Anyone Watching John Kerry In Cuba? Are We All Beyond Embarrassed By Kerry At This Point?

:gives: For those of you who missed it, you didn't miss anything. John Kerry was in Cuba gloating over the success of himself opening an embassy in Cuba. So anyone so excited that they just can't control their bodily urges? And where was James Taylor? I guess he couldn't make it. Again millions of Americans had to endure the agony of listening to John Kerry speak. Anyone yell back at their TV sets? What did you scream back at Kerry?
Please let us know!:hellno:

Based on your posting, you were way beyond embarrassment long before you got here.
How you fools can go on about Dems after the total catastrophe of W Booosh is beyond everyone else in the world. YOU are the Americans they hate. Read something and see the world, idiot.

Obama has pretty well been a catastrophe himself Moon Bat. However, you are too confused to understand it.

He has been at war every day of his administration.

He fought the war in Iraq for three years and then declared it to be a success and now after a total disaster he is back bombing and has more ground troops. He doesn't know what the hell he is doing, does he? Biden says that Iraq was Obama's greatest achievement. ISIS would agree, wouldn't they? He gave away the success of the Surge because he was out playing golf and raising money for the filthy Democrats instead of doing the job we are paying him a half mil a year to do.

Afghanistan has been a disaster with thousands of American and civilian deaths and no real objective met. Obama called it "The Good War" and escalated it and now it saying we have to keep at least 10K troops there for perpetuity. He is saying that it is OK for the Taliban to be part of the government, which negates any reason for him to ever escalate the war.

Then we have his little bombing war in Libya. Libya was absolutely no threat to the US but Obama sent the warplanes and civilians died and now they region is more unstable than it was before. The dumbshit.

As far as Bush goes remember that the shithead John Kerry, who you love so much, voted for the invasion of Iraq as did that stupid bitch Clinton who you will vote for if she is on the ballot next November so you need to get off your high horse because you really don't believe in anything.

You are simply confused and have no idea what you think. You preach this sorry hippy peacenik bullshit but you vote for Democrats that follow the same path of interventionism as the NeoCons.
Obama got us out of that rathole Booosh made and is now doing a fine job of keeping us out and getting the ME to handle it. You morons STILL want to nation build there, and don't realize our boots on the ground makes them hate us period. STFU and let the adults handle this. Consider diplomacy, shytteheads- and screw RW a-hole Israelis too...

They voted to give Booosh leverage since they believed HIS LIES. Afghan has their chance now. Now if you a-holes would let us end the BOOOSH World Depression they would ALL have a GOOD chance, you useless POSs.
Canada and many European democracies have had diplomatic relations with Cuba through the years while we have not. For Kerry, to even mention one iota of a chance that we can bring democracy to Cuba while for decades the aforementioned democracies have not, is just plain proof that that our leaders are, indeed, stupid. Kerry proves Trump, right, again! :biggrin:
It's coming, jackass, and faster if we take away the Yanqui Evil threat. It's in our back yard and our money means more than all the others combined, easy. Trump is a Foxbot idiot. 40% is his limit.
You jackass RW chickenhawk ugly American haters would have us in a 1984 like perpetual war in the ME against a demonized Iran etc. In 5 years they'll be the best country in the ME if you a-holes and the RW a-holes in Israel will just stfu. You're a disgrace. You're only saving grace may be your misled idiocy. You'd be half way decent if Fox ran a few Iranian and Cuban human interest about self-fulfilling hater bs.

You are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I am a real Conservative and an non interventionist.

I think President Shit for Brains and that idiot Kerry enabled the Iranians (Death to America) to get rich, continue with nuclear weapons production and pretty much become a massive regional power that will destabilize the Middle East making war more likely. We should stay out of that shit. That is going to come back and bite us in the ass one day.

As far the Cubans go we should not be enabling the Castro regime as long as it is a brutal terrorists state. That was a dumb ass thing for the US to be doing. Hopefully one of these days we will learn not to support tin pan dictators.

I also think we don't need to support Israel or any other Middle East country.

You, on the other hand, are obviously a confused dumbasss Moon Bat that doesn't know what the hell you believe in. You have no convictions on anything. You are a partisan pig that supports Obama's wars and interventionism and opposes Republican wars and interventionism and you are simply too stupid to the understand they are the same.

You are incapable of thinking for yourself.
Except Obama's wars aren't wars, they're USAF bombing missions to help allies, stupid.

You are a brainwashed whack job hater dupe of the GOP, no matter what idiotic name they've given you to use, twit.
I was waiting for some military medals to come sailing in over the fence behind him.

