Anyone Watching John Kerry In Cuba? Are We All Beyond Embarrassed By Kerry At This Point?

He's just topping off being a traitor to us that he started in Vietnam.

it's these progressives last. FXXK all of you in the United states Of Obama
when this debacle started in regards to opening Cuba, didnt many of us say,,,,well what about us? F----K Cuba, what about us "Legal Americans"!!!

What's the big worry about. It's nothing as serious as reagan's selling arms to Iran in violation of our laws, or the bush family in cahoots with sadaam hussein and the bin laden family.
He's just topping off being a traitor to us that he started in Vietnam.

it's these progressives last. FXXK all of you in the United states Of Obama
when this debacle started in regards to opening Cuba, didnt many of us say,,,,well what about us? F----K Cuba, what about us "Legal Americans"!!!

What's the big worry about. It's nothing as serious as reagan's selling arms to Iran in violation of our laws, or the bush family in cahoots with sadaam hussein and the bin laden family.

Conservatives have a real hard time grasping the reality Reagan was a scumbag crook, like Nixon. Over 130 of the people in his administration were indicted or convicted of crimes. Reagan should have went to prison for the rest of his life for violating the Constitution during the Iran/Contra conspiracy.

He was a feeble old man that they saw as their grandpa, except that their grandpa wiped his ass with the Constitution and saw himself as a dictator who didn't have to listen to Congress.
I wouldn't be surprised if many scientists will ask for Kerrys brain after he dies. Just like when they wanted Jeffrey Dalhmers brain.
Kerry is a world class douche bag.

The only Presidential Candidate that had a book written about him by his fellow veterans that told the story of him being a coward, liar and a sham during his four months in Vietnam.
and did you know he served in Vietnam?

I know I served in Vietnam and was there many more months than he was and I never had my fellow veterans write a book about me saying that I was a coward, liar and sham.

I never lied about my fellow veterans saying "they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”

John Kerry is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. It was an embarrassment to this country to watch him give his little filthy ass speech this morning in Cuba, the sorry sonofabitch.
I see RW heads are still exploding over the way overdue reopening of relations with Cuba.
Kerry is a world class douche bag.

The only Presidential Candidate that had a book written about him by his fellow veterans that told the story of him being a coward, liar and a sham during his four months in Vietnam.
and did you know he served in Vietnam?

I know I served in Vietnam and was there many more months than he was and I never had my fellow veterans write a book about me saying that I was a coward, liar and sham.

I never lied about my fellow veterans saying "they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”

John Kerry is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. It was an embarrassment to this country to watch him give his little filthy ass speech this morning in Cuba, the sorry sonofabitch.

Conservatives really despise veterans. You know, the people that actually carried a weapon in hostile territory.

I've talked to many Vietnam veterans and they think how Kerry was treated is despicable and cowardly. The man carried a weapon and fought for the country, but because some losers here at home don't like his politics they find some false crap to try to denigrate his service.

Sorry cons, your bullshit only resonates in the tiny little circle of like-minded losers that you hang out with. You aren't patriots and you despise the troops.
Kerry is a world class douche bag.

The only Presidential Candidate that had a book written about him by his fellow veterans that told the story of him being a coward, liar and a sham during his four months in Vietnam.
and did you know he served in Vietnam?

I know I served in Vietnam and was there many more months than he was and I never had my fellow veterans write a book about me saying that I was a coward, liar and sham.

I never lied about my fellow veterans saying "they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”

John Kerry is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. It was an embarrassment to this country to watch him give his little filthy ass speech this morning in Cuba, the sorry sonofabitch.

Conservatives really despise veterans. You know, the people that actually carried a weapon in hostile territory.

I've talked to many Vietnam veterans and they think how Kerry was treated is despicable and cowardly. The man carried a weapon and fought for the country, but because some losers here at home don't like his politics they find some false crap to try to denigrate his service.

Sorry cons, your bullshit only resonates in the tiny little circle of like-minded losers that you hang out with. You aren't patriots and you despise the troops.
And don't forget what they did to Max Cleland and Tammy Duckworth.
Kerry is a world class douche bag.

The only Presidential Candidate that had a book written about him by his fellow veterans that told the story of him being a coward, liar and a sham during his four months in Vietnam.
and did you know he served in Vietnam?

I know I served in Vietnam and was there many more months than he was and I never had my fellow veterans write a book about me saying that I was a coward, liar and sham.

I never lied about my fellow veterans saying "they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”

John Kerry is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. It was an embarrassment to this country to watch him give his little filthy ass speech this morning in Cuba, the sorry sonofabitch.

Conservatives really despise veterans. You know, the people that actually carried a weapon in hostile territory.

