Antifa Was in the Capitol

Your post is a lie, Frank.
It's a photo, Loon. Take you meds

Your post is a lie, Frank, For heaven’s sake how could you believe anything that stupid. I think you need to see the wizard for a brain.

I think you stopped taking your meds


You Trumpies went and crossed that line didn't you. No doubt you're feeling so smug and proud today seeing God work his miracles through Trump.

The growing meme taking hold in our country today is NOT you fuckers storming the capitol though it is its catalyst.

No no. It's your NAME and organization now being compared to terrorist and it's members as terrorist.

The only difference between you fucksticks and Hamas is the MAGA hats y'all wear.

You have become the enemy within. And as soon as y'all are identified...?

Don't be at all surprised if you walk out one sunny day, looking up and admiring the weather.... you see a drone circling that shithole "bunker" you call a home and see/hear flashing lights and sirens coming ever closer and closer for you because what y'all did yesterday was attack something Americans hold dear and treasure. Our democratic republic.

You stupid fuckers attacked the center of our democratic republic.

And there's no excusing that.

You Trumpies went and crossed that line didn't you. No doubt you're feeling so smug and proud today seeing God work his miracles through Trump.

The growing meme taking hold in our country today is NOT you fuckers storming the capitol though it is its catalyst.

No no. It's your NAME and organization now being compared to terrorist and it's members as terrorist.

The only difference between you fucksticks and Hamas is the MAGA hats y'all wear.

You have become the enemy within. And as soon as y'all are identified...?

Don't be at all surprised if you walk out one sunny day, looking up and admiring the weather.... you see a drone circling that shithole "bunker" you call a home and see/hear flashing lights and sirens coming ever closer and closer for you because what y'all did yesterday was attack something Americans hold dear and treasure. Our democratic republic.

You stupid fuckers attacked the center of our democratic republic.

And there's no excusing that.
Look, clearly you’re a dumb ass. So just do us both a favor and put me in ignore so you don’t have to masturbate to your delusional depiction of me, and I don’t need to be notified that I have a pending response from a complete retard.
Trump's goons have sealed his repugnant legacy. What an appropriate end to a sordid quadrennium.

The idiot with the horns is Trumper/QAnon idiot Jake Anjeli
DC police escorted 4 busload of Antifa to DC (dressed in "MAGA" outfits), let them through the barricades, then murdered Ashli Babbitt

War is upon us

Debunked. The Washington Examiner tried this and it didn't work. LIAR!
Division is their weapon that they are using to bring this country down.

Youtube quickly removed this video of a conservative White guy explaining about how a Green party candidate Cynthia Mckinney is a Pres. Trump's supporter. And that she was attacked backed then the way they have done to Pres. Trump. And basically throughout this video. That he was speaking very high;y of this Black woman. And so what's the harm of that?
Like I've said. The weapon that they are using is division. And which it shows that the only way that they can be destroyed, it is if the people unites. And if that happens, that they will have to run for the hills.
They have been pushing these narratives like socialism racism to keep us all to stay in our lanes. But I'm going to let you all know that Fidel Castro was a good man. He was one of the brave ones that fought back at this Global cabal. And he never give up. But this group of Elites instilled in our minds that he was a dictator because he killed those that were trying to overthrow him, like the way they are doing to Pres. Trump. These Globalist had many spies in Cuba. That were ready to perform a coup against Fidel. But Fidel found them and then killed them. But was that wrong?
God said that we are not seeing things eye to eye. That we are still judging others by their appearances.
Everybody only listens to what they love to hear. And if you keep on listening to these storylines that was fed to you by this Global cabal? That God will let this Global cabal to be your shepherds. And they are ready to take you all to the slaughterhouse to make a profit.

John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

In biology, culling is the process of segregating organisms from a group according to desired or undesired characteristics. In animal breeding, it is the process of removing or segregating animals from a breeding stock based on specific trait. This is done to exaggerate desirable characteristics, or to remove undesirable characteristics by altering the genetic diversity of the population. For livestock and wildlife, culling often refers to the act of killing removed animals based on their individual characteristics, such as their sex or species membership.

