Anyone See A Pattern Here? The Values of the Neo "Conservative" Need Purging

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Sil, you are a malignant nut bag.

What "Christianity promotes tolerance towards homosexuals" are we seeing from you and the other fruit loops who pose as Christain? You all are haters, some incredibly vicious, even hinting at death.

Here, join this cause. It has a much better chance of success.

This person ^^ is exactly what I'm talking about when right-ear piercers/right dainty wristband wearers start shooting up schools. They apologize for them (or claim against all indications, that they aren't gay) and immediately begin attacking Christians (in this case verbally but it's how it spiralled out of control and inspired both Roof and Mercer online) AGAIN.

It's this type of anti-Christian hate-trolling that is getting Christians killed by gay assasins. It's no coincidence either that it keeps happening immediately after each announcement by a Christian organization that gay marraige is not acceptable.
Sil, you are a malignant nut bag.

What "Christianity promotes tolerance towards homosexuals" are we seeing from you and the other fruit loops who pose as Christain? You all are haters, some incredibly vicious, even hinting at death.

Here, join this cause. It has a much better chance of success.

This person ^^ is exactly what I'm talking about when right-ear piercers/right dainty wristband wearers start shooting up schools. They apologize for them (or claim against all indications, that they aren't gay) and immediately begin attacking Christians (in this case verbally but it's how it spiralled out of control and inspired both Roof and Mercer online) AGAIN.

It's this type of anti-Christian hate-trolling that is getting Christians killed by gay assasins. It's no coincidence either that it keeps happening immediately after each announcement by a Christian organization that gay marraige is not acceptable.

Sil, you are a malignant nut bag.

What "Christianity promotes tolerance towards homosexuals" are we seeing from you and the other fruit loops who pose as Christain? You all are haters, some incredibly vicious, even hinting at death.

Here, join this cause. It has a much better chance of success.


This person ^^ is exactly what I'm talking about when right-ear piercers/right dainty wristband wearers start shooting up schools. They apologize for them (or claim against all indications, that they aren't gay) and immediately begin attacking Christians (in this case verbally but it's how it spiralled out of control and inspired both Roof and Mercer online) AGAIN.

It's this type of anti-Christian hate-trolling that is getting Christians killed by gay assasins. It's no coincidence either that it keeps happening immediately after each announcement by a Christian organization that gay marraige is not acceptable.
You are the hater, Sil.

I did not apologize for the killer, and you saying so shows what a pus bag full of lies you are truly.

Where did I attack the Christians whom he killed? Where did I approve of what he did? Where did homosexuals encourage Roof and Mercer? You are talking as if you are insane.

Christians who hate (as opposed to Christians who follow the laws and try to get change legally without hate) will alway be resisted to the max.
So closeted homo's are mass killers. Interesting. :eusa_think:
I was just sort of kidding about "closeted". Closeted gay men don't pierce their right ear and wear dainty wristwatch bands upside down on their right wrist. We have two de facto gay guys using very loosely the cover of "being straight" to walk through their gay world.

For instance, when doing online profiles, a man who is writing "I like romantic comedies" and on food interests "always dieting, BRAINS!!" is doing what these loosely-cloaked gay men always do, signaling to each other when cruising for one night stands. And he preferred those also in his dating proflie. It's all there and any gay person if they were being honest would say "yep, all things considered, Mercer also was gay".



Looks like a right-ear piercing hole if I'm not mistaken..

Chris Mercer's ^^ online profile... identified as "Conservative"...just like Dylan Roof...

A man who liked romantic comedies, working out in gyms, identifies as straight and when killing, saved the worst abuse for those identifying as Christian the week after the Pope announced nothing but traditional marriage is allowed to Christians and they may not promote gay marriage either.

Sounds like we have a closet-boy here who, when push comes to shove, identifies as homosexual.

Yep, a twisted mind for sure.. Just like the "conservative" Dylann Roof kid with a super-sweet and dandy black boy-friend he spent the night with frequently (with a media-assigned motive of "racial hatred of blacks") who liked to go to gyms, but judging from his pencil arms was doing more watching than working out. And on his right wrist he wore a delicate watch band upside down, which I think in gay vernacular for "I'm gay and I'm a bottom"....who gunned down not 9 blacks, but 9 Christians in a church bible study group just hours after a major southern Christian church announced it would not support gay marriage at all..

Yep...just a couple of regular old Christian-killin' romantic comedy lovin', right wrist upside-down-dainty watch-wearin', flag burnin' "conservative" white males..


Rely upon Silhouette to leave no tragedy without blaming it on homosexuals.
Sil, you are a malignant nut bag.

What "Christianity promotes tolerance towards homosexuals" are we seeing from you and the other fruit loops who pose as Christain? You all are haters, some incredibly vicious, even hinting at death.

Here, join this cause. It has a much better chance of success.

It's this type of anti-Christian hate-trolling that is getting Christians killed by gay assasins..

Silhouette is virtually the only person who keeps seeing 'gay' when some deluded idiot kills Christians.

