Anyone Seen Any Death Camps Being Built Yet?

This kind of talk during the election process and flamed afterward by liberal media was and is a disgrace.
This kind of talk during the election process and flamed afterward by liberal media was and is a disgrace.
they have no ethics. so what do you expect. I can't wait until 2018 when all of this shit bubbles up to the top at once.
Havent seen it but I heard they were building a new Section 8 complex in Chicago. That count? :dunno:
Havent seen it but I heard they were building a new Section 8 complex in Chicago. That count? :dunno:
that's just the south side, the death camps have been operating there for eight years. The dems have been funding them for over 50 years.

BTW, they exist in Detroit, Baltimore, East St. Louis. all funded by dems. yeah, come on folks let's call out the nazis.
Liberal lunatics during the 2016 election aftermath said Trump would have a new Holocaust. This was and is an insult to the memories of those who died at the hands of Nazi, Germany and their collaborators. Liberals are flame out nut jobs. To compare Trump to Hitler is to marginalize the tragedy of WWII.
Holocaust survivors weigh in on Trump-Hitler comparison — Jewish Journal

Death camps? Like these?

How did fox news miss this???
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Reporters in the nation’s capital recently stumbled upon President Barack Hussein Obama (D-Kenya) at the Home Depot nearest the White House. Obama was found in the aisle where keys are made, and when asked by the media, he said that he was making copies of the keys Hillary Clinton would need as president to lock and unlock various gates, doors, and confiscated gun warehouses located in FEMA camps around the country.

“Make no mistake,” Obama said as he chose a fun, Disney-themed key blank for the Home Depot employee to use, “the next president will have to carry out Order 666, since it appears I will not be able to. And Lord Alinsky’s spirit has ordered me to make copies of these keys so that Hillary can do just that.”

Obama said that Order 666 was the “quadruple-hardcore-super-duper-classified” executive order that only he and the right-wing conspiracy theory industry knows about. It dictates that all “Alinsky Acolytes” report to the nearest FEMA camp in their town, where they will be issued nets to capture Americans to be brought back to the camps. There, the captured citizens will be stripped of all their guns and be forced to either get a gay marriage or perform an abortion.

President Obama Having Copies Of FEMA Camp Keys Made For Hillary | Huffington Post
Liberal lunatics during the 2016 election aftermath said Trump would have a new Holocaust. This was and is an insult to the memories of those who died at the hands of Nazi, Germany and their collaborators. Liberals are flame out nut jobs. To compare Trump to Hitler is to marginalize the tragedy of WWII.
Holocaust survivors weigh in on Trump-Hitler comparison — Jewish Journal

Death camps? Like these?

How did fox news miss this???
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Reporters in the nation’s capital recently stumbled upon President Barack Hussein Obama (D-Kenya) at the Home Depot nearest the White House. Obama was found in the aisle where keys are made, and when asked by the media, he said that he was making copies of the keys Hillary Clinton would need as president to lock and unlock various gates, doors, and confiscated gun warehouses located in FEMA camps around the country.

“Make no mistake,” Obama said as he chose a fun, Disney-themed key blank for the Home Depot employee to use, “the next president will have to carry out Order 666, since it appears I will not be able to. And Lord Alinsky’s spirit has ordered me to make copies of these keys so that Hillary can do just that.”

Obama said that Order 666 was the “quadruple-hardcore-super-duper-classified” executive order that only he and the right-wing conspiracy theory industry knows about. It dictates that all “Alinsky Acolytes” report to the nearest FEMA camp in their town, where they will be issued nets to capture Americans to be brought back to the camps. There, the captured citizens will be stripped of all their guns and be forced to either get a gay marriage or perform an abortion.

President Obama Having Copies Of FEMA Camp Keys Made For Hillary | Huffington Post
The conservatives have a very short memory and yet they claim not to smoke weed.
This kind of talk during the election process and flamed afterward by liberal media was and is a disgrace.

