DWAC (Trump) Stock

Plenty of people have made tons of money already. There should be at least a few more big money pumps. Itā€™s all about getting the timing right.

The next money pump should be when the unhinged radical left attacks Trump again usually when that happens his stock goes up.

Or come election time right before the election there should be another money pump. And after Trump gets elected expect a big pump.

The fact that you call it a ā€œmoney pumpā€ just shows that this ainā€™t an investment.
Because he needs the money and heā€™s not dumb.

Heā€™s not going to sell all of it, but heā€™s going to sell a chunk of it.
/----/ OR --- like every other billionaire, he can leverage his shares as collateral for a loan. That way, he maintains control of his shares and enjoys appreciation.
GEEE Mr. Financial Wizard, would that work?
Just FYI for anyone wanting to buy this because they love Trump - heā€™s totally fucked his investors before.

He crammed down his bondholders when Trump Inc went bankrupt. They got something like 30 cents on the dollar. The bondholders were almost entirely like the people in MAGA. Wall Street held barely any of his bonds because they know what a scumbag he is.

Trump doesnā€™t give a flying fuck about the people in MAGA. He will tot
If you believe that, what do you think about Nancy Pelosi making millions of dollars in the stock market. Is she a brilliant trader?

What do you think about Joe Biden and other Democrats taking the knee for a BLM when there are masses of poor white people in this country?

I mean, Iā€™m sure you understand. Slavery and bigotry was a worldwide issue not a unique American one. Our country did more to combat racism than perhaps any country in the world. Democrat politicians have lost me as a voter with their anti-Americanism and cancel culture.

How about Democrat politicians standing by men playing in womenā€™s sports taking scholarships from women?

What about Democrat politicians supporting racism in the workplace via hiring quotas?

How about the price of a house doubling under Biden, the price of interest on a home loan tripping under Biden. Seems like you guys have the perfect response to it but of course it wonā€™t cut it. You will blame Trump for Bidenā€™s current struggles and give Obama the credit for Trumpā€™s success. It is amazing how that works. A simpleton argument but it wonā€™t cut it in the real world.

for all of Trumpā€˜s problems, the economy was much better for the middle-class under Trump. Maybe Trump couldā€™ve handled the coronavirus better by using his leadership role to prevent lockdowns. But either way most Democrats support the lockdowns the mandatory mask so itā€™s a lose lose issue for Democrats.

Trump got us the Abraham accords and under his leadership a renewed peace between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East. Under the bad leadership of Biden look at whatā€™s going on today.

Not to mention, two new violent wars going on in the world. The one in Ukraine, and the one in Israel/palestineā€¦. not to mention violent conflicts occurring in Africa which big media wonā€™t cover. Hell many Americans have no idea about the conflicts in Africa because theyā€™re bombarded every day with news on the wars in Israel/Palestine and Ukraine.
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Can you give some specific examples of this happening?

Thereā€™s already been multiple money pumps with regards to the Trump stock. Just look at the history of it.

Itā€™s all about getting the timing right
/----/ OR --- like every other billionaire, he can leverage his shares as collateral for a loan. That way, he maintains control of his shares and enjoys appreciation.
GEEE Mr. Financial Wizard, would that work?

He wonā€™t get a margin loan because the banks canā€™t liquidate the shares. He might get one after the lock expires, but the rate will be dependent on a number of factors that would likely make the margin rate too high. Plus heā€™ll be able to keep control of the firm even if he sells two-thirds of his holdings.

The reason why bubbles keep happening - and DJT is definitely a bubble - is because people never learn.
If you believe that, what do you think about Nancy Pelosi making millions of dollars in the stock market. Is she a brilliant trader?

What do you think about Joe Biden and other Democrats taking the knee for a BLM when there are masses of poor white people in this country?

I mean, Iā€™m sure you understand. Slavery and bigotry was a worldwide issue not a unique American one. Our country did more to combat racism than perhaps any country in the world. Democrat politicians have lost me as a voter with their anti-Americanism and cancel culture.

How about Democrat politicians standing by men playing in womenā€™s sports taking scholarships from women?

What about Democrat politicians supporting racism in the workplace via hiring quotas?

