It was part of the Kerry campaign strategy to put out misinformation about Bush's military service and these Moon Bats fell for it because they are Gruberidiots.
Um... actually that was already out there when Bush first ran, which was 2000. Kerry didn't run until '04.
Linear time -- get used to it.
Bush served honorably getting trained as a fighter pilot and spent more than two years flying CONUS interdiction missions and that is much more than most of the Chickenhawk Moon Bats that spout the anti veteran hate against him have done.
Actually he disappeared and stopped showing up in the napalm-drenched battlefields of war-torn Alabama, but hey, close enough.
What is really hypocritical is that these Moon Bats try to demean Bush for only serving in the National Guard but they voted for Clinton that was a blatant draft dodger
Actually Clinton duly registered for the draft and happened to get a high lottery number, 300-something. You could look it up.
Of course being on the receiving end of a 300 draft number is as evil an act as "having a book written" about your time in 'Nam. Obviously both are acts of treason deviously planned and executed for personal aggrandizement. Clearly Clinton pulled strings to rig the lottery number selection. Da bastid.
This is why I prefer to run on facts instead of mythology. It's a lot less messy.
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