That’s not tolerated. I was a training officer and I always made sure that the rookies understood to watch there brothers back I thought them the right way to do things. Unfortunately people take the job for the wrong reasons. Money, pension and security. I felt like you, I wanted to make a difference and help people and put the bad ones away. I’m retired, I worked as a police officer and then went to the prosecutors office as a Detective doing Intel and Counter Terrorism. I hate hearing stories like yours and it does happen. For me I noticed that the older cops who were within 5 to 10 years to retire didn’t want to do anything after got mad at you because during the night tour you were locking people up and pulling people over. They just wanted to relax. I had a Sgt. punish me because I locked someone up and he had to wake up to do the paperwork. He put me on post where there wasn’t a lot going on so he can get his rest. So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

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We don’t. We police our own.
Which is, itself, illegal. And very hypocritical.

When you need a cop, instead call Black Lives Matter or antifa. Let us know how that works out.

What are you talking about. I spent 5 years in the projects. Had no problems. So what ever your referring to your wrong. They’re all not bad. It like anything else your going to have some bad apples in the bunch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wonder if he was going to torch the place next.

Andy Ngo on Twitter

He deserves a brake check on the way to headquarters. Leo’s will know what that means.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think everyone has become aware of the illegal actions of police, and knows what a break check means. It's one of the reasons cops don't have the respect they once had.

Just because you don’t have the balls to be a cop you don’t get an opinion. How many lives did you save, how many bad people did you put in jail. Did you ever have someone pull a gun or knife on you. NO. Just like in any other job there are going to be bad apples. NYPD has 40,000 cops. Yeah there will be some bad one. I wasn’t a good cop I was a great cop. You go to the scene where a guy beat the shit out of his three year old and see how you would feel. Rapes, murders, drug dealers, robbers and women beaters. How many fights have you been in. I worked the projects for 5 years. Fights every night. So unless you been in a police officer shoes you don’t get an opinion. You wouldn’t last a Day in the projects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was a cop for over 5 yrs the destruction that time did to my physical and mental health still lingers. I lost faith in the system and the belief that I could actually make a difference. The "Blue wall of Silence" is real! I was foolish enough to report bad behavior of some of my police brothers. I say mistake because it ended up being the reason I left public service. After reporting misconduct I witnessed on the job, I became a Pariah basically an outcast in the Department. There were several instances when I put out calls for assistance on trouble calls and the "Brothers I trusted to have my back simply turned their backs and didn't respond to assist. I resigned my commission a year later. I now consider most Police Officers to be the Guys who have an axe to grind the "kids who got their milk money taken" who now have the power to get back for all the wrongs that were done to them in their youth. All career Police officers have dirty laundry and skeletons in their closets but I' sure you are clean as the driven snow. How many people did you arrest just because you wanted to cause them grief and financial hardship. I had a partner who I reported for misconduct who would arrest citizens for " failure too do right" ! I actually had to move to another town to escape the constant harassment and intimidation. Did you ever report misconduct by your fellow Police officers? Nah probably just looked the other way it's much safer than doing the right thing when the people abused, mistreated and arrested on false pretense are scumbag perps in your eyes anyway! You must have been a real outsider to get the Jects for five years. They were hoping you would quit dumbass!:5_1_12024:

I never turned my back. I don’t tolerate fellow officers that think the badge and gun make them untouchable. We policed are own. They were spoken to in the locker room and told if it happens again there gone. I’m sorry for what you went through. It always amazed me that other cops would look the other way. Those few bad apples make us all look bad. We have had bad cops who resigned The blue wall of silence isn’t permission to do whatever you want. That’s not tolerated. I was a training officer and I always made sure that the rookies understood to watch there brothers back I thought them the right way to do things. Unfortunately people take the job for the wrong reasons. Money, pension and security. I felt like you, I wanted to make a difference and help people and put the bad ones away. I’m retired, I worked as a police officer and then went to the prosecutors office as a Detective doing Intel and Counter Terrorism. I hate hearing stories like yours and it does happen. For me I noticed that the older cops who were within 5 to 10 years to retire didn’t want to do anything after got mad at you because during the night tour you were locking people up and pulling people over. They just wanted to relax. I had a Sgt. punish me because I locked someone up and he had to wake up to do the paperwork. He put me on post where there wasn’t a lot going on so he can get his rest. So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you don't see that as a cop making his own rules? 20 people arrested, not because of what they were doing, but just so you could piss off your superior. That is the definition of a pig. You already said cops had their own special kind of justice. Fuck you and your special justice.
He deserves a brake check on the way to headquarters. Leo’s will know what that means.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think everyone has become aware of the illegal actions of police, and knows what a break check means. It's one of the reasons cops don't have the respect they once had.

