Anus Amri...what did the Germans do wrong?


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
The radical Islamic terrorist who killed Christmas shoppers is on the run. Weak kneed libtards whine that Germans failed in their efforts to deport the scumbag. Was that the critical error? Nay, nay I say. The error was in not talking him to the nearest forest...putting a bullet in the back of his head....say not a word...put him in the ground where he drops...and move on to his friends. Deporting him would be stupid...he would come right back. Termination is the best solution. A lesson America can learn.

Commence whining....

Berlin terror attack: Tunisian suspect Anis Amri 'offered to carry out suicide attack' and was under surveillance for months
"The error was in not talking him to the nearest forest...putting a bullet in the back of his head..."

You answered your own question, although they should have hooked up a generator to his testicles and gleaned some useful info first
A little-understood fact is that Germany - along with most of Western Europe - is dying, demographically speaking. They are not reproducing fast enough even to replace the current population. And they are aging just like us, and living longer, just like us, and without a massive influx of tax-paying outsiders, there will simply not be enough working "Germans" to pay for the social safety net that has been guaranteed to German retirees. But nobody wants to talk about it (except Mark Steyn).

So Merkel had no choice but to promote massive immigration of displaced Middle-Easterners, in the HOPE that the German people would be able to socialize them, and integrate them into the working population as quickly as possible. And they have done a great job of it, with all sorts of education and assistance being offered in virtually every town where they are settling.

But a small percentage of those bastards are bad guys, and there is no foolproof way of weeding them out.

Also, given the past 75 years of history, Germans are hyper-sensitive about appearing to be "racist" in their attitudes, and turning away hundreds of thousands of "brown" people would look bad.

I'm not sure the number is a billion, George...but there are ways to deal with the radicals...whatever the number. We can't sit here and be picked apart. Find the pressure point and apply deadly it a lone gunman, or a hostile government. They can be killed...we have the means...all we need is the will.
ok with me , lots of german grandmas are going to be changing the shizzy diapers of widdle baby jihadi DGS !!
A little-understood fact is that Germany - along with most of Western Europe - is dying, demographically speaking. They are not reproducing fast enough even to replace the current population. And they are aging just like us, and living longer, just like us, and without a massive influx of tax-paying outsiders, there will simply not be enough working "Germans" to pay for the social safety net that has been guaranteed to German retirees. But nobody wants to talk about it (except Mark Steyn).

So Merkel had no choice but to promote massive immigration of displaced Middle-Easterners, in the HOPE that the German people would be able to socialize them, and integrate them into the working population as quickly as possible. And they have done a great job of it, with all sorts of education and assistance being offered in virtually every town where they are settling.

But a small percentage of those bastards are bad guys, and there is no foolproof way of weeding them out.

Also, given the past 75 years of history, Germans are hyper-sensitive about appearing to be "racist" in their attitudes, and turning away hundreds of thousands of "brown" people would look bad.
They should have brought in Chinese instead. Chinese peeps are not into jihad.
How about not letting these worthless people in your country to begin with?

I agree.

They only have themselves to blame.

But....not all is lost.....the can vote that murderer Angela Merkel OUT this time.

That is.....if they don't want the horror to continue. It's up to them.
A little-understood fact is that Germany - along with most of Western Europe - is dying, demographically speaking. They are not reproducing fast enough even to replace the current population. And they are aging just like us, and living longer, just like us, and without a massive influx of tax-paying outsiders, there will simply not be enough working "Germans" to pay for the social safety net that has been guaranteed to German retirees. But nobody wants to talk about it (except Mark Steyn).

So Merkel had no choice but to promote massive immigration of displaced Middle-Easterners, in the HOPE that the German people would be able to socialize them, and integrate them into the working population as quickly as possible. And they have done a great job of it, with all sorts of education and assistance being offered in virtually every town where they are settling.

But a small percentage of those bastards are bad guys, and there is no foolproof way of weeding them out.

Also, given the past 75 years of history, Germans are hyper-sensitive about appearing to be "racist" in their attitudes, and turning away hundreds of thousands of "brown" people would look bad.

Oh give it up. Displaced Middle Easterners? Somalis? Tunisians? Moroccans? All the Afrikaners? No talents. No job skills. Unvetted. What could possibly go wrong?


I'm not sure the number is a billion, George...but there are ways to deal with the radicals...whatever the number. We can't sit here and be picked apart. Find the pressure point and apply deadly it a lone gunman, or a hostile government. They can be killed...we have the means...all we need is the will.

The man on fire...
A little-understood fact is that Germany - along with most of Western Europe - is dying, demographically speaking. They are not reproducing fast enough even to replace the current population. And they are aging just like us, and living longer, just like us, and without a massive influx of tax-paying outsiders, there will simply not be enough working "Germans" to pay for the social safety net that has been guaranteed to German retirees. But nobody wants to talk about it (except Mark Steyn).

