235 Years

There you have it in a nutshell! This is exactly what the left does when they oppose something. They don't just speak of it as an alternative to their own preferences that others have a right to, they try to; instead they try to frame it as illegal and worthy of prosecution.

They've been doing this so often, for so long, q prosecutions have actually lost their meaning. Rather than being illegal proceeding people are not want to standing that it's just another arm of politics.

They managed to get Trump convicted until it gets overturned and guess what???

Nobody gives a shit.

they get the press of calling him a "convicted felon" and all they had to do was destroy our legal system.
Fair enough.

But this isn't "they". It's "he". And he is what he is. Convictions, sexual assault adjudications, frauds, and all
He’s a politician. None of them have even a molehill worth of morals or values to stand on.

I won’t vote for either of them in November. I’ll write my own name in, thank you very much.
George Washington's first term began in 1789. Since then, 235 years, no President has asked for absolute immunity, much less received it.

I wonder why it's needed, so badly, now.

Let me guess: It involves victimhood.

Nobody tried for more than two terms from Washington until that scumbag fdr.
George Washington's first term began in 1789. Since then, 235 years, no President has asked for absolute immunity, much less received it.
You poor Democrats would be much happier in your own country living apart from the rest of us. Why not sub-divide the U.S. and you nut jobs can go live your dream within your own borders, deal?
DRAMA QUEEN Democrats are starting to piss me off! FFS you stupid shits we have survived a revolutionary war, a second war with Britian, a war with Spain, a civil war, two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, etc. and we are still the greatest nation that's ever existed. Just STFU you losers.
Logically, it would be easier to have disagreement between 6 people than 3. Especially when 2 of those 6 are batshit crazy and all three of the rest aren’t.
What is the excuse for the Democratic members of Congress?

Face it, liberals stick together to protect the liberal agenda. The SC justices are not immune to the mind meld.
You believe a president should be able to do whatever the fuck they want. Is there a real difference here?

I believe a President should be afforded the deference of his position, and all this decision did was quantify the levels of immunity because you morons decided to go all lawfare.
George Washington's first term began in 1789. Since then, 235 years, no President has asked for absolute immunity, much less received it.

I wonder why it's needed, so badly, now.

Let me guess: It involves victimhood.

He doesn't have "absolute immunity"
That's not what I said. I said he asked for it.

Read. Comprehend.
no he didn't. put up a quote from him saying that. He said the office had immunity, and as president, he had immunity.
He has the mind, behavior patterns and temperament of a criminal.

Remember, Roy Cohn was a mentor of his. THE Roy Cohn.

And that's all ya need to know.

In the NY criminal culture, they say:
"There's always an angle, you just have to find the angle"

In 2016 Trump's "angle" was getting the Russians to hack into just enough voting systems, in critical election districts, to win the battle ground states and sweep the electoral college. (Worked)

In 2020 Trump's "angle" was to disrupt the counting of electoral votes so that the President would be elected by the House of Representatives. (Did not work)

In 2024 Trump's "angle" was to know that Biden's doctor would tell Biden to drink plenty of water before the debate to prevent dehydration, then one of Trumps goons put some depressants (probably Valium) in Biden's water bottle. (Jury's still out on this).

Gotta wonder what Trump's next "angle" will be!
In the NY criminal culture, they say:
"There's always an angle, you just have to find the angle"

In 2016 Trump's "angle" was getting the Russians to hack into just enough voting systems, in critical election districts, to win the battle ground states and sweep the electoral college. (Worked)

In 2020 Trump's "angle" was to disrupt the counting of electoral votes so that the President would be elected by the House of Representatives. (Did not work)

In 2024 Trump's "angle" was to know that Biden's doctor would tell Biden to drink plenty of water before the debate to prevent dehydration, then one of Trumps goons put some depressants (probably Valium) in Biden's water bottle. (Jury's still out on this).

Gotta wonder what Trump's next "angle" will be!

I thought the voting machines can't be hacked?

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