Anyone Watching John Kerry In Cuba? Are We All Beyond Embarrassed By Kerry At This Point?

LOL, proof positive you have nothing to offer. Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us.

cary is the worst of the worst

go piss up a tree

Spam is all you've got! I'll play:

Proof positive you have nothing to offer!!!

Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us

No, he wasn't. He was however one of the few who testified in congress that his comades were baby killers, village burners and terrorists
Do you deny that some of them were?

Why cover up?

Who is covering up what?
That we were involved in war atrocities. Are you claiming Kerry was not telling the truth?
cary is the worst of the worst

go piss up a tree

Spam is all you've got! I'll play:

Proof positive you have nothing to offer!!!

Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us

No, he wasn't. He was however one of the few who testified in congress that his comades were baby killers, village burners and terrorists
Do you deny that some of them were?

Why cover up?

Who is covering up what?
That we were involved in war atrocities. Are you claiming Kerry was not telling the truth?

Yes, he was lying his ass off. He took incidents that were the exception and presented them as the norm. Just like when he lied that he threw his ribbons over the white house fence, just like he lied when he said he ran the Boston Marathon. The guy is a compulsive liar. What offended me the most about his campaign was the message we are only a great country if we elect him. No polician is the one who makes this a great country
Spam is all you've got! I'll play:

Proof positive you have nothing to offer!!!

Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us

No, he wasn't. He was however one of the few who testified in congress that his comades were baby killers, village burners and terrorists
Do you deny that some of them were?

Why cover up?

Who is covering up what?
That we were involved in war atrocities. Are you claiming Kerry was not telling the truth?

Yes, he was lying his ass off. He took incidents that were the exception and presented them as the norm. Just like when he lied that he threw his ribbons over the white house fence, just like he lied when he said he ran the Boston Marathon. The guy is a compulsive liar. What offended me the most about his campaign was the message we are only a great country if we elect him. No polician is the one who makes this a great country
Now you are just making shit up as you go along. Kerry never said it was the norm.....nobody did

Hard to imagine that after 40 years, conservatives still can't admit that the Vietnam protesters were right about the war

The real traitors were those who lied to keep the war going and killed 60,000 soldiers
No, he wasn't. He was however one of the few who testified in congress that his comades were baby killers, village burners and terrorists
Do you deny that some of them were?

Why cover up?

Who is covering up what?
That we were involved in war atrocities. Are you claiming Kerry was not telling the truth?

Yes, he was lying his ass off. He took incidents that were the exception and presented them as the norm. Just like when he lied that he threw his ribbons over the white house fence, just like he lied when he said he ran the Boston Marathon. The guy is a compulsive liar. What offended me the most about his campaign was the message we are only a great country if we elect him. No polician is the one who makes this a great country
Now you are just making shit up as you go along. Kerry never said it was the norm.....nobody did

Hard to imagine that after 40 years, conservatives still can't admit that the Vietnam protesters were right about the war

The real traitors were those who lied to keep the war going and killed 60,000 soldiers

You obviously have zero idea of what my view of the Vietnam war is. And wow, I'm a conservative, pretty tough words there big guy. You going to call me a mechanic next?

None of that changes Kerry's lies and slanted testimony against the troops in Vietnam. Yeah, the politicians hosed them. So did Kerry, their "comrade" in arms, LOL. Yeah, he wasn't...
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it
They were supported by the likes of Gen Westmoreland who insisted that "victory was just around the corner" if he only had a few more troops

Kerry was right about Vietnam.....Westmoreland was wrong

You aren't in a position to judge anyone else Spaz..

I think I am in a position to judge. I served in Vietnam from October 1967 until March 1970. You forgot to tell me, when did you serve?

If you would spend the time to learn something about the sorry cowardly piece of shit you would know that he joined the Naval Reserve only after being threaten with the draft. He served honorably abroad a ship. When he was transferred to Vietnam with the intentions of being running a boat shuttle for VIPs on relatively safe Cam Ranh Bay but then he cried like a little school girl when he was told he was going upcountry. He was such a cowardly little whining shithead that his commanding officer threaten to beat his ass if he got within a 100 feet of him. His little band aid Purple Hearts and his medals were turned down by his CO. It was after his CO left that he put in for the medals and the citations were based upon his own AARs. That is not honorable.

He lied to the American people about Christmas in Cambodia and was not respected much by his fellow sailors. He left Vietnam after only serving four months and the reports are that his fellow officers told him to get the hell out because they didn't want the coward around.

