Anyone Watching John Kerry In Cuba? Are We All Beyond Embarrassed By Kerry At This Point?

Notice Kaz makes lots of allegations and offers not one bit of evidence.

"Swift-boating" is not about posting facts or truth, it is and was an effort to assassinate the character of a candidate for POTUS.

Here's a truth, I've walked the Vietnam Memorial War twice, and both times struck with powerful emotions, knowing some of the people behind the names, and knowing they died for a failed arch-conservative theory: The Domino Theory.
Notice Kaz makes lots of allegations and offers not one bit of evidence.

"Swift-boating" is not about posting facts or truth, it is and was an effort to assassinate the character of a candidate for POTUS.

Here's a truth, I've walked the Vietnam Memorial War twice, and both times struck with powerful emotions, knowing some of the people behind the names, and knowing they died for a failed arch-conservative theory: The Domino Theory.
We fought Vietnam as an extension of the Cold us, it was a war on communism

They fought it as a Civil War. We needed to stay out
so some of the posters are beating me up over bashing Kerry? well what about the other 120 Million or so Americans who see Kerry as a national laughing stock? I wasnt the one who called on James Taylor to sing for John Kerry.
Really? One has to love people with your attitude. People who not only did not volunteer to do their part in the military, but then call those who did and saw actual combat, traitors.

I have applied the same exact standard to those on the left that made asinine statements about John McCain's service. If you have not served your nation, you damned well better not critisize the service those who have and have suffered for that service.

Kerry served Honorably. And has served our nation in other capacities since then.

I agree that all servicemen should be respected for their service. McCain, Dole, Kerry, Cleland, and anyone else. Who gives a shite what their politics are, if you carry a weapon for the country you are an honored veteran.

You can criticize someone's politics, but not their service. The two are wholly separate.
Vet-spitters --- that is, the anti-Kerry crowd here -- disgust all decent Americans.

I am a Veteran and wouldn't piss on Kerry's grave after what he testified about Vietnam soldiers while they were still fighting and dying in Vietnam. Any decent American would know that he was giving the VC and North Vietnamese powerful propaganda and that is called aiding and abetting the enemy. Maybe Kerry is Jane Fonda in drag.
Really? One has to love people with your attitude. People who not only did not volunteer to do their part in the military, but then call those who did and saw actual combat, traitors.

I have applied the same exact standard to those on the left that made asinine statements about John McCain's service. If you have not served your nation, you damned well better not critisize the service those who have and have suffered for that service.

Kerry served Honorably. And has served our nation in other capacities since then.

I agree that all servicemen should be respected for their service. McCain, Dole, Kerry, Cleland, and anyone else. Who gives a shite what their politics are, if you carry a weapon for the country you are an honored veteran.

You can criticize someone's politics, but not their service. The two are wholly separate.

McCain, Dole and Cleland didn't throw their 'medals' over the White House fence. Kerry did and dishonored everyone that earned one.
Nobody cares what vet-spitters say. It's just assumed everything they say is part of their general campaign against everything good and decent in the world.

Do you call this good and decent?

John Kerry testimony

I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago in Detroit we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit - the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.
No, raping and cutting off ears is not good and decent. I hope you're not claiming that it is.
The damage that Kerry has done to this country in Cuba and Iran is a great example of why we should never allow filthy ass Democrats to have any power in this country. They are simply not moral, patriotic or smart enough to handle responsibility of protecting this country.
so some of the posters are beating me up over bashing Kerry? well what about the other 120 Million or so Americans who see Kerry as a national laughing stock? I wasnt the one who called on James Taylor to sing for John Kerry.
Functional idiot hater dupe. So getting a small wound and a purple heart is treason now. Nixon's secret plan to get elected and getting 15K Americans and god knows how many Vietnamese and Cambodians and Laotians killed was a disgrace. On chickenhawk GOP scum and the hater dupes believe otherwise.
The damage that Kerry has done to this country in Cuba and Iran is a great example of why we should never allow filthy ass Democrats to have any power in this country. They are simply not moral, patriotic or smart enough to handle responsibility of protecting this country.
You jackass RW chickenhawk ugly American haters would have us in a 1984 like perpetual war in the ME against a demonized Iran etc. In 5 years they'll be the best country in the ME if you a-holes and the RW a-holes in Israel will just stfu. You're a disgrace. You're only saving grace may be your misled idiocy. You'd be half way decent if Fox ran a few Iranian and Cuban human interest about self-fulfilling hater bs.
How you fools can go on about Dems after the total catastrophe of W Booosh is beyond everyone else in the world. YOU are the Americans they hate. Read something and see the world, idiot.
Nobody cares what vet-spitters say. It's just assumed everything they say is part of their general campaign against everything good and decent in the world.

Do you call this good and decent?

John Kerry testimony

I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago in Detroit we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit - the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.
The truth is good and decent.
You jackass RW chickenhawk ugly American haters would have us in a 1984 like perpetual war in the ME against a demonized Iran etc. In 5 years they'll be the best country in the ME if you a-holes and the RW a-holes in Israel will just stfu. You're a disgrace. You're only saving grace may be your misled idiocy. You'd be half way decent if Fox ran a few Iranian and Cuban human interest about self-fulfilling hater bs.

