Anyone else notice this Kurd business is similar to Iraq?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Iraq:Democrats led the charge to begin with, there's plenty of video proof, though most leftists are ignorant or deny that fact because their nerves can't take it. Bush was a player too, so we invaded Iraq under the disguise of 9-11. While folks including myself didn't approve of the move to begin with, as time went on leftists complained because Bush happened to be Republican, while some conservatives continued to support the idea "for Iraqi freedom" until it became obvious a mistake had been made.

Kurds:Ah shucks, Trump wants to pull out of Syria, and left-narrative is go figure, Trump is a traitor yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack. All the common BS like the predictable parroting monkeys they truly are. So here's Trump doing EXACTLY what leftists claim to desire, which is for the USA to not strong-arm other governments with blood on our hands for no apparent reason, which in the end is BULLSHIT.
Donny has broken the left’s brain. They don’t know what to think, other than to instinctively oppose everything he does.

I dispute that W’s invasion of Iraq was a mistake. He knew there weren’t any WMD, he purposely lied the country into war to benefit big war machine corporations and oil interests, and possibly up to one million Iraqis died. He is a war criminal who should be blindfolded and face a firing squad at dawn...but Ellen likes him. LOL.

I suspect Donny did the pull out to piss off the warmongers including the crooks at the CIA, who are actively trying to depose him.
Iraq:Democrats led the charge to begin with, there's plenty of video proof, though most leftists are ignorant or deny that fact because their nerves can't take it. Bush was a player too, so we invaded Iraq under the disguise of 9-11. While folks including myself didn't approve of the move to begin with, as time went on leftists complained because Bush happened to be Republican, while some conservatives continued to support the idea "for Iraqi freedom" until it became obvious a mistake had been made.

Kurds:Ah shucks, Trump wants to pull out of Syria, and left-narrative is go figure, Trump is a traitor yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack. All the common BS like the predictable parroting monkeys they truly are. So here's Trump doing EXACTLY what leftists claim to desire, which is for the USA to not strong-arm other governments with blood on our hands for no apparent reason, which in the end is BULLSHIT.
The left narrative-wow talk about generalities that include the dems and repubs...But you knew that already it's that those darn echo chamber masters didn't tell you as such to aver on this day.
From what I see in this thread it is mindless gibberish about only half of the issue.

Carry on....
I turned against GW Bush for his decision about Iraq and am not all that upset with Trump for pulling out of Syria. While I can respected those with feelings for the Kurds such respect was totally lacking within me regarding Iraq. Between the regime change and nation building of Iraq compared to the abandonment of the Kurds, I don't see any similarity at all.
Revisionist history at best. It was Bush Sr who led the charge to demonize Iraq. At the end of his term, he handed off the Sanctions situation to Clinton. Clinton never threaten to invade and occupy Iraq but did punish them several times for violations. The push to go to war with Iraq, based on the effects of the 9-11 attacks, was apparent in Bush Jr.'s radio addresses by the end of 2001.

At the end of the Ottoman empire, when the new national boundaries were drawn up by the allies after WWI, they split the Kurds among several different countries. They have been fighting to unite ever since.

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