How about the price of a house doubling under Biden, the price of interest on a home loan tripping under Biden. Seems like you guys have the perfect response to it but of course it wonā€™t cut it. You will blame Trump for Bidenā€™s current struggles and give Obama the credit for Trumpā€™s success. It is amazing how that works. A simpleton argument but it wonā€™t cut it in the real world.

for all of Trumpā€˜s problems, the economy was much better for the middle-class under Trump. Maybe Trump couldā€™ve handled the coronavirus better by using his leadership role to prevent lockdowns. But either way most Democrats support the lockdowns the mandatory mask so itā€™s a lose lose issue for Democrats.

Trump got us the Abraham accords and under his leadership a renewed peace between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East. Under the bad leadership of Biden look at whatā€™s going on today.

Not to mention, two new violent wars going on in the world. The one in Ukraine, and the one in Israel/palestineā€¦. not to mention occurring in Africa which big media wonā€™t cover. Hell many Americans have no idea about the conflicts in Africa because theyā€™re bombarded every day with news on the wars in Israel/Palestine and Ukraine.

None of that has anything to do with owning DJT stock.

Hey, you can justify your support anyway you want.

But just remember that Trump ripped the faces off people like you many times before.
Thereā€™s already been multiple money pumps with regards to the Trump stock. Just look at the history of it.

Itā€™s all about getting the timing right

This is the entire history of this stock, I just do not see what you are speaking of, can you be more specific...

This is the entire history of this stock, I just do not see what you are speaking of, can you be more specific...

View attachment 924037
/-----/ Well, if you follow the Japanese candles, you'll see there is a bear gap that must be filled at $50.
Now I can sell on Monday and lock in my profits, or I can ride it down with covered calls and wait for it to bounce back.
At the money calls are $4.60 on the weekly expiration dates. For my shares, that's $4,600 in income every week. I can use that to purchase 75 shares (free shares in my book) thus lowering my cost basis of $43.
I'm not sure what I'll do now.
He is correct. This is the third ā€œpumpā€ before the inevitable ā€œdump.ā€

Inexperienced investors always forget the ā€œdumpā€ part in ā€œpump and dump.ā€
/-----/ Inexperienced Trump Haters always forget the ā€œtrailing stop lossā€ part that protects investors from ā€œpump and dump.ā€
None of that has anything to do with owning DJT stock.

Hey, you can justify your support anyway you want.

But just remember that Trump ripped the faces off people like you many times before.
Ok .. then the counterpoint was already provided to you. It is simply about buying low and selling at a Highpoint with the trump stock at this point. Other stocks work like that too. Thatā€™s kind of how cryptocurrency is working now.

Ok now youā€™re venturing into a different category that you yourself brought up claiming that Trump is ripping people off. Actually, when Trump was president, the economy was much much better. It was much easier to buy a home and have an affordable mortgage payment.

What ever happens to the Trump stock in the future who knows. But for now there is clearly an opportunity to make a lot of money. Itā€™s a short term gain opportunity ā€¦. About a month or so ago the stock was only going for about $17 a year and then catapulted to something like $75. Thereā€™s also been a few bumps in the stock when the radical left-wing tries to go after Trump.

So people who bought at 17 and then sold it at 60 or 70 made a pretty healthy profit.

ā€œPeople like youā€ Iā€™m a Democrat that is voting for trump because of how radical and anti-American the Democrat party of today is.
ā€œTrump hatersā€ donā€™t buy a bubble stock because precious snowflake feelingz.

And 99.99% of the orange cult investors suckers have no idea what a stop loss is.
/----/ "have no idea what a stop loss is"
And you have no idea what a trailing stop loss is, either, otherwise, you'd have used the correct term. There is a difference.
Besides, it may spark the interest of newbie investors who will research the term.
ā€œTrump hatersā€ donā€™t buy a bubble stock because precious snowflake feelingz.

And 99.99% of the orange cult investors suckers have no idea what a stop loss is.
Half of the American people do not own stocks, and that includes many Democrats.

Around half of the American people canā€™t afford a $1000 emergency under the horrendous biden economy.

I canā€™t think of any more of a bigger cult than the Biden BLM cult. A group of people that hate America and they donā€™t care about poor white people. Theyā€™re totally brainwashed, and they think that America is unique in history when it comes to slavery and bigotry. So you keep bringing up these different points and they are being responded to and then you can claim itā€™s off-topic, but youā€™re losing it man
Ok .. then the counterpoint was already provided to you. It is simply about buying low and selling at a Highpoint with the trump stock at this point. Other stocks work like that too. Thatā€™s kind of how cryptocurrency is working now.