In fruits and vegetables, culling is the sorting or segregation of fresh harvested produce into marketable lots, with the non-marketable lots being discarded or diverted into food processing or non-food processing activities. This usually happens at collection centres located at, or close to farms.

Antifa Was in the Capitol

So were the Little Sisters of the Poor and the Salvation Army, but the "Trumpiest Congressman" has not tried to implicate them yet.

Fact Check: Were Rioters at the Capitol Antifa
Members in Disguise as Gaetz says?
[Fact Check: Were rioters at the Capitol antifa members in disguise as Gaetz says?]

Meanwhile, not even the most rabid Trumpster seems interested in exposing any of the thousands of clandestine co-conspirators who stole the Loser's "Landslide!", even as Trump goons are being prosecuted and ratting out one another:
Jon Schaffer... self-described "lifetime member" of the Oath Keepers, will become the first Capitol rioter to plead guilty to charges based on his participation in the attack ...when thousands of Trump supporters descended on the Capitol, overwhelming — and in many cases assaulting — police officers. Hundreds of pro-Trump rioters breached the building, sending lawmakers and then-Vice President Mike Pence fleeing for safety.
Several of the Oath Keepers were part of a security detail that guarded longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone, who has denied any knowledge of the group's incursion on the Capitol. The government has also produced hundreds of private messages the Oath Keepers exchanged discussing their plans for attending Trump's Jan. 6 "Stop the Steal" rally and to provide security to certain attendees.
Division is their weapon that they are using to bring this country down.

Youtube quickly removed this video of a conservative White guy explaining about how a Green party candidate Cynthia Mckinney is a Pres. Trump's supporter. And that she was attacked backed then the way they have done to Pres. Trump. And basically throughout this video. That he was speaking very high;y of this Black woman. And so what's the harm of that?
Like I've said. The weapon that they are using is division. And which it shows that the only way that they can be destroyed, it is if the people unites. And if that happens, that they will have to run for the hills.
They have been pushing these narratives like socialism racism to keep us all to stay in our lanes. But I'm going to let you all know that Fidel Castro was a good man. He was one of the brave ones that fought back at this Global cabal. And he never give up. But this group of Elites instilled in our minds that he was a dictator because he killed those that were trying to overthrow him, like the way they are doing to Pres. Trump. These Globalist had many spies in Cuba. That were ready to perform a coup against Fidel. But Fidel found them and then killed them. But was that wrong?
God said that we are not seeing things eye to eye. That we are still judging others by their appearances.
Everybody only listens to what they love to hear. And if you keep on listening to these storylines that was fed to you by this Global cabal? That God will let this Global cabal to be your shepherds. And they are ready to take you all to the slaughterhouse to make a profit.

Nelson Mandela & Fidel Castro: A Video You Won't See on the Evening News
Do sheep only obey their Master's voice?

John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

In biology, culling is the process of segregating organisms from a group according to desired or undesired characteristics. In animal breeding, it is the process of removing or segregating animals from a breeding stock based on specific trait. This is done to exaggerate desirable characteristics, or to remove undesirable characteristics by altering the genetic diversity of the population. For livestock and wildlife, culling often refers to the act of killing removed animals based on their individual characteristics, such as their sex or species membership.

In fruits and vegetables, culling is the sorting or segregation of fresh harvested produce into marketable lots, with the non-marketable lots being discarded or diverted into food processing or non-food processing activities. This usually happens at collection centres located at, or close to farms.

The American electorate disposed of the Loser at its first opportunity to do so.

The Loser then threw a hissyfit and incited his goons to attack the U.S. Congress, affirming the People's verdict.

Self-serving paranoidal delusions, persecution complexes, and playing the victim card endure.
We know you orange cultists want to blame your own behavior on the Left when it blew up in your faces. This is not a surprise.
Well, I'm slightly surprised that the vanquished Trumpies who attacked the police and have been identified, arrested, and are now being prosecuted, didn't try to blame Black Lives Matter in white face first.

