Anybody get Rand Paul on how Patriot Act restricts liberty???


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Is allowing the NSA access to a huge data base showing billions of phone call numbers really a restriction of your liberty?? What on earth could he be talking about??
Is allowing the NSA access to a huge data base showing billions of phone call numbers really a restriction of your liberty?? What on earth could he be talking about??

I believe that NSA has to get a court order to actually access an actual conversation but it still should make people wonder if the government should even know if we are actually making phone calls in the first place.

On the other hand, this is a country that finds it ok to be groped by an unknown person at the airport. I think this is going to stay for a long time. Nothing is going to change Until people realize that liberty is just as important as security.
The "court orders" were nothing but rubber stamps . It was close to a 100 % approval rate .
it still should make people wonder if the government should even know if we are actually making phone calls in the first place.

you sound like a stupid libertarian. The IRS, Census ,Military, ISP's, Credit card Companies, phone companies etc etc have tons and tons more than a record of phone numbers with no names on it!! See why we say libertarians are often stupid.
The patriot act does a lot more than just collect phone numbers .
The patriot act does a lot more than just collect phone numbers .

that seems to be the part the Libs object to most by far, while not objecting to IRS credit card companies hospitals etc etc

Because we voluntarily give that info to private companies .

Neocons preach that they love the constitution but then shit on it very chance they get .
The patriot act does a lot more than just collect phone numbers .

that seems to be the part the Libs object to most by far, while not objecting to IRS credit card companies hospitals etc etc

Because we voluntarily give that info to private companies .

Neocons preach that they love the constitution but then shit on it very chance they get .

dear you don't get a choice about giving hospitals CC companies IRS etc tons of data. Slow????
Is allowing the NSA access to a huge data base showing billions of phone call numbers really a restriction of your liberty?? What on earth could he be talking about??
Love that Big Government don't you Ed?
They'll keep you safe!

They'll need tax revenue to do it though...or maybe it should be left to private businesses who could charge you protection money.
Is allowing the NSA access to a huge data base showing billions of phone call numbers really a restriction of your liberty?? What on earth could he be talking about??


The NSA’s Technotyranny: One Nation Under Surveillance

“The ultimate goal of the NSA is [URL='']total population control
.”—William Binney, NSA whistleblower

We now have a fourth branch of government.

As I document in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this fourth branch came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and yet it possesses superpowers, above and beyond those of any other government agency save the military. It is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful. It operates beyond the reach of the president, Congress and the courts, and it marches in lockstep with the corporate elite who really call the shots in Washington, DC.

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