Anybody know what this is

Some sort of bolt or screw or something that fell from a machine?

An old machinery component? Something along those lines? :dunno:
If you look at this fossil and negate the point it looks surprisingly like yours.

Look at the big diameter,it resembles your fossil.
I found the imprint of a leaf in a piece of rock once. Very exciting. Love fossils.


Fossilized chrinoid.
I saw those last night. I also found out cephalopods are pretty normal around my neck of the woods. Both of these look very possible.
A cephalopod was basically like a squid with a long shell with rings.


Fossilized chrinoid.
I saw those last night. I also found out cephalopods are pretty normal around my neck of the woods. Both of these look very possible.
A cephalopod was basically like a squid with a long shell with rings.
What made you so sure it was manmade? The regularity of the rings?
Yes. They just looked too perfect. It was perfectly cylinder. The ends were broke off precisely. No jagged edges or anything. Im still not fully convinced it is a fossil because of those reasons. it more than likely is, though. I shouldn't doubt nature that much. Lol

I've spent plenty of lazy hours inspecting broken shells on the beach. Shells are amazing, considering they're built by slugs. Life is amazing.

looks like a old lead bullet

have any pictures with a quarter or something beside it

for size to compare
No but I will take one
TN, if the antique lady doesn't know, do you have a college near you? I've taken mystery insects and etc. in to the Science building at local universities and just walked around with my jars looking pathetic until someone got interested and answered my questions.
If there's no school near you, post this in the Science and Technology forum. There are actually a few science guys here who might know.

looks like a old lead bullet

have any pictures with a quarter or something beside it

for size to compare
No but I will take one
TN, if the antique lady doesn't know, do you have a college near you? I've taken mystery insects and etc. in to the Science building at local universities and just walked around with my jars looking pathetic until someone got interested and answered my questions.
If there's no school near you, post this in the Science and Technology forum. There are actually a few science guys here who might know.
I got a University of TN about 10 minutes down the road
Don't forget to update us, TNHarley

I picked up an old wooden cigar box once at an antique/2nd hand store, and when I got it home, I realized it had been decorated on the top (a lot of the paint had worn off) with the name of the C.C.Ball Club and the date (it was 189_ something). On the bottom of the box was very carefully printed the names of the two baseball teams who had been involved in a game--I'm guessing the cigars went to the winners and it must have been a big deal to have all the players and their positions listed on the bottom of the box like that. I bought the box outside of Rochester, but the dealer said she went to NYC a lot and bought stuff, so it could have come from anywhere. This was pre-internet and I looked locally but couldn't find a Cloverleafs Ball Club, so who knows.
I always wondered about its story. If I'd had it now, with the internet to search and query folks, I bet I could have found out.

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