I've talked to many Vietnam veterans and they think how Kerry was treated is despicable and cowardly. The man carried a weapon and fought for the country, but because some losers here at home don't like his politics they find some false crap to try to denigrate his service.

Sorry cons, your bullshit only resonates in the tiny little circle of like-minded losers that you hang out with. You aren't patriots and you despise the troops.
What response from you will I see if I check the McCain War Hero discussions?
Kerry is a world class douche bag.

The only Presidential Candidate that had a book written about him by his fellow veterans that told the story of him being a coward, liar and a sham during his four months in Vietnam.
and did you know he served in Vietnam?

I know I served in Vietnam and was there many more months than he was and I never had my fellow veterans write a book about me saying that I was a coward, liar and sham.

I never lied about my fellow veterans saying "they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”

John Kerry is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. It was an embarrassment to this country to watch him give his little filthy ass speech this morning in Cuba, the sorry sonofabitch.

Conservatives really despise veterans. You know, the people that actually carried a weapon in hostile territory.

I've talked to many Vietnam veterans and they think how Kerry was treated is despicable and cowardly. The man carried a weapon and fought for the country, but because some losers here at home don't like his politics they find some false crap to try to denigrate his service.

Sorry cons, your bullshit only resonates in the tiny little circle of like-minded losers that you hang out with. You aren't patriots and you despise the troops.
What response from you will I see if I check the McCain War Hero discussions?
You will see the response that I acknowledge he is to be honored for his time in service and as a POW but because I know that the Navy did not allow returning POWs into positions of tactical command because no one knew what their time in the camps did to them, I certainly would not have voted for him to become CinC.

Feel free to look all you want. Let me know how it goes.
Kerry is a world class douche bag.

The only Presidential Candidate that had a book written about him by his fellow veterans that told the story of him being a coward, liar and a sham during his four months in Vietnam.
and did you know he served in Vietnam?

I know I served in Vietnam and was there many more months than he was and I never had my fellow veterans write a book about me saying that I was a coward, liar and sham.

I never lied about my fellow veterans saying "they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.”

John Kerry is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. It was an embarrassment to this country to watch him give his little filthy ass speech this morning in Cuba, the sorry sonofabitch.

Conservatives really despise veterans. You know, the people that actually carried a weapon in hostile territory.

I've talked to many Vietnam veterans and they think how Kerry was treated is despicable and cowardly. The man carried a weapon and fought for the country, but because some losers here at home don't like his politics they find some false crap to try to denigrate his service.

Sorry cons, your bullshit only resonates in the tiny little circle of like-minded losers that you hang out with. You aren't patriots and you despise the troops.
What response from you will I see if I check the McCain War Hero discussions?

McCain, Kerry, Cleland, Dole. All veterans that deserve respect. No question.
Snivel Snivel...we should keep on with the same failed policies of the last 50+ years...snivel snivel.....GROW THE FUCK UP! Just because you don't like the political system in a country doesn't mean we can't communicate and trade with them ESPECIALLY when its a country 90 miles from our own state of Florida!

I've talked to many Vietnam veterans .

What the hell do you know about Vietnam, Moon Bat? You "talked to somebody that had served"? Wow! Are those your credentials? Did you serve there? The only thing you think you know about Vietnam is what you see in Hollywood movies. You don't know jackshit and never will.

John Kerry was chickenshit coward. His fellow veterans exposed his cowardice, lies and sham service. Good for them. Kerry even said himself that it cost him the election and I am glad. Some of the best money I ever spent in my life was the donation I made to The Swiftboat Veterans for Truth.

I have to say one thing positive about the Hildabeast. She is not the worst Secretary of State we ever had. She is second to Kerry. Kerry is a piece of shit. Always has been and always will be. His filthy ass chickenshit comments in Cuba today is just one more item for his resume of being a scumbag.
Snivel Snivel...we should keep on with the same failed policies of the last 50+ years...snivel snivel.....GROW THE FUCK UP! Just because you don't like the political system in a country doesn't mean we can't communicate and trade with them ESPECIALLY when its a country 90 miles from our own state of Florida!

We should move toward having a normal relationship with Cuba but on our terms, not Castro's.

Obama gave away the store to Cuba and got nothing of substance for the freedom of the Cuban people for it. Shame on him!

Obama has a record of being the worst negotiator in the history of the world.
One thing Kerry does is make Mrs. Clinton's run as SOS not look quite as bad as it was.
Snivel Snivel...we should keep on with the same failed policies of the last 50+ years...snivel snivel.....GROW THE FUCK UP! Just because you don't like the political system in a country doesn't mean we can't communicate and trade with them ESPECIALLY when its a country 90 miles from our own state of Florida!
Yes...we are seeing a lot of snivel, snivel from you on this.

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