Anyone See A Pattern Here? The Values of the Neo "Conservative" Need Purging

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Homos are mentally unstable and typically very violent as well. No one can scream, rant, and throw tantrums like a queer. They are drama queens and attention whores.

Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

It's funny how progressives still want to claim this fag was a "conservative republican", when all of his actions and beliefs prove otherwise.

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?

Yes I do know better than to call a mixed race Nazi faggot that hates Christians a "conservative".

So he's gay because....what? You typed the word 'faggot'?

And why would I ignore this person on their own beliefs and accept that you speak for them? Especially after the rather specific claims you've made about his sexuality are backed by exactly jack shit?

Why would you ignore a crazy mass murderer's claims?

Most people aren't willing to take the words of mass murderers as gospel truth. You know, if they are so detached from reality to kill like that, maybe they are liars as well?

Leave it to progressives to take the word of a mass killer as a reliable source.
Homos are mentally unstable and typically very violent as well. No one can scream, rant, and throw tantrums like a queer. They are drama queens and attention whores.

Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

It's funny how progressives still want to claim this fag was a "conservative republican", when all of his actions and beliefs prove otherwise.

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?

Yes I do know better than to call a mixed race Nazi faggot that hates Christians a "conservative".

So he's gay because....what? You typed the word 'faggot'?

And why would I ignore this person on their own beliefs and accept that you speak for them? Especially after the rather specific claims you've made about his sexuality are backed by exactly jack shit?

Why would you ignore a crazy mass murderer's claims?

Most people aren't willing to take the words of mass murderers as gospel truth. You know, if they are so detached from reality to kill like that, maybe they are liars as well?

Gospel truth? You're giving me the person themselves describing their own beliefs.....and YOU, pretending to speak for a person you don't know nor have ever met.

A person you're making shit up about as we speak, claiming he's gay. And having nothing to back it up.

Why would any rational person believe you?
Not only don't you have the slightest clue what you're talking're literally making up details as you go along. Including his entire sexual orientation.

Leave it to progressives to take the word of a mass killer as a reliable source.

Certainly more reliable than you making shit up as you go along.
When any of you are done with your ad hominem diversions, feel free to talk to the topic. And before you do, take a good look at the OP and the photos in it. You know what they say...a picture is worth a thousand words...

The topic being your imagination?

Remember, nothing you're alleging actually has any evidence to support it. So you're exploiting a horid tragedy to feed your personal obsession with homosexuals.

That's quite awful.
As opposed to exploiting a horrible tragedy to feed one's personal obsession with gun control? I bet you had a hot flash when the Magic Negro leaped over 9 bodies to gleefully push his agenda. No criticism from you on that.


So I'm a hypocrite because you 'bet' I did something you imagined.

Huh. I don't think hypocrite means what you think it means. Try again.
No, my use of the word was deft and accurate. It sticks to you like white on rice.

Based on what? Remember, you're still citing your imagination as your only evidence.

Remember, you seeing pictures in your head doesn't actually translate into reality. So when you imagine something, that isn't actually evidence.

I'll add 'accurate' to the list of word that I don't mean what you think they mean.
Hawk and saintmike are citing themselves as authorities. He is gay because they say he is, not because there is any other evidence that they could cite. The don't like the idea that a self-proclaimed 'conservative republican' would kill Christians. So what. The evidence is not on their side.
Homos are mentally unstable and typically very violent as well. No one can scream, rant, and throw tantrums like a queer. They are drama queens and attention whores.

Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

It's funny how progressives still want to claim this fag was a "conservative republican", when all of his actions and beliefs prove otherwise.

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?

Yes I do know better than to call a mixed race Nazi faggot that hates Christians a "conservative".

So he's gay because....what? You typed the word 'faggot'?

And why would I ignore this person on their own beliefs and accept that you speak for them? Especially after the rather specific claims you've made about his sexuality are backed by exactly jack shit?

Why would you ignore a crazy mass murderer's claims?

Most people aren't willing to take the words of mass murderers as gospel truth. You know, if they are so detached from reality to kill like that, maybe they are liars as well?

Gospel truth? You're giving me the person themselves describing their own beliefs.....and YOU, pretending to speak for a person you don't know nor have ever met.

A person you're making shit up about as we speak, claiming he's gay. And having nothing to back it up.

Why would any rational person believe you?
Not only don't you have the slightest clue what you're talking're literally making up details as you go along. Including his entire sexual orientation.

Leave it to progressives to take the word of a mass killer as a reliable source.

Certainly more reliable than you making shit up as you go along.

Making shit up? I'm not allowed to call someone a faggot? I judge people based on their actions, not their claims. Especially if they are murderers.

You go right on ahead and keep believing he was a "conservative" since you like to trust mass murderers and take them at their word.
Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?

Yes I do know better than to call a mixed race Nazi faggot that hates Christians a "conservative".

So he's gay because....what? You typed the word 'faggot'?

And why would I ignore this person on their own beliefs and accept that you speak for them? Especially after the rather specific claims you've made about his sexuality are backed by exactly jack shit?