It takes a really confused and demented Moon Bat to support a world class asshole like John "Fucking" Kerry. Not only was he a coward but he was a traitor to his country with his activities after the war and he was a disgrace to his fellow veterans that actually did serve honorably in Vietnam.

It was good that he got his ass beat in 2004 because of the SBVT exposed him for being a chickenshit coward. He even said himself that was the reason he lost. He was "unfit for command" to be President and he sure as hell is unfit for command of a department of the government now. His shitty deal with the Iranians where he gave away the store is just another example of him being a coward and a dumbass.

You are a moonbat. Your hatred is dripping from your eyes and ears.

How anyone can denigrate any American that went to war for the country is beyond the pale. And drop the 'I served so everyone else's opinion on anything is meaningless'. Sorry to break it to you cubby but millions served. You hold no high ground.

You're an angry political hack. Everything in your world is viewed through a political filter, even those things that have no business being viewed through any filter.

You are a true moonbat. Good luck to you Darth.
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it
They were supported by the likes of Gen Westmoreland who insisted that "victory was just around the corner" if he only had a few more troops

Kerry was right about Vietnam.....Westmoreland was wrong

Kerry was an America hating, troop hating sleazeball who accused his supposedly fellow soldiers of all kinds of war crimes that only a tiny percentage of them did.

Westmoreland didn't send the troops there, the politicians you worship did. And Westmoreland didn't tie their hands keeping them from winning, the politicians did. You can't weasel your way out of that. It was the politicians who fucked them by putting them in a war the politicians lost. The one right thing that Kerry got right is that he was just like them. Then he turned around and did it again to our troops in the middle east. He sent them there, tied their hands and called them murderers and terrorists again. Kerry has a lot to repent for, and he sure isn't doing it so far

You aren't in a position to judge anyone else Spaz..

I think I am in a position to judge. I served in Vietnam from October 1967 until March 1970. You forgot to tell me, when did you serve?

If you would spend the time to learn something about the sorry cowardly piece of shit you would know that he joined the Naval Reserve only after being threaten with the draft. He served honorably abroad a ship. When he was transferred to Vietnam with the intentions of being running a boat shuttle for VIPs on relatively safe Cam Ranh Bay but then he cried like a little school girl when he was told he was going upcountry. He was such a cowardly little whining shithead that his commanding officer threaten to beat his ass if he got within a 100 feet of him. His little band aid Purple Hearts and his medals were turned down by his CO. It was after his CO left that he put in for the medals and the citations were based upon his own AARs. That is not honorable.

He lied to the American people about Christmas in Cambodia and was not respected much by his fellow sailors. He left Vietnam after only serving four months and the reports are that his fellow officers told him to get the hell out because they didn't want the coward around.

It takes a really confused and demented Moon Bat to support a world class asshole like John "Fucking" Kerry. Not only was he a coward but he was a traitor to his country with his activities after the war and he was a disgrace to his fellow veterans that actually did serve honorably in Vietnam.

It was good that he got his ass beat in 2004 because of the SBVT exposed him for being a chickenshit coward. He even said himself that was the reason he lost. He was "unfit for command" to be President and he sure as hell is unfit for command of a department of the government now. His shitty deal with the Iranians where he gave away the store is just another example of him being a coward and a dumbass.

You are a moonbat. Your hatred is dripping from your eyes and ears.

How anyone can denigrate any American that went to war for the country is beyond the pale. And drop the 'I served so everyone else's opinion on anything is meaningless'. Sorry to break it to you cubby but millions served. You hold no high ground.

You're an angry political hack. Everything in your world is viewed through a political filter, even those things that have no business being viewed through any filter.

You are a true moonbat. Good luck to you Darth.

That's stupid. We should not denigrate any American soldier who served honorably. But to support ones who didn't, like John Fing Kerry? Ridiculous
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it
They were supported by the likes of Gen Westmoreland who insisted that "victory was just around the corner" if he only had a few more troops

Kerry was right about Vietnam.....Westmoreland was wrong

Kerry was an America hating, troop hating sleazeball who accused his supposedly fellow soldiers of all kinds of war crimes that only a tiny percentage of them did.

Westmoreland didn't send the troops there, the politicians you worship did. And Westmoreland didn't tie their hands keeping them from winning, the politicians did. You can't weasel your way out of that. It was the politicians who fucked them by putting them in a war the politicians lost. The one right thing that Kerry got right is that he was just like them. Then he turned around and did it again to our troops in the middle east. He sent them there, tied their hands and called them murderers and terrorists again. Kerry has a lot to repent for, and he sure isn't doing it so far

John Kerry loves his country and volunteered for combat duty. He won three Purple Hearts a Silver Star and a Bronze Star

He, more than anyone, had a right to question.....why are we here?

