DWAC (Trump) Stock

In the Uk a fraudster would find it difficult to front any organisation. not in the land of enron though.

The UK launders more criminals' cash than any other country in the world. Enron was peanuts in comparison. Catering to Mass murderers is great business for you gimps.
No, that's anyone who has a brain says, which leaves you out.
/——/ If I can realize $60k in profit with DWAC and now DJT, image much you could make trading Hunter Biden art work.
Well noted. I was considering buying it at $75 a share. Thankfully I didn’t. I had a feeling that it would go down.

Let’s see how the stock performs in the next few days

I feel that the next bump would happen sometime in the summer or perhaps if Trump gets elected.
Trump creates Jobs and Builds things. Fatass Pig Leticia James is just an America hating Race Baiter. Who lets Black Thug Murderers get out of Jail free.
Dwac stock had a nearly 100% increase in a day recently .. going up to about $72 a share from 36.

It’s cooled down to around $60. But the question is, is this a good stock to buy now?? will it have another surge perhaps if Trump gets elected in November?

I remember looking at this stock a few days ago thinking I should buy it. Well I missed out on it.
Yes. Do not miss it. Now is the best time to buy it.
So which twaf Orange Cultist cashed in their EIC to buy 3 shares of DJT stock at its top only for it to fall 40%?

Stocks are going to decline across the board. Free money from the Fed for 'Prime' borrowers dried up.

At an average price of 24-25 times earnings, they're way over-priced anyway. Hopefully more money bails out of the stock market and back into real business investment.
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"This is GameStop"

"No. Why? Look, he's only interesting out there because he's entertaining the folks"

"I hope if he does get elected, he just plays golf for 4 years"

Real business titans know a phony when they see one. And deal with one.
Is now the time to invest into the Trump stock? It’s trading around 40 bucks a share. Surely there’s going to be another money pump before the 24 election

If you look at the last year of the Trump stock, there’s been a few opportunities to buy low and then sell at a Highpoint.

Still for the folks who paid $15 a share only a few months ago they are still in profitsville. Some of them sold at 60 or 70 and made a quick little profit.
Is now the time to invest into the Trump stock? It’s trading around 40 bucks a share. Surely there’s going to be another money pump before the 24 election

If you look at the last year of the Trump stock, there’s been a few opportunities to buy low and then sell at a Highpoint.

Still for the folks who paid $15 a share only a few months ago they are still in profitsville. Some of them sold at 60 or 70 and made a quick little profit.
/——-/ Not at this time. Wait till the lockup expires and the dust settles.

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