Why would you ignore a crazy mass murderer's claims?

Most people aren't willing to take the words of mass murderers as gospel truth. You know, if they are so detached from reality to kill like that, maybe they are liars as well?

Gospel truth? You're giving me the person themselves describing their own beliefs.....and YOU, pretending to speak for a person you don't know nor have ever met.

A person you're making shit up about as we speak, claiming he's gay. And having nothing to back it up.

Why would any rational person believe you?
Not only don't you have the slightest clue what you're talking're literally making up details as you go along. Including his entire sexual orientation.

Leave it to progressives to take the word of a mass killer as a reliable source.

Certainly more reliable than you making shit up as you go along.

Making shit up? I'm not allowed to call someone a faggot? I judge people based on their actions, not their claims. Especially if they are murderers.

You go right on ahead and keep believing he was a "conservative" since you like to trust mass murderers and take them at their word.
If actions determine sexuality, then since the overwhelming number of murders are by heterosexuals, then Mercer is undoubtedly straight. I would take Mercer and Roof at their words instead of Hawk. They had no trouble describing themselves, whereas Hawk can't admit he is making up shit.

No straight person would describe people as does Hawk. He must be a self-proclaimed faggot.
Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?

Yes I do know better than to call a mixed race Nazi faggot that hates Christians a "conservative".

So he's gay because....what? You typed the word 'faggot'?

And why would I ignore this person on their own beliefs and accept that you speak for them? Especially after the rather specific claims you've made about his sexuality are backed by exactly jack shit?

Why would you ignore a crazy mass murderer's claims?

Most people aren't willing to take the words of mass murderers as gospel truth. You know, if they are so detached from reality to kill like that, maybe they are liars as well?

Gospel truth? You're giving me the person themselves describing their own beliefs.....and YOU, pretending to speak for a person you don't know nor have ever met.

A person you're making shit up about as we speak, claiming he's gay. And having nothing to back it up.

Why would any rational person believe you?
Not only don't you have the slightest clue what you're talking're literally making up details as you go along. Including his entire sexual orientation.

Leave it to progressives to take the word of a mass killer as a reliable source.

Certainly more reliable than you making shit up as you go along.

Making shit up? I'm not allowed to call someone a faggot? I judge people based on their actions, not their claims. Especially if they are murderers.

And when have his actions indicated his gay? No where. You're just making this shit up.Why would any rational person believe YOU, citing YOU on a person you've never met nor have been in the same room with. Especially when you're literally making up details as you go along?

I can't think of a single reason.

You go right on ahead and keep believing he was a "conservative" since you like to trust mass murderers and take them at their word.

I believe he's a better source than you are on his own beliefs. As would any rational person.
And when have his actions indicated his gay?

Right ear pierced. Enjoys romantic comedies, likes gyms and "dieting always BRAINS!"...and shot specifically Christians just after the Pope said "no gay marriage". He was gay. Just like Dylann Roof who shot 9 Christians the day after another major southern Christian church said a very public 'NO' to gay marriage...
And when have his actions indicated his gay?

Right ear pierced. Enjoys romantic comedies, likes gyms and "dieting always BRAINS!"...and shot specifically Christians just after the Pope said "no gay marriage". He was gay. Just like Dylann Roof who shot 9 Christians the day after another major southern Christian church said a very public 'NO' to gay marriage...
Also he was black. Minorities have really high homosexuality rates.
He also called himself a lover. You lefties buy that too? I doubt he knew what a conservative is and I have to admit I have no clue what a neo-conservative is. I think he was just trying to get laid, hard to believe, I know. Probably thought not many straight gals would go for "liberal".

lib women arent too pretty.
And when have his actions indicated his gay?
Right ear pierced. Enjoys romantic comedies, likes gyms and "dieting always BRAINS!"...and shot specifically Christians just after the Pope said "no gay marriage". He was gay. Just like Dylann Roof who shot 9 Christians the day after another major southern Christian church said a very public 'NO' to gay marriage...
Good examples of coincident not causation.
Sil was terribly damaged I understand by her encounters.

But this continual lying and shying of and about the truth of homosexuality only exacerbaters her mental illness.

She is in desperate need of therapy.
Go get a real life and quit being a lying divisive little troll.
And when have his actions indicated his gay?

Right ear pierced. Enjoys romantic comedies, likes gyms and "dieting always BRAINS!"...and shot specifically Christians just after the Pope said "no gay marriage". He was gay. Just like Dylann Roof who shot 9 Christians the day after another major southern Christian church said a very public 'NO' to gay marriage...
Also he was black. Minorities have really high homosexuality rates.
Once again, you cite yourself as authority and are wrong.

Sil was terribly damaged I understand by her encounters.

But this continual lying and shying of and about the truth of homosexuality only exacerbates her mental illness.