Where ever happens to the Trump stock in the future who knows. But for now there is clearly an opportunity to make a lot of money. Itā€™s a short term gain opportunity ā€¦. About a month or so ago the stock was only going for about $17 a year and then catapult it to something like $75. So people who bought at 17and then sold it at 60 or 70 made a pretty healthy profit.

ā€œPeople like youā€ Iā€™m a Democrat that is voting for trump because of how radical and anti-American the Democrat party of today is.

You asked about an investment. Itā€™s not an investment. It is a trading vehicle.

And I agree with you that as a trading vehicle, you can make money at it if you trade well. And if you can do it, good for you.

It trades at 2000x sales. Many, many, many things have to go right for DJT to be valued correctly at that price.

Iā€™ve seen this hundreds of times before. 99.9% of the time, the stock eventually collapses and most of the people who own it at these levels lose most of their money. Maybe this is the 0.1% of the time when that doesnā€™t happen. IDK

So if youā€™ve got $5000 burning a hole in your pocket that you donā€™t mind losing, have at ā€˜er.
/----/ "have no idea what a stop loss is"
And you have no idea what a trailing stop loss is, either, otherwise, you'd have used the correct term. There is a difference.
Besides, it may spark the interest of newbie investors who will research the term.
I had a stop loss order on my Lyft stock ā€¦ unfortunately, there was a big loss one day and it went right through the stop loss.

But I learned my lesson from that. Iā€™m kind of hesitant to do a stop loss on any stocks now. At least the ones I have. I bought Lyft at around nine dollars a share and went up to about 16 or so and then one bad weird day it went down to something like 10 ripping through my stop loss of $13. The automatic sale was triggered but perhaps two weeks later it was sale up to $17 a share or so.

A successful farmer told me it ainā€™t a bad idea to take a 50% profit and sell even if youā€™ve owned a stock for a few months. I have no idea what Iā€™m doing when it comes to stocks. But Iā€™m trying to apply some of my Poker strategy to the issue and Iā€™ve done OK. I made about 60% profit on Victoriaā€™s Secret stock after they got rid of their woke strategy.

Amazon and SE limited are doing well for me. Se limited is a Singapore company. Itā€™s the Amazon of the east paid about $38 a share right now itā€™s worth about 55. From a Highpoint of 61 recently. But this stack used to be worth $400 and some people believe I can hit 150 this year and then perhaps eventually get back to its 400.

The only stock Iā€™ve lost substantially on is an electric car company that is down significantly. An older liberal friend of mine told me to invest in it. And hopefully who knows in the future maybe it will go back up we will see. It was the first stock purchase Iā€™ve ever made.

As I believe, I said, in another thread, I own Amazon, SE limited, PayPal, one Ethereum coin ā€¦ and I have invested into an Asian taxi company called Grab. GRAB has a bright future. it is very popular in Thailand and gaining ground in Cambodia. Thereā€™s a lot of foreign investment into these countries and within time I think they will develop very well. And with that grab will takeoff. I paid about $3.50 a share for Grab. Itā€™s Highpoint was previously $17 so we will see what happens with it.

And I have a large investment into the S&P 500 for a retirement idea. I will be putting a few hundred dollars each month into that stock

Thatā€™s the long-term investment. The S&P 500 over the last 50 years has made an average return of 10% per year. I like it.
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You asked about an investment. Itā€™s not an investment. It is a trading vehicle.

And I agree with you that as a trading vehicle, you can make money at it if you trade well. And if you can do it, good for you.

It trades at 2000x sales. Many, many, many things have to go right for DJT to be valued correctly at that price.

Iā€™ve seen this hundreds of times before. 99.9% of the time, the stock eventually collapses and most of the people who own it at these levels lose most of their money. Maybe this is the 0.1% of the time when that doesnā€™t happen. IDK

So if youā€™ve got $5000 burning a hole in your pocket that you donā€™t mind losing, have at ā€˜er.
The thread is about the Trump stock. You could talk about long-term or short term gains.

The point is that the Trump stock has already experienced A number of very high money bumps relatively quickly. So there have already been plenty of people who have made their money and sold the stock.

I forget the term, but the Trump stock is unique. Itā€™s not similar to a company like Amazon or General Motors.
/ā€”ā€”/ At his age, he built a $3 billion empire. He has no reason to cash out. But you keep slamming Trump and defending the Bidens.
You're eyes are deceiving you because no where in this thread have I defended a Biden. I am a never trumper and vets against trump.
You maga's have formed your own party, neither conservative or liberal.

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