Anyone Else Notice Race Tensions are Low Post Obama?

Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Very true

Now that a negro is no longer in the White House, conservatives are placated
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Trumps America First has left us isolated from the rest of the world
Only thing i see different is less cops are being shot because oru president doesnt praise criminals and cop murderers.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Its was bad at first. But I think now the African Americans are starting to realize who the slave owners really are.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Who was president when the neo-Nazis came to Charlottesville with their tiki torches and Hitler salutes?
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Ever heard of Charlottesville?
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Trumps America First has left us isolated from the rest of the world

If you feel that way, pack up and move to Dragonlady's socialist Canadian Paradise.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Its was bad at first. But I think now the African Americans are starting to realize who the slave owners really are.
Indeed, Markymark11: that is why they came out in such numbers to vote against Judge Moore in AL, as well as elsewhere across the nations since last fall, in various elections.
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Trumps America First has left us isolated from the rest of the world

If you feel that way, pack up and move to Dragonlady's socialist Canadian Paradise.
Nope. Real America is going to take America back from the Trumpeys.
Of course racial tension and baiting are less now that Obungo is gone. Obungo was well groomed in the art of race baiting, having served as a community organizer in Chiran.
Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Trumps America First has left us isolated from the rest of the world

If you feel that way, pack up and move to Dragonlady's socialist Canadian Paradise.
Nope. Real America is going to take America back from the Trumpeys.
When are you going to start?
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Trumps America First has left us isolated from the rest of the world

If you feel that way, pack up and move to Dragonlady's socialist Canadian Paradise.
That s not how We the people do things

We vote the scoundrel out
The election of Obama seemed to signal an end to Americas racist past.

What it showed was the racists were hiding in the woodwork and came out in force once they saw a “negro” elected President
What it showed was the racists were hiding in the woodwork and came out in force once they saw a “negro” elected President

What it actually showed was that it became impossible to oppose Obama's agenda without being called a racist.
The election of Obama seemed to signal an end to Americas racist past.

What it showed was the racists were hiding in the woodwork and came out in force once they saw a “negro” elected President
It wasn't white racists that chose to blow up an arrest of a black college professor that just happened to be a pal of Obungo's. It wasn't white racists that chose to blow up the Zimmerman case. It wasn't white racists that chose to blow up the case in Ferguson. Obama and his crew are well trained in the art of victimhood. They saw opportunity for political gain by using skin color and crime to invent black victims and the cops as pawns. You know I'm right, but your political indoctrination will prevent you from admitting it.
The election of Obama seemed to signal an end to Americas racist past.

What it showed was the racists were hiding in the woodwork and came out in force once they saw a “negro” elected President

You really believe that most Americans are racists, don't you? This word is thrown around like so much trash that you've taken all meaning and all sting out of the word. I have to wonder if this is being done on purpose?
The election of Obama seemed to signal an end to Americas racist past.

What it showed was the racists were hiding in the woodwork and came out in force once they saw a “negro” elected President

You really believe that most Americans are racists, don't you? This word is thrown around like so much trash that you've taken all meaning and all sting out of the word. I have to wonder if this is being done on purpose?

Most? Probably not

Are there around 20-25 percent deplorables that vote based on their hatred of Mexicans, Muslims and Minorities?

Bet your ass

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