So Merkel had no choice but to promote massive immigration of displaced Middle-Easterners, in the HOPE that the German people would be able to socialize them, and integrate them into the working population as quickly as possible. And they have done a great job of it, with all sorts of education and assistance being offered in virtually every town where they are settling.

But a small percentage of those bastards are bad guys, and there is no foolproof way of weeding them out.

Also, given the past 75 years of history, Germans are hyper-sensitive about appearing to be "racist" in their attitudes, and turning away hundreds of thousands of "brown" people would look bad.

Oh give it up. Displaced Middle Easterners? Somalis? Tunisians? Moroccans? All the Afrikaners? No talents. No job skills. Unvetted. What could possibly go wrong?


San Bernardino rings a well as Boston and few other incidents
A little-understood fact is that Germany - along with most of Western Europe - is dying, demographically speaking. They are not reproducing fast enough even to replace the current population. And they are aging just like us, and living longer, just like us, and without a massive influx of tax-paying outsiders, there will simply not be enough working "Germans" to pay for the social safety net that has been guaranteed to German retirees. But nobody wants to talk about it (except Mark Steyn).

So Merkel had no choice but to promote massive immigration of displaced Middle-Easterners, in the HOPE that the German people would be able to socialize them, and integrate them into the working population as quickly as possible. And they have done a great job of it, with all sorts of education and assistance being offered in virtually every town where they are settling.

But a small percentage of those bastards are bad guys, and there is no foolproof way of weeding them out.

Also, given the past 75 years of history, Germans are hyper-sensitive about appearing to be "racist" in their attitudes, and turning away hundreds of thousands of "brown" people would look bad.
The ONLY solution to demographic decline is increasing the birth rate, and the only way to increase the birth rate is to instill pride(nationalism, specifically ethnic based nationalism) in the native population to get them to want to preserve their culture by having children.

If you import foreigners by the millions into a country with a low birth rate, all that happens is that the native population further declines and the culture eventually dies with the only population who has a vested interest in preserving it.

This is literally a checkmate argument on the immigration debate with the Neo-Marxist left btw, but they never actually allow a debate between the polar opposites on this issue without extreme character assassination against the pro-white anti-immigration advocate.

I'm not sure the number is a billion, George...but there are ways to deal with the radicals...whatever the number. We can't sit here and be picked apart. Find the pressure point and apply deadly it a lone gunman, or a hostile government. They can be killed...we have the means...all we need is the will.

You have to understand that we do not have the stomach to fight fanatics.

The world is too liberal. Simply is.

I referenced the movie Man On Fire. Yes, it is a movie, but it highlights how these fanatics need to be defeated. The fact is if we do not FULLY understand what they want to do after 911, then we simply never will.

Oh, there are those of us that do, but not enough.

I'm not sure the number is a billion, George...but there are ways to deal with the radicals...whatever the number. We can't sit here and be picked apart. Find the pressure point and apply deadly it a lone gunman, or a hostile government. They can be killed...we have the means...all we need is the will.

You have to understand that we do not have the stomach to fight fanatics.

The world is too liberal. Simply is.

I referenced the movie Man On Fire. Yes, it is a movie, but it highlights how these fanatics need to be defeated. The fact is if we do not FULLY understand what they want to do after 911, then we simply never will.

Oh, there are those of us that do, but not enough.

Destroying the new left would probably provide us with enough pride and sense to get the job done. I am a leftist and I am more than willing to do what is necessary to preserve the only progressive nations in the world.

The problem is our self hate and guilt(the Democrats)holding us down before we can even attempt to fight. Get rid of our albatross and we still have a chance.
The radical Islamic terrorist who killed Christmas shoppers is on the run. Weak kneed libtards whine that Germans failed in their efforts to deport the scumbag. Was that the critical error? Nay, nay I say. The error was in not talking him to the nearest forest...putting a bullet in the back of his head....say not a word...put him in the ground where he drops...and move on to his friends. Deporting him would be stupid...he would come right back. Termination is the best solution. A lesson America can learn.

Commence whining....

Berlin terror attack: Tunisian suspect Anis Amri 'offered to carry out suicide attack' and was under surveillance for months
What they got wrong was electing Angela Merkel and going with the globalist agenda.
The radical Islamic terrorist who killed Christmas shoppers is on the run. Weak kneed libtards whine that Germans failed in their efforts to deport the scumbag. Was that the critical error? Nay, nay I say. The error was in not talking him to the nearest forest...putting a bullet in the back of his head....say not a word...put him in the ground where he drops...and move on to his friends. Deporting him would be stupid...he would come right back. Termination is the best solution. A lesson America can learn.

Commence whining....

Berlin terror attack: Tunisian suspect Anis Amri 'offered to carry out suicide attack' and was under surveillance for months
What they got wrong was electing Angela Merkel and going with the globalist agenda.
And that agenda is the utter destruction of the west economic system, so that the new world order may be ushered in.

Yes, that is why the refugees all of a sudden had the same idea at the same time to go to EUROPE and inevitably to the USA. It was an absolute invasion and it is and will be death by a thousand cuts essentially.

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