Any joggers here?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
I'm thinking of taking up jogging in the morning but was wondering if people do it every day or skip days??? I remember in HS we ran almost every day. Not far but we still ran around a track.
In a burst of insanity, I decided I'd be running the local half-marathon this year. I've never run a distance race before in my life.

So, I'm training hard. I do around 25 miles a week now. Two 7-mile runs and one 11-mile run each week, with a day or two of rest between each run. My legs couldn't take running those distances every day.

I started training on an indoor track, gradually working up the distance. That got too boring as distances increased, so I'm outside now, rain or cold or heat.

My special running gear is ... nothing. I'm using my old sneakers, and having no problems, at least with the shoes. I am having problems with the warmer temps now. I have to learn how to pace it so I don't overheat. And that I can't just tough it out and charge through the whole way without hydrating.

I don't run with music, as I find the voices in my head amusing enough. I do sometimes bring the iPhone with the free iRunner app, which does GPS tracking and occasionally yells out your pace at you. There are lots of little items and apps for jogging, but iRunner was free, and it does the job.
I run about 5 miles two days a week. 4 days a week I lift weights at the gym. 1 day a week I reward myself and sit on my ass and do nothing.
thanks for the info. I quit smoking just around a year ago and thought to myself "I can run if I want to now so, why not?" Also, I liked Forest when he ran across the country 2-3 times non-stop (spiritual) plus a lot of people run around here and I could meet/network w/ other runners.
Jogging is bad for you.

You should look into HIIT instead. That's what I did to train for the last two 5K races I ran.
Used to run nearly every day. Participated in many 10k races. Got pretty good with times under 35 minutes...just under. Not too shabby though! But, that was 20 years and 20 pounds ago. These days, I walk every day and take the stairs whenever I can.
just got my pedometer today. A LOT of people jog around the area where I live. I'm making sure that I get the proper shoes too. Got to be careful. I'm beginning at 20 mins every other day for a week then 25 mins for a week then...

Walking is good BUT I want a cardio workout & to sweat.
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Jogging is bad for you.

You should look into HIIT instead. That's what I did to train for the last two 5K races I ran. opposed to running? I'm starting out slow (jogging) then hope to build up my distance/ speed gradually.
I like jogging...... As a spectator sport.....

[ame=]Biggest Boobs Ever - Girl Jogging - YouTube[/ame]
Picked up my new mizunos & went 2.3 miles ystrdy. First did a brisk walk warm-up for 5 mins then jog for 25 then stretch afterwards as well. My legs don't ache like they did the 1st couple of times. Maybe I'll be the next Evan Kimber? ;)
Jogging is bad for you.

You should look into HIIT instead. That's what I did to train for the last two 5K races I ran. opposed to running? I'm starting out slow (jogging) then hope to build up my distance/ speed gradually.
HIIT on an Exercise Bike is far better than jogging which puts a lot of stress on your back, hips, knees and ankles. It's even worse if your overweight.

I run a 5K every year only because it goes to a good cause. I do HIIT because I have to run a timed 1.5 mile run every year for my job. Last time I did it in 12:40. Not bad for a dude who will be 50 this year!

If you still insist on jogging then I recommend you look for a shoe store that can determine your running style and how your ankle rotates when it hits the ground. They can then recommend the right shoe for your style of running.

I have a pair of $135 Mizuno shoes that I only use once or twice a year but they feel so good when I run because they're correct for me.

Good luck!

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