Anyone Aware that......

manu1959 said:
i do lots of work for are exactly.........wrong.
Nonononoonoonoono... he was baiting you. Don't you see? It was all part of his plan. To expose liberals. Or something.
The ClayTaurus said:
Nonononoonoonoono... he was baiting you. Don't you see? It was all part of his plan. To expose liberals. Or something.

yes that was stupid shit... then call other people stupid...fucking brilliant that mans moron is another man's rocket scientist
Good news for some of you.

I just saw a Target commercial, and at the end was a red screen with two words. Merry. Christmas.
The ClayTaurus said:
Good news for some of you.

I just saw a Target commercial, and at the end was a red screen with two words. Merry. Christmas.

red screen......communist is all a trick
The ClayTaurus said:
Good news for some of you.

I just saw a Target commercial, and at the end was a red screen with two words. Merry. Christmas.
No! wait till the FCC hears from me! This is a travesty! The PUBLIC airways used to promote Christmas! My Gawd what's next? Car dealer commercials?:laugh:
Hagbard Celine said:
Happy "Holidays" to all you rightwing, fundamentalist nutjobs out there!

And a "Merry Christmas" to all you slack jawed, knuckle dragging, leftist, nose pickers.
The ClayTaurus said:
Good news for some of you.

I just saw a Target commercial, and at the end was a red screen with two words. Merry. Christmas.

Liar. Prove it.
Pale Rider said:
Liar. Prove it.
I can't "prove" it to you, because I saw it on my tv.

But, I can offer you this:

In their official statement, Target said: “Over the course of the next few weeks, our advertising, marketing and merchandising will become more specific to the holiday that is approaching – referring directly to holidays like Christmas and Hanukkah. For example, you will see reference to Christmas in select television commercials, circulars and in-store signage.
Cheer. Up.
Pale: I saw the commercial again. They have a rip-off of the earth wind and fire song "september" playing as they show people giving, getting, and most importantly, buying gifts. The words are something like "do you remember, the 24th night of December"

The last scene is some dorky guy dancing around as he gives his wife or girlfriend a gift and then it goes to a red screen with the Target logo and "Merry Christmas"

It was on during the O'Reilly factor.
The ClayTaurus said:
100%, pure, unadulterated proof for you Pale. Watch the commercial for yourself.

Click on "TV Ads"
then play the last one
"The Race"

That is the precise commercial I was talking about.

See, this is why people like me fight so hard to keep Christmas where it is. By denying my business to Target and expressing my discontent (I wrote letters), I helped to show Target that we'd like Christmas to stay right where it is, so they altered policy.
Hobbit said:
See, this is why people like me fight so hard to keep Christmas where it is. By denying my business to Target and expressing my discontent (I wrote letters), I helped to show Target that we'd like Christmas to stay right where it is, so they altered policy.

You can't blame retailers for becoming more secular to appeal to a wider range of patrons. Christians aren't the only people living here you know.

Target made a legitimate business decision it thought would increase its profits.

When you and yours shit a brick over them saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas," you did contribute to their keeping their policy the same, but you also blatantly exhibited how idiotic and whiny American culture has become.
Hagbard Celine said:
You can't blame retailers for becoming more secular to appeal to a wider range of patrons. Christians aren't the only people living here you know.

Target made a legitimate business decision it thought would increase its profits.

When you and yours shit a brick over them saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas," you did contribute to their keeping their policy the same, but you also blatantly exhibited how idiotic and whiny American culture has become.

Damnit, you had to go and throw up this smokescreen. Now I'll never get Pale to rescind his liar comment.
The ClayTaurus said:
Damnit, you had to go and throw up this smokescreen. Now I'll never get Pale to rescind his liar comment.
Eh, Palerider is on my ignore list so I can't see his comments anyway. Just putting in my two cents.
Hagbard Celine said:
You can't blame retailers for becoming more secular to appeal to a wider range of patrons. Christians aren't the only people living here you know.

Target made a legitimate business decision it thought would increase its profits.

When you and yours shit a brick over them saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas," you did contribute to their keeping their policy the same, but you also blatantly exhibited how idiotic and whiny American culture has become.

No, what pissed me off about Target is that they found it just fine to wish everybody a Happy Hannukah, Happy Ramadan, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Winter Solstice, and pretty much any other holiday you can imagine, but didn't extend the same courtesy to Christmas. I don't mind if Christmas isn't the only game in town, just so long as it actually stays in town.

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