Anyone else sick to death of people like Musk, Trump and Cuban?

Children or emotionally stunted people cant accomplish what musk has

You have no clue. None. Honest. I understand the mind set that gives you such simple beliefs.
You have much to learn about people.

They didn't dictate anything. Musk can refuse them.

That's exactly what he did. And the advertisers will suffer for their arrogance. X is a massive platform that reaches hundreds of millions of people, which they have now voluntarily opted out of. Their shareholders took notice.
On a serious note, why do you want to live in the past?
Why do you fear change so? That is what this is about if you realize it or not.
how about you tell us what you are progressing to??

so far it seems like a form of communism where the people are under the control of government,,
how about you tell us what you are progressing to??

so far it seems like a form of communism where the people are under the control of government,,

Socialism, not communism. Look at it has benefited the people of western Europe.
But answer my question, why do you want to live in the past, a very unnatural state.
Socialism, not communism. Look at it has benefited the people of western Europe.
But answer my question, why do you want to live in the past, a very unnatural state.
socialism has failed everytime its been tried,,

western europe is a disaster,,

how about we progress to a future where all people are independent and responsible for themselves and their own future??

now thats real progress,,,
I’m sick to death of Biden….of leftists marching around screaming “Death to Jews!”……of semi-literate illegal aliens demanding hotel rooms….and of having to pay $7 for a loaf of bread.
Where are you shopping for bread?
Simple question, is anyone else sick to death of people like Musk, Trump and Cuban?
People with ego's bigger than God himself.

Not at all. Mostly sick to death of corrupt Political hacks and Lying Leftist commee loons posting BS 24-7.

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