You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I am a real Conservative and an non interventionist.

I think President Shit for Brains and that idiot Kerry enabled the Iranians (Death to America) to get rich, continue with nuclear weapons production and pretty much become a massive regional power that will destabilize the Middle East making war more likely. We should stay out of that shit. That is going to come back and bite us in the ass one day.

As far the Cubans go we should not be enabling the Castro regime as long as it is a brutal terrorists state. That was a dumb ass thing for the US to be doing. Hopefully one of these days we will learn not to support tin pan dictators.

I also think we don't need to support Israel or any other Middle East country.

You, on the other hand, are obviously a confused dumbasss Moon Bat that doesn't know what the hell you believe in. You have no convictions on anything. You are a partisan pig that supports Obama's wars and interventionism and opposes Republican wars and interventionism and you are simply too stupid to the understand they are the same.

You are incapable of thinking for yourself.
How you fools can go on about Dems after the total catastrophe of W Booosh is beyond everyone else in the world. YOU are the Americans they hate. Read something and see the world, idiot.

Obama has pretty well been a catastrophe himself Moon Bat. However, you are too confused to understand it.

He has been at war every day of his administration.

He fought the war in Iraq for three years and then declared it to be a success and now after a total disaster he is back bombing and has more ground troops. He doesn't know what the hell he is doing, does he? Biden says that Iraq was Obama's greatest achievement. ISIS would agree, wouldn't they? He gave away the success of the Surge because he was out playing golf and raising money for the filthy Democrats instead of doing the job we are paying him a half mil a year to do.

Afghanistan has been a disaster with thousands of American and civilian deaths and no real objective met. Obama called it "The Good War" and escalated it and now it saying we have to keep at least 10K troops there for perpetuity. He is saying that it is OK for the Taliban to be part of the government, which negates any reason for him to ever escalate the war.

Then we have his little bombing war in Libya. Libya was absolutely no threat to the US but Obama sent the warplanes and civilians died and now they region is more unstable than it was before. The dumbshit.

As far as Bush goes remember that the shithead John Kerry, who you love so much, voted for the invasion of Iraq as did that stupid bitch Clinton who you will vote for if she is on the ballot next November so you need to get off your high horse because you really don't believe in anything.

You are simply confused and have no idea what you think. You preach this sorry hippy peacenik bullshit but you vote for Democrats that follow the same path of interventionism as the NeoCons.
Really? One has to love people with your attitude. People who not only did not volunteer to do their part in the military, but then call those who did and saw actual combat, traitors.

I have applied the same exact standard to those on the left that made asinine statements about John McCain's service. If you have not served your nation, you damned well better not critisize the service those who have and have suffered for that service.

Kerry served Honorably. And has served our nation in other capacities since then.

I agree that all servicemen should be respected for their service. McCain, Dole, Kerry, Cleland, and anyone else. Who gives a shite what their politics are, if you carry a weapon for the country you are an honored veteran.

You can criticize someone's politics, but not their service. The two are wholly separate.

McCain, Dole and Cleland didn't throw their 'medals' over the White House fence. Kerry did and dishonored everyone that earned one.

Why, because you say so? LOL

Get over yourself, you like to project your hatred out onto the rest of society. Its yours, keep it close to your dark heart and feed off of it like a rabid bat.

Kerry served honorably and came back and spoke truth to authority, the very authority that was happy to send more men to their deaths.

All you people that like to project your politics into every moment and every situation are lost to humanity. Your view of life is so utterly narrow that to engage you in any kind of conversation that normal people would engage in is impossible.

You hate. That's it.
I hear Cuba is demanding MILLIONS of dollars from us and I have NO DOUBT Obama/Lurch Kerry will take from us to give it to them. Just like they want to with IRAN. They crap on our allies and cozy up to all our enemies. That should scare the hell out of ALL of us
and yet we have members here who think we are the radicals.

No doubt there are members who think you are radicals,,,,,,along with over half of Americans.
But back to Kerry. Who did he think he was telling those commie pickos to give their citizens more freedom? Ron Reagan telling commie pinkos of Eastern Europe to "take down that wall"? Does Kerry think bringing capitalism will change the way Cuba does business? It's not worked in the past, except in China, Russia, Veitnam and Eastern Europe. Yeah they were commies too, but these commies are different, they are Western commies. What the heck was Kerry thinking?
I was waiting for some military medals to come sailing in over the fence behind him.

I'd have paid real money to see that!!

It wasn't that long ago that there was quite an extensive thread whining about the left not forgiving Josh Duggar for molesting little girls 12 years ago.
Now we have the same group of people bashing Kerry for what he did over 40 years ago!!!
Canada and many European democracies have had diplomatic relations with Cuba through the years while we have not. For Kerry, to even mention one iota of a chance that we can bring democracy to Cuba while for decades the aforementioned democracies have not, is just plain proof that that our leaders are, indeed, stupid. Kerry proves Trump, right, again! :biggrin:

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