235 Years

I haven't done anything here. You can't seem to have any political conversation without making it personal. Your CULT has drilled this into you.

Sorry, but when a side decides to destroy centuries of governmental process just to fuck over one former President, you support it, you fucking OWN IT.

Suck it up, small boi.
Oh I know you'll keep asserting same buillshit no matter how throughly it's refuted. Such is nutter life.

As you were.

I've dealt with you enough to know that your intelligence level is not high, at all.

You are very affirmative of what your echo chamber tells you to think, but -
I've dealt with you enough to know that your intelligence level is not high, at all.

You are very affirmative of what your echo chamber tells you to think, but -

Did my "echo chamber" carefully explain to you all the ways in which your citation didn't not say what you thought it said?

No wait, that was me. And this is you here posting laughable garbage as a response.
The orange bag O' shit's initial term was the destruction of decorum. Magaturds supported it. Magaturds own it. Magaturds can accept the fallout. :dunno:

No, it was your reaction to it. He beat the Queen to be, and you have never forgotten it. Then after you "won" you still wouldn't let go with all the bullshit lawfare.

Now you whine when it gets called on the table.
it’s hard for Progressives to understand that a President DOES NOT ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY.

Any President who committed high crimes (killing his political opponents, taking bribes from Ukraine) can be convicted and removed from Office

Unfortunately, democrats are physically incapable of holding their leadership to account.

Don’t believe me? Look at the Mayorkas impeachment

He can't even be charged now. "Official duty" to protect the Constitution from all enemies - foreign or domestic.

All you have to do is declare Trump an insurrectionist, and he becomes a "domestic enemy" and ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate him becomes an "official act" to protect the nation from a domestic enemy.

Ditto any reporter who criticizes the government. Also, using the DOJ to go after his enemies, is now legal, so even if Biden were to decide to do it, the Supreme Court has legalized it.

Be careful what you wish for Frank.
I despise Hillary. Said so here countless times. This is a completely made up argument to soothe... Whatever it is that needs soothing on planet magaturd.

Bullshit. You are an SJW twat parading as whatever you are pretending to be.

It's hard to tell because you actually never give your positions on anything, just spew the latest Trump Derangement.
No, it was your reaction to it. He beat the Queen to be, and you have never forgotten it. Then after you "won" you still wouldn't let go with all the bullshit lawfare.

Now you whine when it gets called on the table.

He CHEATED to win the 2016 election. He lied about his opponents, in violation of the law, and he covered up his won scandals while falsely accusing Clinton of being a criminal. That's "fraud".

He accepted help from and coordinated the the Russians and with Julian Assange, for the hacking and release of the DNC emails, and then Roger Stone lied to the FBI about it.

He tried to overthrow the government, when the American people voted him out of office in 2020, after his failed covid response killed over a half a million Americans and left more than 10 million people sick with the disease.

Now he claims if he doesn't win re-election that it's "rigged" and has refused to accept the results of the election unless he wins. He is an "enemy of the Constitution, and deserves to be put down like the scurvy, rabid dog he is, before more people get killed.
He CHEATED to win the 2016 election. He lied about his opponents, in violation of the law, and he covered up his won scandals while falsely accusing Clinton of being a criminal. That's "fraud".

He accepted help from and coordinated the the Russians and with Julian Assange, for the hacking and release of the DNC emails, and then Roger Stone lied to the FBI about it.

He tried to overthrow the government, when the American people voted him out of office in 2020, after his failed covid response killed over a half a million Americans and left more than 10 million people sick with the disease.

Now he claims if he doesn't win re-election that it's "rigged" and has refused to accept the results of the election unless he wins. He is an "enemy of the Constitution, and deserves to be put down like the scurvy, rabid dog he is, before more people get killed.

That's not cheating you dried up old twat.

That's been debunked 5 ways from Sunday.

No, he didn't.

The Dems will of course try to cheat, it's what they do.
Bullshit. You are an SJW twat parading as whatever you are pretending to be.

It's hard to tell because you actually never give your positions on anything, just spew the latest Trump Derangement.
I'm an unapologetic NeverTrumper. I know that rustles your jimmies. I also give zero fucks. And that tweaks you too. :dunno: My positions lean conservative.

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