I'd have paid real money to see that!!

It wasn't that long ago that there was quite an extensive thread whining about the left not forgiving Josh Duggar for molesting little girls 12 years ago.
Now we have the same group of people bashing Kerry for what he did over 40 years ago!!!
Maybe Lerch was just trying to create his own "Tear Down This Wall" historical moment. But there is one small problem, there is nothing historic in regards to John Kerrys career as S.O.S,
I was waiting for some military medals to come sailing in over the fence behind him.

I'd have paid real money to see that!!

It wasn't that long ago that there was quite an extensive thread whining about the left not forgiving Josh Duggar for molesting little girls 12 years ago.
Now we have the same group of people bashing Kerry for what he did over 40 years ago!!!
Maybe Lerch was just trying to create his own "Tear Down This Wall" historical moment. But there is one small problem, there is nothing historic in regards to John Kerrys career as S.O.S,
Just good stuff, not historic lies and disasters like Booosh's lol...

Except Obama's wars aren't wars, they're USAF bombing missions to help allies, stupid.

You are a brainwashed whack job hater dupe of the GOP, no matter what idiotic name they've given you to use, twit.

Excuse me Moon Bat but you are confused once again.

My son served in a combat function in Obama's interventionist wars and men in his platoon were killed and they killed the enemy. That is war you moron. Only idiotic Chickenhawk Libtards like you that never served don't have a clue what war is.

Obama sent tens of thousands combat troops to Iraq and over hundreds of thousands of combat troops to Afghanistan and you voted for him so that pretty well makes you a hypocritical asshole when you spout your hippy peacenik bullshit, doesn't it?.

The reason why you are a Libtard Moon Bat is that you have absolutely no understanding of the crap that you spout. It must be the pot.

By the way Moon Bat, since you seem to be an expert on Vietnam I have asked you twice before in this thread for you to tell me what unit you served in Vietnam but you have not answered the question.
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Once again Obama spit on us. His number one goal in life. first off putting someone a majority of the people see's as a Traitor and a disgrace to his military service, Jon Kerry as SOS. and now this sucking up to another Communist. way to go all you who voted for him
Once again Obama spit on us. His number one goal in life. first off putting someone a majority of the people see's as a Traitor and a disgrace to his military service, Jon Kerry as SOS. and now this sucking up to another Communist. way to go all you who voted for him

You have to forgive the Moon Bats that elected Obama and who supported John "Traitor" Kerry in 2004 . They are confused about a great many things. They are incapable of thinking for themselves and most of them have no idea on what is is they suppose to believe in. They are the stupid Americans Jonathan Gruber told us about.

Except Obama's wars aren't wars, they're USAF bombing missions to help allies, stupid.

You are a brainwashed whack job hater dupe of the GOP, no matter what idiotic name they've given you to use, twit.

Excuse me Moon Bat but you are confused once again.

My son served in a combat function in Obama's interventionist wars and men in his platoon were killed and they killed the enemy. That is war you moron. Only idiotic Chickenhawk Libtards like you that never served don't have a clue what war is.

Obama sent tens of thousands combat troops to Iraq and over hundreds of thousands of combat troops to Afghanistan and you voted for him so that pretty well makes you a hypocritical asshole when you spout your hippy peacenik bullshit, doesn't it?.

The reason why you are a Libtard Moon Bat is that you have absolutely no understanding of the crap that you spout. It must be the pot.

By the way Moon Bat, since you seem to be an expert on Vietnam I have asked you twice before in this thread for you to tell me what unit you served in Vietnam but you have not answered the question.
That wasn't Obama's war. That was the idiot W's war, duh. Thanks for the stupidest wars ever And the corrupt world depression, AND 6 years of mindless obstruction. Great example of brainwashing and why military people are kept under civilian direction. And why the New bs GOP is a disaster.
Once again Obama spit on us. His number one goal in life. first off putting someone a majority of the people see's as a Traitor and a disgrace to his military service, Jon Kerry as SOS. and now this sucking up to another Communist. way to go all you who voted for him

You have to forgive the Moon Bats that elected Obama and who supported John "Traitor" Kerry in 2004 . They are confused about a great many things. They are incapable of thinking for themselves and most of them have no idea on what is is they suppose to believe in. They are the stupid Americans Jonathan Gruber told us about.

