Anyone Watching John Kerry In Cuba? Are We All Beyond Embarrassed By Kerry At This Point?

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it

Another half-truth at the very best.

The Truth:
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The vote on the Iraq Resolution was passed by almost every Republican Members in Congress, less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted for the resolution.

And, the Commander-in Chief was a Republican.

Once again Kaz tried to rewrite history; only dirt bags do so.

The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't

They did huh?

The Speaker, Dennis Hassert, put it to a vote in the H. of Rep.; all those 126 Democratic members in the H. of Rep, and all 29 Democratic Senators, who opposed the Iraq resolution somehow "enabled" GWB, The Commander-in-Chief to invade and occupy Iraq?


Did the six Republican who voted Nay, and the two Republicans who didn't vote, in the H. of Rep. also so enable President Bush? How about that one (1) Republican Senator?

The two Democratic leaders, Gephardt in the House, and Daschle in the Senate co-sponsored the bill. Are you suggesting they enabled Bush?

You want to know who enagbled Bush, look no further than his Brother JEB and others who signed the Statement of Principles, see link below and read the names on page 2: of principles.pdf

Besides JEB, you might recognize Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Paul Wolfowitz, among others

The word "Republican" is irrelevant to the point I made. I know that's the only word you care about, so we seem to be at an impasse
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

John Kerry was a fucking cowardly asshole who lied to the Congressional committee about things he never saw in Vietnam.

Typical Libtard scumbag.
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it

Another half-truth at the very best.

The Truth:
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The vote on the Iraq Resolution was passed by almost every Republican Members in Congress, less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted for the resolution.

And, the Commander-in Chief was a Republican.

Once again Kaz tried to rewrite history; only dirt bags do so.

The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't

They did huh?

The Speaker, Dennis Hassert, put it to a vote in the H. of Rep.; all those 126 Democratic members in the H. of Rep, and all 29 Democratic Senators, who opposed the Iraq resolution somehow "enabled" GWB, The Commander-in-Chief to invade and occupy Iraq?


Did the six Republican who voted Nay, and the two Republicans who didn't vote, in the H. of Rep. also so enable President Bush? How about that one (1) Republican Senator?

The two Democratic leaders, Gephardt in the House, and Daschle in the Senate co-sponsored the bill. Are you suggesting they enabled Bush?

You want to know who enagbled Bush, look no further than his Brother JEB and others who signed the Statement of Principles, see link below and read the names on page 2: of principles.pdf

Besides JEB, you might recognize Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Paul Wolfowitz, among others

The word "Republican" is irrelevant to the point I made. I know that's the only word you care about, so we seem to be at an impasse

And yet you claimed, "The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't."

I guess sitting on the fence, in your head, means never having to say "I'm sorry".
You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it

Another half-truth at the very best.

The Truth:
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The vote on the Iraq Resolution was passed by almost every Republican Members in Congress, less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted for the resolution.

And, the Commander-in Chief was a Republican.

Once again Kaz tried to rewrite history; only dirt bags do so.

The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't

They did huh?

The Speaker, Dennis Hassert, put it to a vote in the H. of Rep.; all those 126 Democratic members in the H. of Rep, and all 29 Democratic Senators, who opposed the Iraq resolution somehow "enabled" GWB, The Commander-in-Chief to invade and occupy Iraq?


Did the six Republican who voted Nay, and the two Republicans who didn't vote, in the H. of Rep. also so enable President Bush? How about that one (1) Republican Senator?

The two Democratic leaders, Gephardt in the House, and Daschle in the Senate co-sponsored the bill. Are you suggesting they enabled Bush?

You want to know who enagbled Bush, look no further than his Brother JEB and others who signed the Statement of Principles, see link below and read the names on page 2: of principles.pdf

Besides JEB, you might recognize Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Paul Wolfowitz, among others

The word "Republican" is irrelevant to the point I made. I know that's the only word you care about, so we seem to be at an impasse

And yet you claimed, "The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't."

I guess sitting on the fence, in your head, means never having to say "I'm sorry". when I said they enabled it and they didn't block it, you thought those meant something different?

And I called you functionally illiterate. Bam, hit the head on that nail...
John Kerry loves his country and volunteered for combat duty. He won three Purple Hearts a Silver Star and a Bronze Star

Kerry loves his country like a dingo loves a rabbit. They gave out medals like candy in Vietnam to keep morale up. In no other war would he have gotten a purple heart for literally a band-aid wound much less three of them

Much like Trump insulted all Vetnam POWS, I am amazed at how quickly the flag waving right demeans all Vietnam vets who won Purple Hearts and Silver Stars........They handed them out like candy vet
Much like Trump insulted all Vetnam POWS, I am amazed at how quickly the flag waving right demeans all Vietnam vets who won Purple Hearts and Silver Stars........They handed them out like candy vet
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

John Kerry was a fucking cowardly asshole who lied to the Congressional committee about things he never saw in Vietnam.