She is in desperate need of therapy.
Go get a real life and quit being a lying divisive little troll.
'Troll elsewhere, dear. Neither Sil nor you nor anyone is going to get away with dishonesty about homosexuality. Sil falsely links neo-conservatism to defense of heterosexuality somehow. Strange, I know.
He also called himself a lover. You lefties buy that too? I doubt he knew what a conservative is and I have to admit I have no clue what a neo-conservative is. I think he was just trying to get laid, hard to believe, I know. Probably thought not many straight gals would go for "liberal".
So you think you are a better source on his political preferences....than he was?

Interesting. So, with you speaking for everyone involved, do we even need to be here?
You're quite the dim bulb. Not everything someone puts on their dating profile is true. He didn't sound like a lover to me and he was into the Nazis. Conservative Republicans like a small government and more freedom, so either he didn't know what he was talking about or he lied.
Great. So...what he said about himself is a lie....if it doesn't fit your scenerio.
Sil was terribly damaged I understand by her encounters.

But this continual lying and shying of and about the truth of homosexuality only exacerbates her mental illness.

She is in desperate need of therapy.
Go get a real life and quit being a lying divisive little troll.
'Troll elsewhere, dear. Neither Sil nor you nor anyone is going to get away with dishonesty about homosexuality. Sil falsely links neo-conservatism to defense of heterosexuality somehow. Strange, I know.
The only dishonest one is you Jake.
When any of you are done with your ad hominem diversions, feel free to talk to the topic. And before you do, take a good look at the OP and the photos in it. You know what they say...a picture is worth a thousand words...

The topic being your imagination?

Remember, nothing you're alleging actually has any evidence to support it. So you're exploiting a horid tragedy to feed your personal obsession with homosexuals.

That's quite awful.
As opposed to exploiting a horrible tragedy to feed one's personal obsession with gun control? I bet you had a hot flash when the Magic Negro leaped over 9 bodies to gleefully push his agenda. No criticism from you on that.


So I'm a hypocrite because you 'bet' I did something you imagined.

Huh. I don't think hypocrite means what you think it means. Try again.
No, my use of the word was deft and accurate. It sticks to you like white on rice.

Based on what? Remember, you're still citing your imagination as your only evidence.

Remember, you seeing pictures in your head doesn't actually translate into reality. So when you imagine something, that isn't actually evidence.

I'll add 'accurate' to the list of word that I don't mean what you think they mean.
You had a hot flash when Bucky used this tragedy to push for gun control. Do you deny this?
The topic being your imagination?

Remember, nothing you're alleging actually has any evidence to support it. So you're exploiting a horid tragedy to feed your personal obsession with homosexuals.

That's quite awful.
As opposed to exploiting a horrible tragedy to feed one's personal obsession with gun control? I bet you had a hot flash when the Magic Negro leaped over 9 bodies to gleefully push his agenda. No criticism from you on that.


So I'm a hypocrite because you 'bet' I did something you imagined.

Huh. I don't think hypocrite means what you think it means. Try again.
No, my use of the word was deft and accurate. It sticks to you like white on rice.

Based on what? Remember, you're still citing your imagination as your only evidence.

Remember, you seeing pictures in your head doesn't actually translate into reality. So when you imagine something, that isn't actually evidence.

I'll add 'accurate' to the list of word that I don't mean what you think they mean.
You had a hot flash when Bucky used this tragedy to push for gun control. Do you deny this?
You are the one who admitted to killing cat for fun. Don't talk about hot flashes and guns.
'Troll elsewhere, dear. Neither Sil nor you nor anyone is going to get away with dishonesty about homosexuality. Sil falsely links neo-conservatism to defense of heterosexuality somehow. Strange, I know.

I didn't say that every person practicing the faith of LGBT is a mass murderer. What I am saying is that Mercer and Roof were/are homosexuals who gunned down Christians specifically, immediately following this or that faction of Christianity announcing very publicly that "gay marriage" is an abomination against God.

LGBTs are free to practice their deviant-sex faith/cult, but their faith cannot be forcing people via the courts or at the fear of being at the end of a gun to "play along or else".. Not talking about what's really going on here with these two shooters is putting more people in danger.
'Troll elsewhere, dear. Neither Sil nor you nor anyone is going to get away with dishonesty about homosexuality. Sil falsely links neo-conservatism to defense of heterosexuality somehow. Strange, I know.

I didn't say that every person practicing the faith of LGBT is a mass murderer. What I am saying is that Mercer and Roof were/are homosexuals who gunned down Christians specifically, immediately following this or that faction of Christianity announcing very publicly that "gay marriage" is an abomination against God.

LGBTs are free to practice their deviant-sex faith/cult, but their faith cannot be forcing people via the courts or at the fear of being at the end of a gun to "play along or else".. Not talking about what's really going on here with these two shooters is putting more people in danger.
Sil, until you have solid evidence that indeed they were homosexuals, your opinion is worthless.

And, even if they were, serial murderers are normally white male, disaffected straights with either a far right or an extremist militia agenda. In fact, Roof and Mercia were crazies.

UCC was not a church and I doubt it was denouncing '"gay marriage" as an abomination.

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