Anyone Watching John Kerry In Cuba? Are We All Beyond Embarrassed By Kerry At This Point?

jon_cary a beacon of hope for freedom

except the for the Cuban dissidents

who were oddly not invited to the flag raising ceremony

Why do you find it odd that Cuban dissidents weren't invited?

When has the US ever given a damn about Cuban dissidents? When they serve the purpose of making Cuba look bad, then they tolerated them, now they don't want to do this, why do they need them? I mean, when has the US ever given a damn about anyone?

You and those who feel a need to assassinate Sect. Kerry's character might want to read the link below - well those of you who don't fear cognitive dissonance and choose to be willfully ignorant:

Cubans stunned by Kerry speech but skeptical of change Reuters

"Cuban dissidents believe Obama is making a real attempt at change but that Castro will hold firm, refusing to loosen the Communist Party's hold on power.

"No, nothing is going to change because the U.S. government shows good intentions but the Cuban regime doesn't, in fact everything to the contrary," said Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the largest dissident group, the Patriotic Union of Cuba.

Like other dissidents, he was not invited to the flag-raising ceremony but he did meet with Kerry at the U.S. embassy residence.

Despite his skepticism, Ferrer was struck by the image of Kerry's message broadcast on tightly controlled Cuban television.

"Yes, that's positive for the cause," he said."

cary wrecked his own character years ago

go piss up a tree

LOL, proof positive you have nothing to offer. Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us.
jon_cary a beacon of hope for freedom

except the for the Cuban dissidents

who were oddly not invited to the flag raising ceremony

Why do you find it odd that Cuban dissidents weren't invited?

When has the US ever given a damn about Cuban dissidents? When they serve the purpose of making Cuba look bad, then they tolerated them, now they don't want to do this, why do they need them? I mean, when has the US ever given a damn about anyone?

You and those who feel a need to assassinate Sect. Kerry's character might want to read the link below - well those of you who don't fear cognitive dissonance and choose to be willfully ignorant:

Cubans stunned by Kerry speech but skeptical of change Reuters

"Cuban dissidents believe Obama is making a real attempt at change but that Castro will hold firm, refusing to loosen the Communist Party's hold on power.

"No, nothing is going to change because the U.S. government shows good intentions but the Cuban regime doesn't, in fact everything to the contrary," said Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the largest dissident group, the Patriotic Union of Cuba.

Like other dissidents, he was not invited to the flag-raising ceremony but he did meet with Kerry at the U.S. embassy residence.

Despite his skepticism, Ferrer was struck by the image of Kerry's message broadcast on tightly controlled Cuban television.

"Yes, that's positive for the cause," he said."

cary wrecked his own character years ago

go piss up a tree

LOL, proof positive you have nothing to offer. Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us.

cary is the worst of the worst

go piss up a tree
:gives: For those of you who missed it, you didn't miss anything. John Kerry was in Cuba gloating over the success of himself opening an embassy in Cuba. So anyone so excited that they just can't control their bodily urges? And where was James Taylor? I guess he couldn't make it. Again millions of Americans had to endure the agony of listening to John Kerry speak. Anyone yell back at their TV sets? What did you scream back at Kerry?
Please let us know!:hellno:
Examples? and tell the truth. So tired of GOP delusions.
jon_cary a beacon of hope for freedom

except the for the Cuban dissidents

who were oddly not invited to the flag raising ceremony

Why do you find it odd that Cuban dissidents weren't invited?

When has the US ever given a damn about Cuban dissidents? When they serve the purpose of making Cuba look bad, then they tolerated them, now they don't want to do this, why do they need them? I mean, when has the US ever given a damn about anyone?

You and those who feel a need to assassinate Sect. Kerry's character might want to read the link below - well those of you who don't fear cognitive dissonance and choose to be willfully ignorant:

Cubans stunned by Kerry speech but skeptical of change Reuters

"Cuban dissidents believe Obama is making a real attempt at change but that Castro will hold firm, refusing to loosen the Communist Party's hold on power.

"No, nothing is going to change because the U.S. government shows good intentions but the Cuban regime doesn't, in fact everything to the contrary," said Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the largest dissident group, the Patriotic Union of Cuba.

Like other dissidents, he was not invited to the flag-raising ceremony but he did meet with Kerry at the U.S. embassy residence.

Despite his skepticism, Ferrer was struck by the image of Kerry's message broadcast on tightly controlled Cuban television.

"Yes, that's positive for the cause," he said."

cary wrecked his own character years ago

go piss up a tree

LOL, proof positive you have nothing to offer. Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us.

cary is the worst of the worst

go piss up a tree

Spam is all you've got! I'll play:

Proof positive you have nothing to offer!!!

Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us
Snivel Snivel...we should keep on with the same failed policies of the last 50+ years...snivel snivel.....GROW THE FUCK UP! Just because you don't like the political system in a country doesn't mean we can't communicate and trade with them ESPECIALLY when its a country 90 miles from our own state of Florida!

We should move toward having a normal relationship with Cuba but on our terms, not Castro's.

Obama gave away the store to Cuba and got nothing of substance for the freedom of the Cuban people for it. Shame on him!

Obama has a record of being the worst negotiator in the history of the world.
Doesn't need to be on anyone's terms. It should have never happened. We deal with China have for MANY years biggest communist nation there is. Don't see no whining here...Cuban people will get what they fight for. They want change THEY need to change it.Not us.
One thing Kerry does is make Mrs. Clinton's run as SOS not look quite as bad as it was.

Well, he hasn't gotten anyone killed . . . . . . yet!

Just give everyone, in other countries, everything they want, no one gets killed, no one gets hurt, right away.
That's right because its none of our fucking business.
Snivel Snivel...we should keep on with the same failed policies of the last 50+ years...snivel snivel.....GROW THE FUCK UP! Just because you don't like the political system in a country doesn't mean we can't communicate and trade with them ESPECIALLY when its a country 90 miles from our own state of Florida!
Yes...we are seeing a lot of snivel, snivel from you on this.
No what you are seeing is a lot of laughing at the crying of the right wingers here.

Is that what you would have said to the French and Poles during WW2?
So, Kerry goes to Cuba, does essentially nothing but some boring ceremonies, and you melt down.

Y'all aren't right in the head. And American recognizes that.

Yes, melting down should be saved for important things, like getting gay couples tax breaks
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You aren't in a position to judge anyone else Spaz..

I think I am in a position to judge. I served in Vietnam from October 1967 until March 1970. You forgot to tell me, when did you serve?

If you would spend the time to learn something about the sorry cowardly piece of shit you would know that he joined the Naval Reserve only after being threaten with the draft. He served honorably abroad a ship. When he was transferred to Vietnam with the intentions of being running a boat shuttle for VIPs on relatively safe Cam Ranh Bay but then he cried like a little school girl when he was told he was going upcountry. He was such a cowardly little whining shithead that his commanding officer threaten to beat his ass if he got within a 100 feet of him. His little band aid Purple Hearts and his medals were turned down by his CO. It was after his CO left that he put in for the medals and the citations were based upon his own AARs. That is not honorable.

He lied to the American people about Christmas in Cambodia and was not respected much by his fellow sailors. He left Vietnam after only serving four months and the reports are that his fellow officers told him to get the hell out because they didn't want the coward around.

It takes a really confused and demented Moon Bat to support a world class asshole like John "Fucking" Kerry. Not only was he a coward but he was a traitor to his country with his activities after the war and he was a disgrace to his fellow veterans that actually did serve honorably in Vietnam.

It was good that he got his ass beat in 2004 because of the SBVT exposed him for being a chickenshit coward. He even said himself that was the reason he lost. He was "unfit for command" to be President and he sure as hell is unfit for command of a department of the government now. His shitty deal with the Iranians where he gave away the store is just another example of him being a coward and a dumbass.
Quite a few lies stacked up in that word wall, my friend.
Why do you find it odd that Cuban dissidents weren't invited?

When has the US ever given a damn about Cuban dissidents? When they serve the purpose of making Cuba look bad, then they tolerated them, now they don't want to do this, why do they need them? I mean, when has the US ever given a damn about anyone?

You and those who feel a need to assassinate Sect. Kerry's character might want to read the link below - well those of you who don't fear cognitive dissonance and choose to be willfully ignorant:

Cubans stunned by Kerry speech but skeptical of change Reuters

"Cuban dissidents believe Obama is making a real attempt at change but that Castro will hold firm, refusing to loosen the Communist Party's hold on power.

"No, nothing is going to change because the U.S. government shows good intentions but the Cuban regime doesn't, in fact everything to the contrary," said Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the largest dissident group, the Patriotic Union of Cuba.

Like other dissidents, he was not invited to the flag-raising ceremony but he did meet with Kerry at the U.S. embassy residence.

Despite his skepticism, Ferrer was struck by the image of Kerry's message broadcast on tightly controlled Cuban television.

"Yes, that's positive for the cause," he said."

cary wrecked his own character years ago

go piss up a tree

LOL, proof positive you have nothing to offer. Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us.

cary is the worst of the worst

go piss up a tree

Spam is all you've got! I'll play:

Proof positive you have nothing to offer!!!

Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us

No, he wasn't. He was however one of the few who testified in congress that his comades were baby killers, village burners and terrorists
  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava

You aren't in a position to judge anyone else Spaz..

I think I am in a position to judge. I served in Vietnam from October 1967 until March 1970. You forgot to tell me, when did you serve?

If you would spend the time to learn something about the sorry cowardly piece of shit you would know that he joined the Naval Reserve only after being threaten with the draft. He served honorably abroad a ship. When he was transferred to Vietnam with the intentions of being running a boat shuttle for VIPs on relatively safe Cam Ranh Bay but then he cried like a little school girl when he was told he was going upcountry. He was such a cowardly little whining shithead that his commanding officer threaten to beat his ass if he got within a 100 feet of him. His little band aid Purple Hearts and his medals were turned down by his CO. It was after his CO left that he put in for the medals and the citations were based upon his own AARs. That is not honorable.

He lied to the American people about Christmas in Cambodia and was not respected much by his fellow sailors. He left Vietnam after only serving four months and the reports are that his fellow officers told him to get the hell out because they didn't want the coward around.

It takes a really confused and demented Moon Bat to support a world class asshole like John "Fucking" Kerry. Not only was he a coward but he was a traitor to his country with his activities after the war and he was a disgrace to his fellow veterans that actually did serve honorably in Vietnam.

It was good that he got his ass beat in 2004 because of the SBVT exposed him for being a chickenshit coward. He even said himself that was the reason he lost. He was "unfit for command" to be President and he sure as hell is unfit for command of a department of the government now. His shitty deal with the Iranians where he gave away the store is just another example of him being a coward and a dumbass.
Quite a few lies stacked up in that word wall, my friend.

Such as...
McCain, Kerry, Cleland, Dole. All veterans that deserve respect. No question.

The thing about McCain, Cleland and Dole is that none of their fellow veterans ever wrote a book about how cowardly they were when they served. The thing that sets Kerry apart from the other veterans is that he was exposed by his fellow veterans for being a liar and a sham.

Big difference.
So...someone wrote a book...that makes it true? Lord of the Rings must be true funny! :rofl:
McCain, Kerry, Cleland, Dole. All veterans that deserve respect. No question.

The thing about McCain, Cleland and Dole is that none of their fellow veterans ever wrote a book about how cowardly they were when they served. The thing that sets Kerry apart from the other veterans is that he was exposed by his fellow veterans for being a liar and a sham.

Big difference.
So...someone wrote a book...that makes it true? Lord of the Rings must be true funny! :rofl:

Yet you still can't point to anything you claim isn't true...
Snivel Snivel...we should keep on with the same failed policies of the last 50+ years...snivel snivel.....GROW THE FUCK UP! Just because you don't like the political system in a country doesn't mean we can't communicate and trade with them ESPECIALLY when its a country 90 miles from our own state of Florida!

We should move toward having a normal relationship with Cuba but on our terms, not Castro's.

Obama gave away the store to Cuba and got nothing of substance for the freedom of the Cuban people for it. Shame on him!

Obama has a record of being the worst negotiator in the history of the world.
Doesn't need to be on anyone's terms. It should have never happened. We deal with China have for MANY years biggest communist nation there is. Don't see no whining here...Cuban people will get what they fight for. They want change THEY need to change it.Not us.
One thing Kerry does is make Mrs. Clinton's run as SOS not look quite as bad as it was.

Well, he hasn't gotten anyone killed . . . . . . yet!

Just give everyone, in other countries, everything they want, no one gets killed, no one gets hurt, right away.
That's right because its none of our fucking business.
Snivel Snivel...we should keep on with the same failed policies of the last 50+ years...snivel snivel.....GROW THE FUCK UP! Just because you don't like the political system in a country doesn't mean we can't communicate and trade with them ESPECIALLY when its a country 90 miles from our own state of Florida!
Yes...we are seeing a lot of snivel, snivel from you on this.
No what you are seeing is a lot of laughing at the crying of the right wingers here.

Is that what you would have said to the French and Poles during WW2?
Damn right. We should have stayed the hell out of it.
So, Kerry goes to Cuba, does essentially nothing but some boring ceremonies, and you melt down.

Y'all aren't right in the head. And American recognizes that.

Yes, melting down should be saved for important things, like getting gay couples tax breaks

Gay couples should just live and let live and be happy together without expecting any special treatment because of their sexual preferences, in my opinion. Do I know any heterosexuals who expect special treatment because they are straight? "No, I do not." :wink:
McCain, Kerry, Cleland, Dole. All veterans that deserve respect. No question.

