Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

Democrat minions flood the internet trying to sell the Biden Snake Oil that the economy is "BOOMING"! Poor and middle class Americans ain't buying that smelly shit.

This survey falls in line with what we see on this forum. Every single MAGA head says this is the worst economy since the great depression and yet I have only seen 3 that admit they are doing poorly. And one of those was whining she could only afford 1 egg and then talked about the bad neighborhoods she had to drive through to get to the country club!
can you define parameters for whom falls in the "middle class"?
It depends heavily upon where you live. A widely accepted range for middle class income is between 50K-130K. A simple way to look at it is if the price of gas or the price of eggs matters to you, then you are middle class (or lower).
Source: Bloomberg

We note that consumer prices have not fallen in a single month since President Biden's term began (July 2022 was the closest with 'unchanged'), which leaves overall prices up over 19.5% since Bidenomics was unleashed (compares with +8% during Trump's term). And prices have never been more expensive.

A snippet from Zero Hedge right now -- the full article highlights the appalling mess Biden's handlers have made .
Many people are saying this is the most beautiful economy they've ever seen. If this wasn't Biden's economy he'd probably be dating it. Biden is the only one who can fix things.

Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

President Biden has an enviable problem: The economy under his watch is doing a lot better than voters give him credit for.

In the latest update of the Yahoo Finance Bidenomics Report Card, Biden’s grade on the economy rose from B+ to A-. This isn’t our opinion. It’s what the numbers tell us. We developed this methodology at the beginning of the Trump administration, with the help of Moody’s Analytics, and we’ve kept it in place for Biden. We determine each president’s grade by tracking six economic indicators back to the 1970s and rating how the current president compares with the prior seven at the same point in their first terms, going back to Jimmy Carter. (Here’s our full methodology.)

Of the eight presidents, Biden gets the highest marks for the total number of new jobs created since he took office, and also for real GDP growth per capita. Biden also gets top marks for the increase in exports during his presidency, although that data only goes back to 1993, so he’s the best of five presidents.

Biden gets second-best marks for the number of new manufacturing jobs, and for gains in the S&P 500 stock index. His only sub-par number is on average hourly earnings, where he ranks second-last.

More at the link.

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January 21, 2021
Trump may have promised an industrial resurgence as he entered office four years ago,
he failed to revive American factories. As we swiftly and gratefully close the book on the
Trump years, it’s important to understand that his grandiose rhetoric and erratic policies
on trade and manufacturing didn’t usher in a new era of prosperity for factory towns.
Many are in fact worse off than we he entered office.
As a candidate, Trump often railed about the size of the U.S. trade deficit.
Yet he’s somehow managed to make it worse. In no year of the Trump
administration was the trade deficit lower than in any of the eight years
of the Obama administration. The highest three annual goods trade deficits on record in U.S. history
are 2018, 2019 and (once figures are finalized) 2020. Those all came under Trump’s watch.

There are fewer people working in manufacturing today than when Trump became president in 2017.
That’s remarkable because factory jobs generally grew year-over-year from 2010 to 2018.
In the last four years of Obama’s presidency alone, 386,000 manufacturing jobs were added.
Throughout Obama’s time in office, Trump repeatedly criticized him for betraying American manufacturing.
But Trump made matters worse in many ways.

The Biden economy continues to thrive as he kicks China's ass, and returns manufacturing jobs to the U.S.

The US is enjoying a strange economic boom...
The boom is visible on the ground. On a recent trip to Georgia in the south of the US, I saw fields and forests being turned into factories with extraordinary speed. In 20 years of reporting around the world, what I have seen in the US over the past year can only compare to what I saw in China in the mid-2000s.
US President Joe Biden's economic policies are changing the country’s landscape...
Mr Biden is spending huge amounts of money to bring the manufacturing of green industries and microchips back to the US from China.
Where the global green economic transition once looked like it was destined to be "made in China", now the US is now staking its claim...
Unemployment in the US is at its lowest rate for 50 years and hundreds of thousands of new workers are joining the US workforce every month, defying all expectations. The US says it is on course to build a fifth of the world’s advanced microchips...
Wall Street titan Jamie Dimon, the boss of JP Morgan, said the "booming" US economy was "unbelievable", with the average consumer "much wealthier than before".
The state of Georgia is one of the big beneficiaries of this spending spree. It is part of the so-called Battery Belt, an area of land largely across the south east where factories for electric car batteries and related components are springing up...
Longer term, Mr Biden’s extra investments could make the US economy even more productive...
The US is definitively transforming the fabric of global manufacturing, reversing decades of outsourcing to the Far East.
The current incumbent of the White House believes that the extra fiscal risk is worth it to stay in the game. The US economy, despite some bumps in the recent numbers, is significantly outperforming the rest of the West.
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But they don't smell as nice as President Biden's economy.

The walking brain dead left will lap all this up.

Good luck with those interest rates and other things people tend not to like.

And let's not forget his campaign to get us to 40 trillion in debt.

Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-​


Idiot OP misspelled “F” in its own thread headline.

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