Anyone have any new years resolutions they are willing to share? I have a big one.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Big for me anyhow.
At 11:59 I plan to smoke my last cigarette. Been smoking 36 years and I am ready to stop. Made the decision a couple weeks ago but wanted to wait till tonight so the date and time would be easy to remember and function as a kind of incentive to remind myself of how long it has been and what my goal was.
Big for me anyhow.
At 11:59 I plan to smoke my last cigarette. Been smoking 36 years and I am ready to stop. Made the decision a couple weeks ago but wanted to wait till tonight so the date and time would be easy to remember and function as a kind of incentive to remind myself of how long it has been and what my goal was.

I hope you succeed.

Try sunflower seeds if the urge starts to get the best of you. The ones with the shells on em. That'll keep your mouth busy splitting and spitting. There's some good flavors, I like the ranch flavor. And they're good for you, too.
Big for me anyhow.
At 11:59 I plan to smoke my last cigarette. Been smoking 36 years and I am ready to stop. Made the decision a couple weeks ago but wanted to wait till tonight so the date and time would be easy to remember and function as a kind of incentive to remind myself of how long it has been and what my goal was.
Hope you succeed.
I have tried on and off many times.
The damn things got me good.

The wife tried forcing us to both quit New Years a couple years ago.
She folded in two weeks and a few months later I followed suit with her blaring like a chimney around me all the time.
Keep thinking about it and as usual put it off.
Chew lots of gum or lemon drops and stay busy, busy, busy. That was the key for me. No long quiet moments with a cup of coffe in your hand or sitting on the porch after a big meal with no plans. Your significant others have to help you too by smoking outside or not at all. You’ll be amazed how much more you get done if you are not smoking. Good luck. No more nicotine in 2019.
I've always heard picking a specific date helps you track your progress. That's why New Years is so popular for "resolutions". You don't even have to try to remember.
Big for me anyhow.
At 11:59 I plan to smoke my last cigarette. Been smoking 36 years and I am ready to stop. Made the decision a couple weeks ago but wanted to wait till tonight so the date and time would be easy to remember and function as a kind of incentive to remind myself of how long it has been and what my goal was.

Heads up for tips from any on the board. Traveller and I gave up smoking years ago but I had smoked since the age of 14. Not just a serious addict physically but I loved it. I'd wake up in the morning and well you just can't have your first cup of coffee without lighting your first one. I loved smoking. Honestly .....prayers for you and going cold turkey. Tips are out there though. And Happy New Year GM!!!!! Great decision.
I see some older guys vaping now and then. But then i see them at the same spot smoking lunch. Suppose they alternate?

Two of them said they quit for a year but both re-started same week 53. It don't seem easy? You are mean and tough. Dont let some silly thing defeat you. You control what goes in your own mouth? God i hope so LOL!

God forbid Chiefs lose! Land O' Goshen take two!!

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