Anyone Else Notice Race Tensions are Low Post Obama?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Diamond & Silk, Kanye, Red Pill Black...the list goes on.

The new underground railroad is escaping the dim plantation.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


Are race tensions really lower, or are you just no longer scared to come out of your home now that a white man is President?

People have jobs to go to now. Nobody gives a shit about race but the left wingers that live off of the divisions.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


Are race tensions really lower, or are you just no longer scared to come out of your home now that a white man is President?


Non sequitor

Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Um, not really.

Hey, here's what happened. After a few riots and seven figure payouts, the Police departments around the country realized they could no longer afford clowns like Wilson, Loehmann, Van Dyke and their ilk on the payroll.

So they pretty much started getting rid of these guys and retraining the guys they kept.
I agree that Tom Bradley egged on the rioters in Los Angeles. He should personally pay for all the lost lives, injuries and property damage.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Yeah, race tensions have gone down.......on planet Mars. But here on earth, not so fast. Surely they have tv's in that mental institution you've been at.
People have jobs to go to now. Nobody gives a shit about race but the left wingers that live off of the divisions.
Get the fuck out of here.....its you red white and vomit rednecks that keep this race shit going. Hating on Muslims, hispanics, blacks....and you got jobs too. Ever attend a Trump Klan rally, you mf's reeeeeekkkkkk of this shit.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


Yeah. Trump is the uniter that libs hoped Obama would be. He's the best.
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Tensions are just as high or higher under Trump.

Racialism is racialism and real Americans will never let the racialists skate and accuse others of being racist to them.
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence

Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Riots have have gone down because police officers are now being held accountable for shooting unarmed black men.
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

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