If more of those in charge asked the same simple question, we could have saved 60,000 lives
John Kerry loves his country and volunteered for combat duty. He won three Purple Hearts a Silver Star and a Bronze Star

Kerry loves his country like a dingo loves a rabbit. They gave out medals like candy in Vietnam to keep morale up. In no other war would he have gotten a purple heart for literally a band-aid wound much less three of them

He, more than anyone, had a right to question.....why are we here?
Yep. However, he did not have the right to make the troops sound like a murdering band of outlaws and lie about his experiences there.

If more of those in charge asked the same simple question, we could have saved 60,000 lives

Yes, the politicians you worship murdered them by sending them there to die in an endless fight they were not allowed to win. John Kerry then did the same thing to the troops in the Middle East. He is vermin
Yes, he was lying his ass off.

Reeeeally. So you were there as an eyewitless?

What was My Lai then? A movie?

He took incidents that were the exception and presented them as the norm.

--- and in the space of one sentence he beats a hasty retreat from his own point. :eusa_clap:
Now it's "OK it happened but he shouldn't have talked about it". Partisan hackery, seven daze a weak.

You just backed up from "he lied" to "he didn't lie but he should have shut up" to "OK all that happened but politicians sent them there".

Sorry to interrupt. DO go on. Can't wait to see how far back this retreat retreats. :popcorn:
:gives: For those of you who missed it, you didn't miss anything. John Kerry was in Cuba gloating over the success of himself opening an embassy in Cuba. So anyone so excited that they just can't control their bodily urges? And where was James Taylor? I guess he couldn't make it. Again millions of Americans had to endure the agony of listening to John Kerry speak. Anyone yell back at their TV sets? What did you scream back at Kerry?
Please let us know!:hellno:

I'm embarrassed by so-called "Americans" like you.

Kerry is a hero and a patriot.

You're just an angry dope.
Yes, he was lying his ass off.

Reeeeally. So you were there as an eyewitless?

No, but I come from a military family with military friends and that uss their opinion. They said what he said did happen, but it was far rarer than he indicated. I couldn't make any sense of the rest of your idiot ranting
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it

Another half-truth at the very best.

The Truth:
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The vote on the Iraq Resolution was passed by almost every Republican Member in Congress, and rejected by more than half of the Democratic members in Congress.

And, the Commander-in Chief was a Republican.

Once again Kaz tried to rewrite history and failed.
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John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it

Another half-truth at the very best.

The Truth:
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The vote on the Iraq Resolution was passed by almost every Republican Members in Congress, less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted for the resolution.

And, the Commander-in Chief was a Republican.

Once again Kaz tried to rewrite history; only dirt bags do so.

The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't
John Kerry was correct in his views on Vietnam and he is correct in his views on Cuba

According to you who hate America, what we stand for and the troops who defend us. And yet you love the politicians who actually were the ones who screwed the troops in Vietnam sending them there then tying their hands preventing them from winning.

Just like Obama murdered more of our troops in Iraq having them continue to fight a war he was planning to throw
The ones who were offensive to our troops were the chicken Hawks who insisted that more and more troops be committed so that we could have our glorious "victory"

Those who protested this war were the true patriots

You aren't clicking, Holmes, the politicians sent them there. You know, the Democrats and Republicans that you worship, they did it

Another half-truth at the very best.

The Truth:
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The vote on the Iraq Resolution was passed by almost every Republican Members in Congress, less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted for the resolution.

And, the Commander-in Chief was a Republican.

Once again Kaz tried to rewrite history; only dirt bags do so.

The Democrats enabled the resolution, Holmes. They could have blocked it, they didn't

They did huh?

The Speaker, Dennis Hassert, put it to a vote in the H. of Rep.; all those 126 Democratic members in the H. of Rep, and all 29 Democratic Senators, who opposed the Iraq resolution somehow "enabled" GWB, The Commander-in-Chief, to invade and occupy Iraq?


Did the six Republican who voted Nay, and the two Republicans who didn't vote, in the H. of Rep. also so enable President Bush? How about that one (1) Republican Senator?

Did the two Democratic leaders, Gephardt in the House, and Daschle who co-sponsered the bill, also enable Bush?

You want to know who enabled Bush, look no further than his Brother JEB and others who signed the Statement of Principles, see link below and read the names on page 2: of principles.pdf

Besides JEB, you might recognize Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby and Paul Wolfowitz, among others who signed a letter which enabled President Bush.
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