Anyone Else Notice Race Tensions are Low Post Obama?

Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Just flying that flag is a statement of hate for slaves.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


Those were tough time here in southern california before trump. No jobs, empty freeways. Rents and cost of houses going through the roof because high unemployment brings high housing costs, right? Democrats and only democrats, harrassing and lynching black folks too which is why most blacks vote republican, right?
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The "professor" is a professional race hustler. Obama and his sycophants in the media blew it up for political hay. The cop did his job. You know that. What kind of President of the United States gets involved in a minor arrest? The kind that uses it to promote a racist agenda.
The professor was rightfully in his own home being bullied by police officers
That's BS. A neighbor called the cops because they saw someone trying to enter through a window. When the cops arrived and asked for ID, the professor put on his righteous indignation nig show. Do you really think this is something the President of the United States should be involved in?

The man was in his own home
The police should have asked the neighbor who started it

Obama was asked his opinion and he gave it.
Why was Obama asked about a minor incident? You can't be that naive. It was blown up by Obama's pals in the media. Besides that, Obama admitted he didn't have all the facts, yet he said the cops acted stupidly. Now what kind of President delves into crap like this? You can't be that dumb.
The cops did act stupidly

Not hard to figure out whose home it was
The "professor" acted stupidly by putting on his righteously indignant "don't you know how important I am" act and being a victim of racial injustice. He's also a professional race hustler like his pal Obungo. You still haven't told us why the media and Obungo would involve themselves in such a minor incident and blow it up.
every one is too busy working...and partying...and spending...and enjoying life...
We are great again....
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


I never heard some describing the empowerment and legitimization of white supremacists as improving race relations. Man, you must have really hated having a black president.
Says who? Says the white Trump supporters.

Trumps validating the racism of some "very fine people" wonder they are happier now than when they were being outed as the hateful bigots they are.
The professor was rightfully in his own home being bullied by police officers
That's BS. A neighbor called the cops because they saw someone trying to enter through a window. When the cops arrived and asked for ID, the professor put on his righteous indignation nig show. Do you really think this is something the President of the United States should be involved in?

The man was in his own home
The police should have asked the neighbor who started it

Obama was asked his opinion and he gave it.
Why was Obama asked about a minor incident? You can't be that naive. It was blown up by Obama's pals in the media. Besides that, Obama admitted he didn't have all the facts, yet he said the cops acted stupidly. Now what kind of President delves into crap like this? You can't be that dumb.
The cops did act stupidly

Not hard to figure out whose home it was
The "professor" acted stupidly by putting on his righteously indignant "don't you know how important I am" act and being a victim of racial injustice. He's also a professional race hustler like his pal Obungo. You still haven't told us why the media and Obungo would involve themselves in such a minor incident and blow it up.
The professor acted like it was his house

Something the cops should have verified before harassing a homeowner
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


Wow. There is so much you don't know...

You don't no shit about the Los Angeles riots, save what your, bigoted, addled mind perceived from watching the television. That and what your Klan told you...

You sure as hell don't know Tom Bradley...

Reginald Denny was hit with a brick thrown by Damian Williams, not a garbage disposal. Bobby Green, the man who rescued Denny was a truck driver, not a reverend. In fact, the trucking company Denny worked for hired Green...

And finally, you wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on your ignorant, lilly white ass.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


Are race tensions really lower, or are you just no longer scared to come out of your home now that a white man is President?


I think that they have improved some since Obama left office, but I personally have not experienced any bad race incidents since leaving the Army and there was only one incident for me.

Regular people of all races pretty much want the same things in this country; a job, security and freedom, no matter what race you are.

The racial shit is only on TV and UTube.
Reginald Denny was hit with a brick thrown by Damian Williams, not a garbage disposal. Bobby Green, the man who rescued Denny was a truck driver, not a reverend. In fact, the trucking company Denny worked for hired Green....
Bobby Green Jr., Lei Yuille, and Titus Murphy and Terri Barnett (boyfriend and girlfriend), who had been watching the events on television, came to Denny's aid. Denny eventually dragged himself back into the cab, and drove away from the scene slowly and erratically.[3] Green (also a truck driver),[4] boarded Denny's truck and took over at the wheel and drove him to the Daniel Freeman Hospital in Inglewood. Those who helped Denny were recognized by the City of Los Angeles, TRW trucking, and Washington Mutual Bank (now Chase Bank).

Attack on Reginald Denny - Wikipedia

Denny was attacked by black criminals and saved by black Christians.

Secularism does this to a persons soul while Christianity saves it.
That's BS. A neighbor called the cops because they saw someone trying to enter through a window. When the cops arrived and asked for ID, the professor put on his righteous indignation nig show. Do you really think this is something the President of the United States should be involved in?

The man was in his own home
The police should have asked the neighbor who started it

Obama was asked his opinion and he gave it.
Why was Obama asked about a minor incident? You can't be that naive. It was blown up by Obama's pals in the media. Besides that, Obama admitted he didn't have all the facts, yet he said the cops acted stupidly. Now what kind of President delves into crap like this? You can't be that dumb.
The cops did act stupidly

Not hard to figure out whose home it was
The "professor" acted stupidly by putting on his righteously indignant "don't you know how important I am" act and being a victim of racial injustice. He's also a professional race hustler like his pal Obungo. You still haven't told us why the media and Obungo would involve themselves in such a minor incident and blow it up.
The professor acted like it was his house

Something the cops should have verified before harassing a homeowner
You do what the cops ask without an attitude. Period. You still haven't explained why Obama and his sycophants in the media took a minor incident and blew it up. Your obvious avoidance is hurting your defense.
Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years


I never heard some describing the empowerment and legitimization of white supremacists as improving race relations. Man, you must have really hated having a black president.
I hated having a black president that used skin color to make martyrs out of thugs and put good cops at risk for their livelihood and even their lives. That is cowardly.
Not in the slightest, BS Filter. You are overreacting. Your racialism is obvious in your overreaction.
Not in the slightest, BS Filter. You are overreacting. Your racialism is obvious in your overreaction.
Gee, I can't remember any other American President that made martyrs out of thugs. Obama gets a pass because of his skin color. You're the racist here, not me. I treat everyone the same. A racist is a racist, regardless of their skin color.
Ok, to all... but why have riots stopped? BLM are in the witness protection program. Since Cleveland, Antifa has been sent to the showers...... I'm sure its just a coincidence


Cities keep cancelling the Klan Marches, but hate crimes are up 500%, as are attacks on synagogues, and Muslims.

White conservatives live in an alternative reality than the rest of America.

American conservatives have a false view of the world and of the US position in the world.

The US is now an outlier nation. The rest of us will go on without you. You influence will continue to wane and your country will continue to become irrelevant.
Trumps America First has left us isolated from the rest of the world

And that is a good thing. No world order needed

Because he always poured gas on the fire. Just like when Mayor Bradley of LA gave the green light for the LA riots leading to Mr Denny getting his head caved in with a garbage disposal. A black reverend saved Denny's life

Fact, under Mr Trump, race relations are greatly improved compared to the dark Obama years

Its was bad at first. But I think now the African Americans are starting to realize who the slave owners really are.

Plus, they now have jobs


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