Interesting. Whelp, since you've already played "disgrace" how would you characterize a kkklown who disses US military vets with "I like people who weren't captured", who disses professional debate moderators with "blood coming out of her wherever", who tells his minions to "beat the crap out of him" because "there used to be consequences -- they'd be carried out on a stretcher", who disses the court system with ethnic bullshit about a judge from Indiana, who disses an entire religion and proposes "registering" and/or deporting them à la the Third Reich, who threatens to muzzle the press, who plays footsie with the David Duke crowd, who candidly admits he counts on the "poorly educated", who smears a sitting President with bullshit tinfoil conspiracies about where he was born and then does a 180 pretending it never happened, who comes with his own long and checkered histories of sexual predation, of misogyny, of continuous hints at his own incest, and of walking in on teenage beauty contestant dressing rooms, who blatantly lies about his bankruptcies, his support for the Iraq war and the existence of his products that went belly-up, among those products being a custom "vitamin" that requires the customer to mail in his own pee, who makes up stories about "millions of people on rooftops" and then mocks a congenital disability when a reporter doesn't back up his bullshit story, who opts to pay 25 million to make a fraud case go away before the electoral college would vote, who declares the election he himself won was "rigged" and who stands on a stage on national TV talking about his dick?

Hint -- you'll need a bigly thesaurus.
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This kind of talk during the election process and flamed afterward by liberal media was and is a disgrace.

Interesting. Whelp, since you've already played "disgrace" how would you characterize a kkklown who disses US military vets with "I like people who weren't captured", who disses professional debate moderators with "blood coming out of her wherever", who tells his minions to "beat the crap out of him" because "there used to be consequences -- they'd be carried out on a stretcher", who disses the court system with ethnic bullshit about a judge from Indiana, who disses an entire religion and proposes "registering" and/or deporting them à la the Third Reich, who threatens to muzzle the press, who plays footsie with the David Duke crowd, who candidly admits he counts on the "poorly educated", who smears a sitting President with bullshit tinfoil conspiracies about where he was born and then does a 180 pretending it never happened, who comes with his own long and checkered histories of sexual predation, of misogyny, of continuous hints at his own incest, and of walking in on teenage beauty contestant dressing rooms, who blatantly lies about his bankruptcies, his support for the Iraq war and the existence of his products that went belly-up, among those products being a custom "vitamin" that requires the customer to mail in his own pee, who makes up stories about "millions of people on rooftops" and then mocks a congenital disability when a reporter doesn't back up his bullshit story, who opts to pay 25 million to make a fraud case go away before the electoral college would vote, who declares the election he himself won was "rigged" and who stands on a stage on national TV talking about his dick?

Hint -- you'll need a bigly thesaurus.

Aaaaand no answer from Wimpy. Whoda thunk it. Perhaps he's been carted off to the death camps. :dunno:

Or perhaps we just don't have a word bigly enough to fit all that.
The French have a verb. It's called tromper -- to deceive

  1. (transitive) to deceive, lead astray, mislead
  2. (transitive) to trick, dupe
  3. (transitive) to cheat on one's significant other
  4. (transitive) to distract oneself from
  5. (reflexive) to make a mistake
    New York est la capitale des États-Unis. Ah non, je me trompe, c'est Washington.
    New York is the capital of the United states. Wait, I'm wrong, it's Washington.
  6. (reflexive, with de) to mix up
    On est en retard parce qu'on s'est trompé de route, mais on ne s'est rendu compte qu'après une demie heure.
    We're late because we took the wrong road, and we only realized after half an hour.
From Middle French tromper, from Old French tromper (“to tramp, trump, delude”, literally “to play on the trumpet”), from trompe (“trump, trumpet”), from Frankish *trumpa (“trump, trumpet”), akin to Old High German trumba, trumpa (“trump, trumpet”). More at tramp, tromp, trump.
Fun thingy --- the first person plural of this verb may be of useful interest --- trompons. :D
Almost sounds like an English noun, donut?

"I have the best words".

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