Donald Trump "It just never ends with these people"

I agree with Trump one hundred percent. The left just can't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that this man was struck by an assassin's bullet and lived to tell the tale. They're just so intimidated by his strength and courage. Biden wouldn't have gotten back up to his feet and started yelling fight! Fight! Fight! Biden can barely stand up without being shot. 🙄

/—-/ If he had been killed, I bet Morning Joe would claim he’s faking being dead just for the sympathy vote.
Let me rephrase that. He dodged a bullet ripping through his skull my millimeters. The bullet hit his ear instead. Hellbilly has a sad that it didn't murder him. We get it...
no stitches? no scar? the rich do get better health care, or is it that miraculous natural immune system?
Eat shit. You tell lots of folks to fuck off or to stfu. But you don’t accept such advice when given to you.

Maybe now you grasp why nobody with a brain takes you seriously.

Stupidity never ends with you and your filthy ilk.
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/—-/ If he had been killed, I bet Morning Joe would claim he’s faking being dead just for the sympathy vote.

Yep because anything and everything is Trump's fault. Apparently even being shot is all his fault. 🙄

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