But that is because Silhouette will leave no tragedy unexploited in her homophobic anti-gay campaign.
Sil was terribly damaged I understand by her encounters.

But this continual lying and shying of and about the truth of homosexuality only exacerbaters her mental illness.

She is in desperate need of therapy.
When any of you are done with your ad hominem diversions, feel free to talk to the topic. And before you do, take a good look at the OP and the photos in it. You know what they say...a picture is worth a thousand words...
Tell the truth about you is not ad hom.

You need to come to grips with yourself, Sil.
When any of you are done with your ad hominem diversions, feel free to talk to the topic. And before you do, take a good look at the OP and the photos in it. You know what they say...a picture is worth a thousand words...

The topic being your imagination?

Remember, nothing you're alleging actually has any evidence to support it. So you're exploiting a horid tragedy to feed your personal obsession with homosexuals.

That's quite awful.
Homos are mentally unstable and typically very violent as well. No one can scream, rant, and throw tantrums like a queer. They are drama queens and attention whores.

It's funny how progressives still want to claim this fag was a "conservative republican", when all of his actions and beliefs prove otherwise.

But, you can't reason with these people. They are willing to call queers like Caitlyn Jenner a "female" just because he wants to be called that, even though the fact is he will always be a male.
Homos are mentally unstable and typically very violent as well. No one can scream, rant, and throw tantrums like a queer. They are drama queens and attention whores.

Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

It's funny how progressives still want to claim this fag was a "conservative republican", when all of his actions and beliefs prove otherwise.

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?
At least we all agree that Chris Mercer was gay. A gay man shooting Christians to death by preference the week after the Pope announced that gay marriage isn't allowed as a Christian bylaw.
At least we all agree that Chris Mercer was gay. A gay man shooting Christians to death by preference the week after the Pope announced that gay marriage isn't allowed as a Christian bylaw.

So let me see if I have this right: your evidence that he's gay is you typing that he's gay.

Does that about cover it?

And I'm pretty sure you just hallucinated that 'bylaw. '
Homos are mentally unstable and typically very violent as well. No one can scream, rant, and throw tantrums like a queer. They are drama queens and attention whores.

Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

It's funny how progressives still want to claim this fag was a "conservative republican", when all of his actions and beliefs prove otherwise.

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?

Yes I do know better than to call a mixed race Nazi faggot that hates Christians a "conservative".
When any of you are done with your ad hominem diversions, feel free to talk to the topic. And before you do, take a good look at the OP and the photos in it. You know what they say...a picture is worth a thousand words...

The topic being your imagination?

Remember, nothing you're alleging actually has any evidence to support it. So you're exploiting a horid tragedy to feed your personal obsession with homosexuals.

That's quite awful.
As opposed to exploiting a horrible tragedy to feed one's personal obsession with gun control? I bet you had a hot flash when the Magic Negro leaped over 9 bodies to gleefully push his agenda. No criticism from you on that.

Homos are mentally unstable and typically very violent as well. No one can scream, rant, and throw tantrums like a queer. They are drama queens and attention whores.

Says who? You seem to be quoting yourself on this matter. Are you an expert on homosexuals? If so, what kind of deep, probing 'research' did you conduct to gain such expertise?

It's funny how progressives still want to claim this fag was a "conservative republican", when all of his actions and beliefs prove otherwise.

And he's gay why? I call him a conservative because he called himself one. You know better?

Yes I do know better than to call a mixed race Nazi faggot that hates Christians a "conservative".

So he's gay because....what? You typed the word 'faggot'?

And why would I ignore this person on their own beliefs and accept that you speak for them? Especially after the rather specific claims you've made about his sexuality are backed by exactly jack shit?
When any of you are done with your ad hominem diversions, feel free to talk to the topic. And before you do, take a good look at the OP and the photos in it. You know what they say...a picture is worth a thousand words...

The topic being your imagination?

Remember, nothing you're alleging actually has any evidence to support it. So you're exploiting a horid tragedy to feed your personal obsession with homosexuals.

That's quite awful.
As opposed to exploiting a horrible tragedy to feed one's personal obsession with gun control? I bet you had a hot flash when the Magic Negro leaped over 9 bodies to gleefully push his agenda. No criticism from you on that.


So I'm a hypocrite because you 'bet' I did something you imagined.

Huh. I don't think hypocrite means what you think it means. Try again.
When any of you are done with your ad hominem diversions, feel free to talk to the topic. And before you do, take a good look at the OP and the photos in it. You know what they say...a picture is worth a thousand words...

The topic being your imagination?

Remember, nothing you're alleging actually has any evidence to support it. So you're exploiting a horid tragedy to feed your personal obsession with homosexuals.

That's quite awful.
As opposed to exploiting a horrible tragedy to feed one's personal obsession with gun control? I bet you had a hot flash when the Magic Negro leaped over 9 bodies to gleefully push his agenda. No criticism from you on that.


So I'm a hypocrite because you 'bet' I did something you imagined.

Huh. I don't think hypocrite means what you think it means. Try again.
No, my use of the word was deft and accurate. It sticks to you like white on rice.

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