Anyone Else Notice Race Tensions are Low Post Obama?

You should try to count the number of times this term is used to describe someone who has disagreed with something Obama did as POTUS. :D Lol. You are getting more and more silly with every post.

Show me

Conservatives claimed every time they opposed Obama they were called racist

Actually they were called racists when they were being racist
Rest of the time they were called fucking assholes[/QUOTE
Do you remember the incident of Obama's professor pal that occurred early in Obama's first term?

Do you remember the incident of Obama's professor pal during Obama's first term? Known as the "Beer Summit"?
Sure do

The professor was right
The "professor" is a professional race hustler. Obama and his sycophants in the media blew it up for political hay. The cop did his job. You know that. What kind of President of the United States gets involved in a minor arrest? The kind that uses it to promote a racist agenda.
The professor was rightfully in his own home being bullied by police officers
That's BS. A neighbor called the cops because they saw someone trying to enter through a window. When the cops arrived and asked for ID, the professor put on his righteous indignation nig show. Do you really think this is something the President of the United States should be involved in?
What it actually showed was that it became impossible to oppose Obama's agenda without being called a racist.
Racists act as racists do. That's why the solid victory of 2012 was such a slap in face of the alt right hate rage.
The election of Trump in 2016 was a slap in the face to Obungo worshippers. Stung, huh.
It was a slap in the face of a sane world
I'm sad for you because I honestly believe you think that is true.
The world believes it is true.

Just look at Trumps “trust” numbers around the world
I don't care what some pollsters over in Bezerkistan think about us. Why do you?
The alt right race hustlers just fill up with hate and rage when held up to the mirror.
The alt right race hustlers just fill up with hate and rage when held up to the mirror.
Blah, blah, and more blah. That's all you losers have these days. You're going to get blown out on election day. A campaign consisting of "Trump is a lying poopy pants" isn't going to cut it.
Racists act as racists do. That's why the solid victory of 2012 was such a slap in face of the alt right hate rage.
The election of Trump in 2016 was a slap in the face to Obungo worshippers. Stung, huh.
It was a slap in the face of a sane world
I'm sad for you because I honestly believe you think that is true.
The world believes it is true.

Just look at Trumps “trust” numbers around the world
I don't care what some pollsters over in Bezerkistan think about us. Why do you?

Because we must function in a global political structure and economy.
In order to do that we need to build alliances and be trusted by our allies

We are not
The election of Trump in 2016 was a slap in the face to Obungo worshippers. Stung, huh.
It was a slap in the face of a sane world
I'm sad for you because I honestly believe you think that is true.
The world believes it is true.

Just look at Trumps “trust” numbers around the world
I don't care what some pollsters over in Bezerkistan think about us. Why do you?

Because we must function in a global political structure and economy.
In order to do that we need to build alliances and be trusted by our allies

We are not
Really? So why is N. Korea having such a sudden about face? Why did our allies France and England help us in Syria? Perhaps your confused again.
It was a slap in the face of a sane world
I'm sad for you because I honestly believe you think that is true.
The world believes it is true.

Just look at Trumps “trust” numbers around the world
I don't care what some pollsters over in Bezerkistan think about us. Why do you?

Because we must function in a global political structure and economy.
In order to do that we need to build alliances and be trusted by our allies

We are not
Really? So why is N. Korea having such a sudden about face? Why did our allies France and England help us in Syria? Perhaps your confused again.

Because their nuclear program collapsed in a massive explosion
Why endure massive sanctions when your nuclear program is almost destroyed?
I'm sad for you because I honestly believe you think that is true.
The world believes it is true.

Just look at Trumps “trust” numbers around the world
I don't care what some pollsters over in Bezerkistan think about us. Why do you?

Because we must function in a global political structure and economy.
In order to do that we need to build alliances and be trusted by our allies

We are not
Really? So why is N. Korea having such a sudden about face? Why did our allies France and England help us in Syria? Perhaps your confused again.

Because their nuclear program collapsed in a massive explosion
Why endure massive sanctions when your nuclear program is almost destroyed?
That's good, isn't it? Are you happy about the fact N. Korea is talking peace?
Show me

Conservatives claimed every time they opposed Obama they were called racist

Actually they were called racists when they were being racist
Rest of the time they were called fucking assholes[/QUOTE
Do you remember the incident of Obama's professor pal that occurred early in Obama's first term?

Do you remember the incident of Obama's professor pal during Obama's first term? Known as the "Beer Summit"?
Sure do

The professor was right
The "professor" is a professional race hustler. Obama and his sycophants in the media blew it up for political hay. The cop did his job. You know that. What kind of President of the United States gets involved in a minor arrest? The kind that uses it to promote a racist agenda.
The professor was rightfully in his own home being bullied by police officers
That's BS. A neighbor called the cops because they saw someone trying to enter through a window. When the cops arrived and asked for ID, the professor put on his righteous indignation nig show. Do you really think this is something the President of the United States should be involved in?

The man was in his own home
The police should have asked the neighbor who started it

Obama was asked his opinion and he gave it.
I've noticed I haven't heard a peep from Black Lives Fecal Matter in a long time. Under Obamanure, we had more race riots than any other 8 year period in America's history. In recent times, all riots have been from anti-Trump white liberal filth so you could argue liberal feces are black ghetto trash inside white physical bodies.
I've noticed I haven't heard a peep from Black Lives Fecal Matter in a long time. Under Obamanure, we had more race riots than any other 8 year period in America's history. In recent times, all riots have been from anti-Trump white liberal filth so you could argue liberal feces are black ghetto trash inside white physical bodies.
^^^ :) he stole my bait
Do you remember the incident of Obama's professor pal during Obama's first term? Known as the "Beer Summit"?
Sure do

The professor was right
The "professor" is a professional race hustler. Obama and his sycophants in the media blew it up for political hay. The cop did his job. You know that. What kind of President of the United States gets involved in a minor arrest? The kind that uses it to promote a racist agenda.
The professor was rightfully in his own home being bullied by police officers
That's BS. A neighbor called the cops because they saw someone trying to enter through a window. When the cops arrived and asked for ID, the professor put on his righteous indignation nig show. Do you really think this is something the President of the United States should be involved in?

The man was in his own home
The police should have asked the neighbor who started it

Obama was asked his opinion and he gave it.
Why was Obama asked about a minor incident? You can't be that naive. It was blown up by Obama's pals in the media. Besides that, Obama admitted he didn't have all the facts, yet he said the cops acted stupidly. Now what kind of President delves into crap like this? You can't be that dumb.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


Not a Dem by any means, but I haven't noticed at all. The media is the larger problem, being a cheerleader for the left and minorities.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


You live in one fkd up fantasy world man, you need to wake up and read real facts stooge.

Sure do

The professor was right
The "professor" is a professional race hustler. Obama and his sycophants in the media blew it up for political hay. The cop did his job. You know that. What kind of President of the United States gets involved in a minor arrest? The kind that uses it to promote a racist agenda.
The professor was rightfully in his own home being bullied by police officers
That's BS. A neighbor called the cops because they saw someone trying to enter through a window. When the cops arrived and asked for ID, the professor put on his righteous indignation nig show. Do you really think this is something the President of the United States should be involved in?

The man was in his own home
The police should have asked the neighbor who started it

Obama was asked his opinion and he gave it.
Why was Obama asked about a minor incident? You can't be that naive. It was blown up by Obama's pals in the media. Besides that, Obama admitted he didn't have all the facts, yet he said the cops acted stupidly. Now what kind of President delves into crap like this? You can't be that dumb.
The cops did act stupidly

Not hard to figure out whose home it was

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