Anyone Else Notice Race Tensions are Low Post Obama?

Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Who was president when the neo-Nazis came to Charlottesville with their tiki torches and Hitler salutes?

Compared to Baltimore, it was irrelevant

Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Just flying that flag is a statement of hate for slaves.

No its not

Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Trumps America First has left us isolated from the rest of the world

And that is a good thing. No world order needed

What’s the world odor?
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Democrats to the rescue. Midterms are in November expect Liberals to ramp up the tension again.
The election of Trump in 2016 was a slap in the face to Obungo worshippers. Stung, huh.
It was a slap in the face of a sane world
I'm sad for you because I honestly believe you think that is true.
The world believes it is true.

Just look at Trumps “trust” numbers around the world
I don't care what some pollsters over in Bezerkistan think about us. Why do you?

Because we must function in a global political structure and economy.
In order to do that we need to build alliances and be trusted by our allies

We are not

Ah, the one world global community. Such naivety and stupidity. Lol.
I'm sad for you because I honestly believe you think that is true.
The world believes it is true.

Just look at Trumps “trust” numbers around the world
I don't care what some pollsters over in Bezerkistan think about us. Why do you?

Because we must function in a global political structure and economy.
In order to do that we need to build alliances and be trusted by our allies

We are not
Really? So why is N. Korea having such a sudden about face? Why did our allies France and England help us in Syria? Perhaps your confused again.

Because their nuclear program collapsed in a massive explosion
Why endure massive sanctions when your nuclear program is almost destroyed?

Good news, either way. Nothing for you to complain about, right?
Trumps racism is directed more at Mexicans
Really. What makes you say that?

Mexico sends its worst, Murderers and rapists.....some are good people

Well, I don't think that Mexico actually "sends" them. The problem is that when people in Mexico are wanted by the law on criminal charges, they can just hop over the border and continue committing their crimes here on the US side of the border and avoid being arrested by the Mexican authorities. Is this not just common sense to you? There is a good reason why we have "legal" and "illegal" immigrants. Legal immigrants are checked out for warrants, for crimes they may have committed, for diseases they may be carrying, etc.

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