Anus Amri...what did the Germans do wrong?

A little-understood fact is that Germany - along with most of Western Europe - is dying, demographically speaking. They are not reproducing fast enough even to replace the current population. And they are aging just like us, and living longer, just like us, and without a massive influx of tax-paying outsiders, there will simply not be enough working "Germans" to pay for the social safety net that has been guaranteed to German retirees. But nobody wants to talk about it (except Mark Steyn).

So Merkel had no choice but to promote massive immigration of displaced Middle-Easterners, in the HOPE that the German people would be able to socialize them, and integrate them into the working population as quickly as possible. And they have done a great job of it, with all sorts of education and assistance being offered in virtually every town where they are settling.

But a small percentage of those bastards are bad guys, and there is no foolproof way of weeding them out.

Also, given the past 75 years of history, Germans are hyper-sensitive about appearing to be "racist" in their attitudes, and turning away hundreds of thousands of "brown" people would look bad.
The ONLY solution to demographic decline is increasing the birth rate, and the only way to increase the birth rate is to instill pride(nationalism, specifically ethnic based nationalism) in the native population to get them to want to preserve their culture by having children.

If you import foreigners by the millions into a country with a low birth rate, all that happens is that the native population further declines and the culture eventually dies with the only population who has a vested interest in preserving it.

This is literally a checkmate argument on the immigration debate with the Neo-Marxist left btw, but they never actually allow a debate between the polar opposites on this issue without extreme character assassination against the pro-white anti-immigration advocate.

The 2nd paragraph is the wet dream of these regressives. Of course they knew that...

The radical Islamic terrorist who killed Christmas shoppers is on the run. Weak kneed libtards whine that Germans failed in their efforts to deport the scumbag. Was that the critical error? Nay, nay I say. The error was in not talking him to the nearest forest...putting a bullet in the back of his head....say not a word...put him in the ground where he drops...and move on to his friends. Deporting him would be stupid...he would come right back. Termination is the best solution. A lesson America can learn.

Commence whining....

Berlin terror attack: Tunisian suspect Anis Amri 'offered to carry out suicide attack' and was under surveillance for months

Really top notch "surveillance".

If they weren't watching him, he might have killed more than 12 people and injured 50. That's what many casualties he might have caused if they weren't keeping an eye on him...right? :alcoholic:
The radical Islamic terrorist who killed Christmas shoppers is on the run. Weak kneed libtards whine that Germans failed in their efforts to deport the scumbag. Was that the critical error? Nay, nay I say. The error was in not talking him to the nearest forest...putting a bullet in the back of his head....say not a word...put him in the ground where he drops...and move on to his friends. Deporting him would be stupid...he would come right back. Termination is the best solution. A lesson America can learn.

Commence whining....

Berlin terror attack: Tunisian suspect Anis Amri 'offered to carry out suicide attack' and was under surveillance for months
There is no way to stop a big truck or a bus.

It is just lucky that the terrorist did not load the truck with explosives too.

You can put up blockades against them in advance, like they do in DC and now in NYC around Trump's Tower.

But a truck or a bus is unstoppable.

There is nothing the Germans could have done.

Once you open your borders to Mooseleems then that's the floodgates and then it is only a matter of time.

I'm not sure the number is a billion, George...but there are ways to deal with the radicals...whatever the number. We can't sit here and be picked apart. Find the pressure point and apply deadly it a lone gunman, or a hostile government. They can be killed...we have the means...all we need is the will.

So don't sit.

Get yourself a pistol and a CFP license and carry them with you 24/7/365 -- just like me.
One down...ten million to go...lets get on with it!
Acceptable losses, some citizens must die, some citizens will have to be sacrificed, you know so that politicians can brag about how they care about refuges and Muslims and illegals. So a few thousand citizens get killed come on citizens take one for the team.
First off, their immigration policy can best be described as an epic fail.
Secondly Merkle

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