Just because you don’t have the balls to be a cop you don’t get an opinion. How many lives did you save, how many bad people did you put in jail. Did you ever have someone pull a gun or knife on you. NO. Just like in any other job there are going to be bad apples. NYPD has 40,000 cops. Yeah there will be some bad one. I wasn’t a good cop I was a great cop. You go to the scene where a guy beat the shit out of his three year old and see how you would feel. Rapes, murders, drug dealers, robbers and women beaters. How many fights have you been in. I worked the projects for 5 years. Fights every night. So unless you been in a police officer shoes you don’t get an opinion. You wouldn’t last a Day in the projects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was a cop for over 5 yrs the destruction that time did to my physical and mental health still lingers. I lost faith in the system and the belief that I could actually make a difference. The "Blue wall of Silence" is real! I was foolish enough to report bad behavior of some of my police brothers. I say mistake because it ended up being the reason I left public service. After reporting misconduct I witnessed on the job, I became a Pariah basically an outcast in the Department. There were several instances when I put out calls for assistance on trouble calls and the "Brothers I trusted to have my back simply turned their backs and didn't respond to assist. I resigned my commission a year later. I now consider most Police Officers to be the Guys who have an axe to grind the "kids who got their milk money taken" who now have the power to get back for all the wrongs that were done to them in their youth. All career Police officers have dirty laundry and skeletons in their closets but I' sure you are clean as the driven snow. How many people did you arrest just because you wanted to cause them grief and financial hardship. I had a partner who I reported for misconduct who would arrest citizens for " failure too do right" ! I actually had to move to another town to escape the constant harassment and intimidation. Did you ever report misconduct by your fellow Police officers? Nah probably just looked the other way it's much safer than doing the right thing when the people abused, mistreated and arrested on false pretense are scumbag perps in your eyes anyway! You must have been a real outsider to get the Jects for five years. They were hoping you would quit dumbass!:5_1_12024:

I never turned my back. I don’t tolerate fellow officers that think the badge and gun make them untouchable. We policed are own. They were spoken to in the locker room and told if it happens again there gone. I’m sorry for what you went through. It always amazed me that other cops would look the other way. Those few bad apples make us all look bad. We have had bad cops who resigned The blue wall of silence isn’t permission to do whatever you want. That’s not tolerated. I was a training officer and I always made sure that the rookies understood to watch there brothers back I thought them the right way to do things. Unfortunately people take the job for the wrong reasons. Money, pension and security. I felt like you, I wanted to make a difference and help people and put the bad ones away. I’m retired, I worked as a police officer and then went to the prosecutors office as a Detective doing Intel and Counter Terrorism. I hate hearing stories like yours and it does happen. For me I noticed that the older cops who were within 5 to 10 years to retire didn’t want to do anything after got mad at you because during the night tour you were locking people up and pulling people over. They just wanted to relax. I had a Sgt. punish me because I locked someone up and he had to wake up to do the paperwork. He put me on post where there wasn’t a lot going on so he can get his rest. So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you don't see that as a cop making his own rules? 20 people arrested, not because of what they were doing, but just so you could piss off your superior. That is the definition of a pig. You already said cops had their own special kind of justice. Fuck you and your special justice.

They broke the law and got arrested.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think everyone has become aware of the illegal actions of police, and knows what a break check means. It's one of the reasons cops don't have the respect they once had.