Typical Libtard scumbag.

Kerry was there. He testified to what the situation on the ground was. Kerry was correct

Just like he is correct about Cuba
John Kerry loves his country and volunteered for combat duty. He won three Purple Hearts a Silver Star and a Bronze Star

Kerry loves his country like a dingo loves a rabbit. They gave out medals like candy in Vietnam to keep morale up. In no other war would he have gotten a purple heart for literally a band-aid wound much less three of them

Much like Trump insulted all Vetnam POWS, I am amazed at how quickly the flag waving right demeans all Vietnam vets who won Purple Hearts and Silver Stars........They handed them out like candy vet
Much like Trump insulted all Vetnam POWS, I am amazed at how quickly the flag waving right demeans all Vietnam vets who won Purple Hearts and Silver Stars........They handed them out like candy vet

Agreed. I've been arguing that endlessly with Trump supporters as well. So you're on board, big guy? Trump and Kerry are both dicks?

And Kerry was wrong, it was the exception, not the rule. And he lied his ass off about his own experience as well
Another half-truth at the very best.

The Truth:
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The vote on the Iraq Resolution was passed by almost every Republican Members in Congress, less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted for the resolution.

And, the Commander-in Chief was a Republican.

Once again Kaz tried to rewrite history; only dirt bags do so.

The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't

They did huh?

The Speaker, Dennis Hassert, put it to a vote in the H. of Rep.; all those 126 Democratic members in the H. of Rep, and all 29 Democratic Senators, who opposed the Iraq resolution somehow "enabled" GWB, The Commander-in-Chief to invade and occupy Iraq?


Did the six Republican who voted Nay, and the two Republicans who didn't vote, in the H. of Rep. also so enable President Bush? How about that one (1) Republican Senator?

The two Democratic leaders, Gephardt in the House, and Daschle in the Senate co-sponsored the bill. Are you suggesting they enabled Bush?

You want to know who enagbled Bush, look no further than his Brother JEB and others who signed the Statement of Principles, see link below and read the names on page 2: of principles.pdf

Besides JEB, you might recognize Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Paul Wolfowitz, among others

The word "Republican" is irrelevant to the point I made. I know that's the only word you care about, so we seem to be at an impasse

And yet you claimed, "The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't."

I guess sitting on the fence, in your head, means never having to say "I'm sorry". when I said they enabled it and they didn't block it, you thought those meant something different?

And I called you functionally illiterate. Bam, hit the head on that nail...

i knew exactly what you meant and you were dead wrong. Sure, one Senator can prevent a bill from going to the President, but Realpolitik was in play. Simplistic thinkers (and I use the word thinkers when describing you very loosely) can't see the whole picture. You're myopic, as well as dumb.
We finally correct a stupid mistake against Cuba and the RWrs are foaming at the mouth.....:rofl:

What mistake was that? Do you think we should have left the Russian missiles in place in Cuba that were aimed at Florida?
:gives: For those of you who missed it, you didn't miss anything. John Kerry was in Cuba gloating over the success of himself opening an embassy in Cuba. So anyone so excited that they just can't control their bodily urges? And where was James Taylor? I guess he couldn't make it. Again millions of Americans had to endure the agony of listening to John Kerry speak. Anyone yell back at their TV sets? What did you scream back at Kerry?
Please let us know:hellno:!

What the hell do you think the job of Secretary of State involves? Typing?


John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

John Kerry was a fucking cowardly asshole who lied to the Congressional committee about things he never saw in Vietnam.

Typical Libtard scumbag.

Wow, there's a well thought through, logically laid out and vigorously defended rebuttal
Sometimes, it pays to just state the truth without trying to argue with a moron like Flash.
I wouldn't be surprised if many scientists will ask for Kerrys brain after he dies. Just like when they wanted Jeffrey Dalhmers brain.

What the hell do scientists know? Most of those jerks believe in global warming being caused by man. Most of those dummies probably also believe in evolution.
I wouldn't be surprised if many scientists will ask for Kerrys brain after he dies. Just like when they wanted Jeffrey Dalhmers brain.

What the hell do scientists know? Most of those jerks believe in global warming being caused by man. Most of those dummies probably also believe in evolution.

Right and you know more than they do because you just know and they are only PH.D's who have spent a lifetime studying their field of knowledge.
The dream team in a poker game, Barry Hussein and John Kerry. Ninety year old Fidel Castro could take them for their life savings before his cigar went out.
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

John Kerry was a fucking cowardly asshole who lied to the Congressional committee about things he never saw in Vietnam.

Typical Libtard scumbag.

Wow, there's a well thought through, logically laid out and vigorously defended rebuttal
Sometimes, it pays to just state the truth without trying to argue with a moron like Flash.

So why don't you do that then?

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