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Death Angel said:
Antifa was in the Capitol
For all we know, a hapless vending machine supplier or two may have been "in the Capitol" when Trump goons attacked on January 6, but the hundreds of violent extremists who have been identified, arrested, and are being prosecuted are the proper focus.

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Six California men, four of whom identify as members of "Three Percenter" militias, an anti-government extremist group, have been indicted for conspiring to obstruct congressional proceedings on January 6, the Justice Department announced.
The indictment, which was unsealed Thursday, alleges the group coordinated travel to D.C. with a stated intention to "fight," heeding President Trump's call to protest the results of the presidential election. Some defendants wore tactical gear and at least one, prosecutors said, carried a knife while he pushed past a police line on Capitol grounds.
They are the third militia or extremist group to be cited in a conspiracy case connected to the Capitol riot. Already, federal prosecutors have indicted 16 alleged Oath Keepers in a single conspiracy case, and 15 alleged members or affiliates of the Proud Boys have been charged in four separate conspiracy cases.
The DOJ has previously charged at least four other rioters who they said were affiliated with the Three Percenters.
Were any Rotarians in the vicinity as well ? I would not be surprised.
Let's not be distracted from what is pertinent.

* It should be acknowledged that not all Trump goons who attacked Congress in a failed attempt to prevent it from carrying out its Constitutional responsibility were members of rightist extremist groups:

... In the video, [Jeffrey] Sabol vaulted over a railing and appeared to drag a defenseless cop down a set of stairs...

... According to the indictment, Sabol wrested a baton from a second D.C. police officer who had been knocked down by another rioter outside the Capitol’s western terrace entrance, which would be the site of Joe Biden’s inauguration two weeks later. The officer later needed staples to close a wound on his head. Before being dragged into the mob by Sabol and others, prosecutors say, these officers had tried to reach a woman who died amid the throng.
Sabol, 51, is a geophysicist from Kittredge, Colorado, a small town in the mountains outside Denver. In the weeks after the insurrection, he became one of the approximately 465 people charged so far for their participation in the January 6 insurrection. Sabol faces eight counts, several of them felonies, including the assault of police officers. He and four other defendants named in the same indictment are accused of participating in some of the day’s worst violence, which took place around 4:30 p.m. and resulted in several officers being stripped of their protective gear, dragged, stomped on, and attacked with crutches and a flagpole.

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Alinksy 101: KKK for Bush

Nancy's Reichstag Fire blew up in her face. The Capitol police were initially ordered to stand down until Nancy gave the "Let them in!" order
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Now we begin with the finger pointing... “it was Antifa, it was Trump supporters, it was Antifa disguised as Trump supporters, it was trump supporters disguised as Antifa pretending to be Antifa dressed up as trump
You know what? I don’t give a fuck who it was. Antifa, Trump supporters, the Shriners, knights Templar... I don’t care.
As far as I’m concerned, they were doing gods work. I hope they scared the living shit out of every politician and bureaucrat on capital hill and across the nation.
These assholes lord over us daily, making decisions with little regard for the effect it has in us little people, the peasants. They attend their dinners, their functions, their happy hours, and they decide our fates in a manner that best suits their fancy and feathers their nests.
It’s about freaking time they were all reminded that they serve at our pleasure, and just as easily as they sip their 10am cocktail they can also be ripped out of their ivory tower and hung from lamp posts.
Consider yourselves on notice, assholes. Keep playing politics at the expense of the average American who wishes nothing more than to raise a family and live the best life they can, and you may find yourself shitting yourself under your desk as tens of thousands descend on your office and “have a word with you”.
That goes for the media and big tech too. Keep pushing your personal agendas instead of doing your jobs, and you may wind up being the news instead of reporting it.
OMG..Another right-wing Christian fundamentalist Trump-supporting terrorist..

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