Are there any Musk haters out there who would like to state what they believe motivates Elon Musk? Is it money? Is it power? Is it the attention? Is it something else? Let's see if anyone of you can clearly state WHY you hate him, WHEN you discovered you hated him and WHAT you believe motivates him. And anything else you would care to add.
To start the discussion, I will offer my opinion FWIW. I think Elon recognizes what an incredible point in American history this is. He also recognizes what a truly remarkable man Donald Trump is. By the sheer force of his will, he reshaped the aimless and feckless GOP and has all but rendered the Democratic Party helpless. When he survived the assassination attempt in Butler Pa by literally a fraction of an inch, that was the epiphany moment for Elon. "This man is history in the making and by God I am going to help him make it!".
So what say you, besides of course your silly "funny" emojis that I love to collect. Anything? Anything at all? Let's see.