I know. Yet they go around putting down Bush's military service without any shame. then get all bent when the majority of the people who where around to watch the shameful actions of Jon Kerry against his own military men and women in Combat. After his FOUR month stint over in Vietnam.
Ain't it great the way greedy idiot billionaires do all your thinking for you, hater dupes? Vietnam was great- we should have killed ALL of them, ok?

That wasn't Obama's war. That was the idiot W's war, duh. Thanks for the stupidest wars ever And the corrupt world depression, AND 6 years of mindless obstruction. Great example of brainwashing and why military people are kept under civilian direction. And why the New bs GOP is a disaster.

Bullshit! You are showing you confusion once again.

Stop blaming Obama's failures on somebody else. That just makes you look like an ignorant Libtard when you post things like that. Then you wonder why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much.

Obama is the Commander in Chief and he is the one that committed troops for three years to Iraq (including my son and the 3,000 troops of the 1st Heavy Combat Brigade, 1st Armored Division) and resumed the bombing and the thousands pf troops troops we have over there nowadays.

He is the one that escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of American troops killed and the one that said we need 10K troops there for only heaven knows how long.

He is the one that bombed Libya for no reason that had to do with America's security nd actually made it more unstable over there.

He is the one that has been at war every day of his administration and cowardly chickenhawks like you that never served a day in your life voted for him.

No only that but you chickenhawks complain about the Iraq War but you hypocrites voted for Kerry in 2004 that ran on a platform to continue the war and he voted as a senator for the invasion of Iraq.

Hillary Clinton voted for the invasion of Iraq but if she is the Moon Bat candidate in 2016 you will run down to the polling booth as fast as your little club feet will go to vote for her so don't tell me you give a shit about interventionism because you don't.
Vet-spitters --- that is, the anti-Kerry crowd here -- disgust all decent Americans.

I am a Veteran and wouldn't piss on Kerry's grave after what he testified about Vietnam soldiers while they were still fighting and dying in Vietnam. Any decent American would know that he was giving the VC and North Vietnamese powerful propaganda and that is called aiding and abetting the enemy. Maybe Kerry is Jane Fonda in drag.

kerry is an out and outright traitor to us VN Vets, his bandaid wounds are a hoax on all vets who had serious wounds and or missing body parts.

i had more serious "wounds" while working on F4 Phantoms on a carrier deck than what that son-of-bitch had, he and his bitch fonda should pull a robin williams for their traitorous actions. :up:
Please vote OUT these nasty PROGRESSIVEs in this radical Democrat party.

I don't know how much more embarrassment and SHAME we can take of this nasty man Obama and his band of traitors
Please vote OUT these nasty PROGRESSIVEs in this radical Democrat party.

I don't know how much more embarrassment and SHAME we can take of this nasty man Obama and his band of traitors
"Nasty"....drink up. It's 5 o'clock somewhere.
I know. Yet they go around putting down Bush's military service without any shame. then get all bent when the majority of the people who where around to watch the shameful actions of Jon Kerry against his own military men and women in Combat. After his FOUR month stint over in Vietnam.

It was part of the Kerry campaign strategy to put out misinformation about Bush's military service and these Moon Bats fell for it because they are Gruberidiots.

What is really hypocritical is that these Moon Bats try to demean Bush for only serving in the National Guard but they voted for Clinton that was a blatant draft dodger, voted for Obama that never served a day in his life because he was hanging out with his Communist buddies and Joe Biden that did everything possible to stay out of the military.

Bush served honorably getting trained as a fighter pilot and spent more than two years flying CONUS interdiction missions and that is much more than most of the Chickenhawk Moon Bats that spout the anti veteran hate against him have done.

Kerry was forced to join the Naval Reserve or get drafted. Once in he did serve honorably at San Diego and then aboard a ship for awhile. He did not volunteer for Vietnam but was sent there. He thought he was going to get a job commanding a VIP shuttle boat across Cam Ranh Bay and when he was sent up country he cried and whined like a little school girl. According to his fellow veterans he tried to avoid duty and was a cowardly arrogant asshole. He put in for his own medals after his commanding officer left and he got out of there as soon as he possibly could while everybody else stayed a full year or more. very cowardly service by any measurement.

These Moon Bat bitch about Iraq but they voted for Obama who continued the Iraq War and escalated the Afghanistan War and bombed Libya for no security reason so their credibility is pretty well shot on that subject.

They will vote for Hillary if she is the Moon Bat with a "D" by her name next year and she voted in favor of the Iraq as did John Kerry.

These Moon Bats have no credibility on the subject. They are either confused or blatant hypocrites or both. Take your pick. I think they are simply silly confused Libtards that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground on any issue.

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