Just because you don’t have the balls to be a cop you don’t get an opinion. How many lives did you save, how many bad people did you put in jail. Did you ever have someone pull a gun or knife on you. NO. Just like in any other job there are going to be bad apples. NYPD has 40,000 cops. Yeah there will be some bad one. I wasn’t a good cop I was a great cop. You go to the scene where a guy beat the shit out of his three year old and see how you would feel. Rapes, murders, drug dealers, robbers and women beaters. How many fights have you been in. I worked the projects for 5 years. Fights every night. So unless you been in a police officer shoes you don’t get an opinion. You wouldn’t last a Day in the projects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was a cop for over 5 yrs the destruction that time did to my physical and mental health still lingers. I lost faith in the system and the belief that I could actually make a difference. The "Blue wall of Silence" is real! I was foolish enough to report bad behavior of some of my police brothers. I say mistake because it ended up being the reason I left public service. After reporting misconduct I witnessed on the job, I became a Pariah basically an outcast in the Department. There were several instances when I put out calls for assistance on trouble calls and the "Brothers I trusted to have my back simply turned their backs and didn't respond to assist. I resigned my commission a year later. I now consider most Police Officers to be the Guys who have an axe to grind the "kids who got their milk money taken" who now have the power to get back for all the wrongs that were done to them in their youth. All career Police officers have dirty laundry and skeletons in their closets but I' sure you are clean as the driven snow. How many people did you arrest just because you wanted to cause them grief and financial hardship. I had a partner who I reported for misconduct who would arrest citizens for " failure too do right" ! I actually had to move to another town to escape the constant harassment and intimidation. Did you ever report misconduct by your fellow Police officers? Nah probably just looked the other way it's much safer than doing the right thing when the people abused, mistreated and arrested on false pretense are scumbag perps in your eyes anyway! You must have been a real outsider to get the Jects for five years. They were hoping you would quit dumbass!:5_1_12024:

I never turned my back. I don’t tolerate fellow officers that think the badge and gun make them untouchable. We policed are own. They were spoken to in the locker room and told if it happens again there gone. I’m sorry for what you went through. It always amazed me that other cops would look the other way. Those few bad apples make us all look bad. We have had bad cops who resigned The blue wall of silence isn’t permission to do whatever you want. That’s not tolerated. I was a training officer and I always made sure that the rookies understood to watch there brothers back I thought them the right way to do things. Unfortunately people take the job for the wrong reasons. Money, pension and security. I felt like you, I wanted to make a difference and help people and put the bad ones away. I’m retired, I worked as a police officer and then went to the prosecutors office as a Detective doing Intel and Counter Terrorism. I hate hearing stories like yours and it does happen. For me I noticed that the older cops who were within 5 to 10 years to retire didn’t want to do anything after got mad at you because during the night tour you were locking people up and pulling people over. They just wanted to relax. I had a Sgt. punish me because I locked someone up and he had to wake up to do the paperwork. He put me on post where there wasn’t a lot going on so he can get his rest. So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you don't see that as a cop making his own rules? 20 people arrested, not because of what they were doing, but just so you could piss off your superior. That is the definition of a pig. You already said cops had their own special kind of justice. Fuck you and your special justice.

They broke the law and got arrested.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You already said why you arrested them.
Just because you don’t have the balls to be a cop you don’t get an opinion. How many lives did you save, how many bad people did you put in jail. Did you ever have someone pull a gun or knife on you. NO. Just like in any other job there are going to be bad apples. NYPD has 40,000 cops. Yeah there will be some bad one. I wasn’t a good cop I was a great cop. You go to the scene where a guy beat the shit out of his three year old and see how you would feel. Rapes, murders, drug dealers, robbers and women beaters. How many fights have you been in. I worked the projects for 5 years. Fights every night. So unless you been in a police officer shoes you don’t get an opinion. You wouldn’t last a Day in the projects.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was a cop for over 5 yrs the destruction that time did to my physical and mental health still lingers. I lost faith in the system and the belief that I could actually make a difference. The "Blue wall of Silence" is real! I was foolish enough to report bad behavior of some of my police brothers. I say mistake because it ended up being the reason I left public service. After reporting misconduct I witnessed on the job, I became a Pariah basically an outcast in the Department. There were several instances when I put out calls for assistance on trouble calls and the "Brothers I trusted to have my back simply turned their backs and didn't respond to assist. I resigned my commission a year later. I now consider most Police Officers to be the Guys who have an axe to grind the "kids who got their milk money taken" who now have the power to get back for all the wrongs that were done to them in their youth. All career Police officers have dirty laundry and skeletons in their closets but I' sure you are clean as the driven snow. How many people did you arrest just because you wanted to cause them grief and financial hardship. I had a partner who I reported for misconduct who would arrest citizens for " failure too do right" ! I actually had to move to another town to escape the constant harassment and intimidation. Did you ever report misconduct by your fellow Police officers? Nah probably just looked the other way it's much safer than doing the right thing when the people abused, mistreated and arrested on false pretense are scumbag perps in your eyes anyway! You must have been a real outsider to get the Jects for five years. They were hoping you would quit dumbass!:5_1_12024:

I never turned my back. I don’t tolerate fellow officers that think the badge and gun make them untouchable. We policed are own. They were spoken to in the locker room and told if it happens again there gone. I’m sorry for what you went through. It always amazed me that other cops would look the other way. Those few bad apples make us all look bad. We have had bad cops who resigned The blue wall of silence isn’t permission to do whatever you want. That’s not tolerated. I was a training officer and I always made sure that the rookies understood to watch there brothers back I thought them the right way to do things. Unfortunately people take the job for the wrong reasons. Money, pension and security. I felt like you, I wanted to make a difference and help people and put the bad ones away. I’m retired, I worked as a police officer and then went to the prosecutors office as a Detective doing Intel and Counter Terrorism. I hate hearing stories like yours and it does happen. For me I noticed that the older cops who were within 5 to 10 years to retire didn’t want to do anything after got mad at you because during the night tour you were locking people up and pulling people over. They just wanted to relax. I had a Sgt. punish me because I locked someone up and he had to wake up to do the paperwork. He put me on post where there wasn’t a lot going on so he can get his rest. So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you don't see that as a cop making his own rules? 20 people arrested, not because of what they were doing, but just so you could piss off your superior. That is the definition of a pig. You already said cops had their own special kind of justice. Fuck you and your special justice.

They broke the law and got arrested.

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You already said why you arrested them.

Yes dipshit. They broke the law. They broke several laws I gave them the option to clean it up and leave. They didn’t so they got arrested and charged with several crimes. I don’t lock up people for no reason I take the bad peoples off the streets period. Don’t ever question my integrity again Anyone.

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Antifa terrorists broke the Law..... and they got arrested...I love when stories have a happy ending.:04::eusa_clap:
I was a cop for over 5 yrs the destruction that time did to my physical and mental health still lingers. I lost faith in the system and the belief that I could actually make a difference. The "Blue wall of Silence" is real! I was foolish enough to report bad behavior of some of my police brothers. I say mistake because it ended up being the reason I left public service. After reporting misconduct I witnessed on the job, I became a Pariah basically an outcast in the Department. There were several instances when I put out calls for assistance on trouble calls and the "Brothers I trusted to have my back simply turned their backs and didn't respond to assist. I resigned my commission a year later. I now consider most Police Officers to be the Guys who have an axe to grind the "kids who got their milk money taken" who now have the power to get back for all the wrongs that were done to them in their youth. All career Police officers have dirty laundry and skeletons in their closets but I' sure you are clean as the driven snow. How many people did you arrest just because you wanted to cause them grief and financial hardship. I had a partner who I reported for misconduct who would arrest citizens for " failure too do right" ! I actually had to move to another town to escape the constant harassment and intimidation. Did you ever report misconduct by your fellow Police officers? Nah probably just looked the other way it's much safer than doing the right thing when the people abused, mistreated and arrested on false pretense are scumbag perps in your eyes anyway! You must have been a real outsider to get the Jects for five years. They were hoping you would quit dumbass!:5_1_12024:

I never turned my back. I don’t tolerate fellow officers that think the badge and gun make them untouchable. We policed are own. They were spoken to in the locker room and told if it happens again there gone. I’m sorry for what you went through. It always amazed me that other cops would look the other way. Those few bad apples make us all look bad. We have had bad cops who resigned The blue wall of silence isn’t permission to do whatever you want. That’s not tolerated. I was a training officer and I always made sure that the rookies understood to watch there brothers back I thought them the right way to do things. Unfortunately people take the job for the wrong reasons. Money, pension and security. I felt like you, I wanted to make a difference and help people and put the bad ones away. I’m retired, I worked as a police officer and then went to the prosecutors office as a Detective doing Intel and Counter Terrorism. I hate hearing stories like yours and it does happen. For me I noticed that the older cops who were within 5 to 10 years to retire didn’t want to do anything after got mad at you because during the night tour you were locking people up and pulling people over. They just wanted to relax. I had a Sgt. punish me because I locked someone up and he had to wake up to do the paperwork. He put me on post where there wasn’t a lot going on so he can get his rest. So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you don't see that as a cop making his own rules? 20 people arrested, not because of what they were doing, but just so you could piss off your superior. That is the definition of a pig. You already said cops had their own special kind of justice. Fuck you and your special justice.

They broke the law and got arrested.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You already said why you arrested them.

Yes dipshit. They broke the law. They broke several laws I gave them the option to clean it up and leave. They didn’t so they got arrested and charged with several crimes. I don’t lock up people for no reason I take the bad peoples off the streets period. Don’t ever question my integrity again Anyone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Of course you had a reason. You stated it in your previous post

So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.
What are you talking about. I spent 5 years in the projects. Had no problems. So what ever your referring to your wrong. They’re all not bad. It like anything else your going to have some bad apples in the bunch.

People that bitch about cops all the time shouldn't call them when they need help. That's it.
I never turned my back. I don’t tolerate fellow officers that think the badge and gun make them untouchable. We policed are own. They were spoken to in the locker room and told if it happens again there gone. I’m sorry for what you went through. It always amazed me that other cops would look the other way. Those few bad apples make us all look bad. We have had bad cops who resigned The blue wall of silence isn’t permission to do whatever you want. That’s not tolerated. I was a training officer and I always made sure that the rookies understood to watch there brothers back I thought them the right way to do things. Unfortunately people take the job for the wrong reasons. Money, pension and security. I felt like you, I wanted to make a difference and help people and put the bad ones away. I’m retired, I worked as a police officer and then went to the prosecutors office as a Detective doing Intel and Counter Terrorism. I hate hearing stories like yours and it does happen. For me I noticed that the older cops who were within 5 to 10 years to retire didn’t want to do anything after got mad at you because during the night tour you were locking people up and pulling people over. They just wanted to relax. I had a Sgt. punish me because I locked someone up and he had to wake up to do the paperwork. He put me on post where there wasn’t a lot going on so he can get his rest. So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you don't see that as a cop making his own rules? 20 people arrested, not because of what they were doing, but just so you could piss off your superior. That is the definition of a pig. You already said cops had their own special kind of justice. Fuck you and your special justice.

They broke the law and got arrested.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You already said why you arrested them.

Yes dipshit. They broke the law. They broke several laws I gave them the option to clean it up and leave. They didn’t so they got arrested and charged with several crimes. I don’t lock up people for no reason I take the bad peoples off the streets period. Don’t ever question my integrity again Anyone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Of course you had a reason. You stated it in your previous post

So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Exactly and the broke the law. Several laws. They were given a chance to clean up and leave. Would you want your kids playing in a park like that with glass and broken equipment around.

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And you don't see that as a cop making his own rules? 20 people arrested, not because of what they were doing, but just so you could piss off your superior. That is the definition of a pig. You already said cops had their own special kind of justice. Fuck you and your special justice.

They broke the law and got arrested.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You already said why you arrested them.

Yes dipshit. They broke the law. They broke several laws I gave them the option to clean it up and leave. They didn’t so they got arrested and charged with several crimes. I don’t lock up people for no reason I take the bad peoples off the streets period. Don’t ever question my integrity again Anyone.

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Of course you had a reason. You stated it in your previous post

So to teach him a lesson I had about 20 guys in the park drinking smashing bottles and just being idiots. I told them to leave and they didn’t so I arrested the all. 5 police cars full. The Sgt. never did that again.

Exactly and the broke the law. Several laws. They were given a chance to clean up and leave. Would you want your kids playing in a park like that with glass and broken equipment around.

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You already made it perfectly clear why you arrested all those people. You even bragged about cops having
"their own special justice" It must be hard for you to not be able to lie to cover up what really happened.
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