The thing about McCain, Cleland and Dole is that none of their fellow veterans ever wrote a book about how cowardly they were when they served. The thing that sets Kerry apart from the other veterans is that he was exposed by his fellow veterans for being a liar and a sham.

Big difference.
Republicans never attack McCain's war record. They attack him because he's a sleazy RINO who stabs his party in the back on a daily basis. Cleland isn't a war hero. He blew himself up with his own grenade. That doesn't make you a hero any more than getting hit by a truck makes you a hero. Dole was a genuine war hero, and no one ever attacked him for his service.
Uh huh.........
jon_cary a beacon of hope for freedom

except the for the Cuban dissidents

who were oddly not invited to the flag raising ceremony

Why do you find it odd that Cuban dissidents weren't invited?

When has the US ever given a damn about Cuban dissidents? When they serve the purpose of making Cuba look bad, then they tolerated them, now they don't want to do this, why do they need them? I mean, when has the US ever given a damn about anyone?

jfk would roll over in his grave

at the actions the democrat party has brought on
Bay of Pigs worked so well, didn't it?
So, Kerry goes to Cuba, does essentially nothing but some boring ceremonies, and you melt down.

Y'all aren't right in the head. And American recognizes that.

Yes, melting down should be saved for important things, like getting gay couples tax breaks

Gay couples should just live and let live and be happy together without expecting any special treatment because of their sexual preferences, in my opinion. Do I know any heterosexuals who expect special treatment because they are straight? "No, I do not." :wink:
All the time.

Gay couples should just live and let live and be happy together without expecting any special treatment because of their sexual preferences, in my opinion. Do I know any heterosexuals who expect special treatment because they are straight? "No, I do not." :wink:

Queers should not be harassed or discriminated against by the government. There is far too much interference from the government in our private lives as it is.

The government should also stay out of the business of interfering with me ridiculing queers for whatever reason I chose as long as I don't physically hurt them. The government should also not interfere with my liberty to chose whom I do business or associate with. That not only goes for sexual orientation but race, religion and anything else I chose.

Gay couples should just live and let live and be happy together without expecting any special treatment because of their sexual preferences, in my opinion. Do I know any heterosexuals who expect special treatment because they are straight? "No, I do not." :wink:

Queers should not be harassed or discriminated against by the government. There is far too much interference from the government in our private lives as it is.

The government should also stay out of the business of interfering with me ridiculing queers for whatever reason I chose as long as I don't physically hurt them. The government should also not interfere with my liberty to chose whom I do business or associate with. That not only goes for sexual orientation but race, religion and anything else I chose.

Gawd, not giving them validation and tax perks is "harrass(ing) them." Liberals are so weak and pathetic, without the rest of us to leach on you would starve
You and those who feel a need to assassinate Sect. Kerry's character might want to read the link below - well those of you who don't fear cognitive dissonance and choose to be willfully ignorant:

Cubans stunned by Kerry speech but skeptical of change Reuters

"Cuban dissidents believe Obama is making a real attempt at change but that Castro will hold firm, refusing to loosen the Communist Party's hold on power.

"No, nothing is going to change because the U.S. government shows good intentions but the Cuban regime doesn't, in fact everything to the contrary," said Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the largest dissident group, the Patriotic Union of Cuba.

Like other dissidents, he was not invited to the flag-raising ceremony but he did meet with Kerry at the U.S. embassy residence.

Despite his skepticism, Ferrer was struck by the image of Kerry's message broadcast on tightly controlled Cuban television.

"Yes, that's positive for the cause," he said."

cary wrecked his own character years ago

go piss up a tree

LOL, proof positive you have nothing to offer. Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us.

cary is the worst of the worst

go piss up a tree

Spam is all you've got! I'll play:

Proof positive you have nothing to offer!!!

Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us

No, he wasn't. He was however one of the few who testified in congress that his comades were baby killers, village burners and terrorists
Do you deny that some of them were?

Why cover up?
cary wrecked his own character years ago

go piss up a tree

LOL, proof positive you have nothing to offer. Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us.

cary is the worst of the worst

go piss up a tree

Spam is all you've got! I'll play:

Proof positive you have nothing to offer!!!

Kerry was not the only Vietnam Era Vet to protest our actions in SE Asia - the My Lai Massacre was the tipping point for many of us

No, he wasn't. He was however one of the few who testified in congress that his comades were baby killers, village burners and terrorists
Do you deny that some of them were?

Why cover up?

Who is covering up what?

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