Anyone know if Obama or Hillary Spoke To Kayla Mueller's Family?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Hillary was quick to tell the families of the Benghazi victims that she would get the film maker responsible. Still trying to figure that one out.

Anyway, it would be nice if our officials expressed sympathy for the needless death of Kayla Mueller after she was kidnapped by ISIS and killed. Or doesn't this warrant sympathy and a vow to get those responsible? I am waiting for Obama and Hillary to blame this on someone else who offended a bunch of protesters.
Yes Obama called them. Go find some other made up bullshit to be bitter about.

Really? I am glad if that is the case. Do you have a link? I'm just wondering because the media isn't making a big deal out of it like they usually do. ABC, NBC and CBS are talking about anything other than the radical Muslims these days. The silence is deafening.

I have to laugh because liberals here always demand links, then demand better links when they don't like the source. I've always seen demands for links and never do the liberals google something when they doubt what you say.
Yes Obama called them. Go find some other made up bullshit to be bitter about.

Really? I am glad if that is the case. Do you have a link? I'm just wondering because the media isn't making a big deal out of it like they usually do. ABC, NBC and CBS are talking about anything other than the radical Muslims these days. The silence is deafening.
Wow the pain coursing through your ass constantly must be incapacitating. Maybe if you shove a few ice cubes up there it'll help. :cool:
Yes Obama called them. Go find some other made up bullshit to be bitter about.

Really? I am glad if that is the case. Do you have a link? I'm just wondering because the media isn't making a big deal out of it like they usually do. ABC, NBC and CBS are talking about anything other than the radical Muslims these days. The silence is deafening.

I have to laugh because liberals here always demand links, then demand better links when they don't like the source. I've always seen demands for links and never do the liberals google something when they doubt what you say.
Oh really you have to laugh? Way to edit your dumbfuck post after it's already been quoted. I hope it helps you save some face. :cool:
Yes Obama called them. Go find some other made up bullshit to be bitter about.

Really? I am glad if that is the case. Do you have a link? I'm just wondering because the media isn't making a big deal out of it like they usually do. ABC, NBC and CBS are talking about anything other than the radical Muslims these days. The silence is deafening.

I have to laugh because liberals here always demand links, then demand better links when they don't like the source. I've always seen demands for links and never do the liberals google something when they doubt what you say.

According to Google, there are nearly 2,000 news stories about Kayla Mueller, including stories from ABC, NBC, and CBS. Nearly all of those articles include comments about Obama calling the victim's family, and expressing his condolences.

Obama even did an entire interview about it, with Buzzfeed.

Obama On Kayla Mueller Telling Families U.S. Won t Pay Ransom Is As Tough As Anything I Do - BuzzFeed News

What "silence" are you talking about, exactly?
Yes Obama called them. Go find some other made up bullshit to be bitter about.

Really? I am glad if that is the case. Do you have a link? I'm just wondering because the media isn't making a big deal out of it like they usually do. ABC, NBC and CBS are talking about anything other than the radical Muslims these days. The silence is deafening.

I have to laugh because liberals here always demand links, then demand better links when they don't like the source. I've always seen demands for links and never do the liberals google something when they doubt what you say.

Then you really not paying attention very well if you think ABC, NBC, and, CBS are not talking about radical Muslims. At this very moment the top stories on their websites deal with ISIS, Kayla Mueller, and the deteriorating situation Yemen.

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