Any Common Idiot Could See This Coming

Refugees not grateful for shelter, food and warm clothes are suing Germany for lack of social benefit pay checks.
Money for nothing, but refugees causing expense of processing, medical care, food, shelter, adapting empty building and schools into housing for them, and they want to be paid as well. Germany is trying to find some of them work but they want welfare instead.
Many refugees are disappearing from processes centers before they can be registered. Thousands infiltrating the country causing who knows what trouble.
This whole process is out of control and I don't blame countries for refusing to disrupt their own citizens lives to take on the refugee problems.
Denmark is also refusing refugees now.
Its not getting better and with winter there will be more concern of potential diseases they might be carrying.
Seems at least one fire in Sweden was set by the firefighters. There is question about others being electrical but still being investigated.
One fine mess Merkel opened the door to.

Migrant crisis pushing Germany towards ‘anarchy and civil war’

The greek island idea was a good one, but not widely accepted at the time. That should have been the processing center for them and gradually introduced to the European hosts after vetting and physical checks.

Some of those that came with the "Syrian" refugees are the roma and dom.
The threat of terrorists is the main concern, especially among those who have disappeared from the camps before being processed.

Many a ship could be used temporarily till the bulk of Syrian can be returned to their homeland. They can find among them those who can prepare food more suited to their taste and faith. Raw supplies could be delivered periodically for them. They could set up their labor and courts and religious observances instead of disrupting other countries. They might set up their crafts and small industries to help offset the cost of their supplies and give them some personal income for when they are resettled. There could be an oversight by the UN or HR groups to maintain order and distribute supplies and document what is needed from the mainland.

Someone has to have a cargo or cruise ship about to be retired that could be stripped down and converted for the refugees.

The need for a safety zone within Syria for the refugees should be a priority. Europe might be more willing to help fund a security zone than they are to taking in the refugees. Syrians would have a start to rebuilding their lives and their country, and sense of normality for their family.

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