Anyone Watching John Kerry In Cuba? Are We All Beyond Embarrassed By Kerry At This Point?

:gives: For those of you who missed it, you didn't miss anything. John Kerry was in Cuba gloating over the success of himself opening an embassy in Cuba. So anyone so excited that they just can't control their bodily urges? And where was James Taylor? I guess he couldn't make it. Again millions of Americans had to endure the agony of listening to John Kerry speak. Anyone yell back at their TV sets? What did you scream back at Kerry?
Please let us know:hellno:!

What the hell do you think the job of Secretary of State involves? Typing?

Apparently it involves shmoozing communist dictators and helping them oppress their people.
And Reagan did a deal with the soviets. Go hide in your fallout shelter.

We had a fallout shelter next door during Kennedy's horseshit game of chicken with Khruschev, boy. And the "deal" Reagan did with the soviets, broke their backs....that's the difference between an American and a Kenyan doing deals.
yEAH, Obama be given away de store to Raul.
:gives: For those of you who missed it, you didn't miss anything. John Kerry was in Cuba gloating over the success of himself opening an embassy in Cuba. So anyone so excited that they just can't control their bodily urges? And where was James Taylor? I guess he couldn't make it. Again millions of Americans had to endure the agony of listening to John Kerry speak. Anyone yell back at their TV sets? What did you scream back at Kerry?
Please let us know:hellno:!

What the hell do you think the job of Secretary of State involves? Typing?

Apparently it involves shmoozing communist dictators and helping them oppress their people.
i am surprised that Sesame Street hasn't made a puppet/character based on John Kerry, he can live next to the cookie monster in a trash can full of ketchup bottles.
That Damn Castro. He's just like Batista, only with way better healthcare, more economic parity and no Mafia. Da BASTID.

Fidel has executed over 30,000 Cubans....which on an island of 11M makes him one of the most notorious mass-murderers of all time.


Post the source of this photograph.

Revolutionary Firing Squads
Q. How much combat have you experienced
None, but irrelevant

How many political offices have you held?

It's relevant, if only to show your assassination of his character wasn't based on personal experience and was simply and echo of right wing propaganda.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Wry


I'd ask you to explain the reason behind your post: "]If he slips getting off the boat will he get another purple heart?", but I suspect I'd be called a name.
It's like they think that during Viet Nam the brass was just handing Purple Hearts out for nothing. And I remember the GOP convention in 2004, they were handing out and wearing purple heart band aids.....that pretty much sums up their respect for the Medal.
I expect it out of Wry but you should know better, Bo
I have mad respect for the Medal.
John Kerry, not so much
The Cuban embargo and end of diplomatic relation was a result of 50 years of butthurt

During that period, we normalized relations with China, Russia and Vietnam

All had worse human rights records than Cuba

Time to grow up and move on
does this mean there will be a 1/2 price sale on cuban cigars at wal-mart/target?
woohoo....another masterful Obama/Kerry deal.....made with an enemy regime and them not giving us a thing in return....


"In return"? What, you actually think diplomatic relations are sold like a commodity? :disbelief:
What do you think, it's like a baseball trade and you get a "player to be named later"?

The stupidity of how the world works is astounding in here. One guy wants to sell embassy rights, another guy goes on a whinefest because the SoS does his fucking job....

And again -- I axed Skye this, she ran away -- how do you get "enemy regime"? When did Cuba invade the US?

you really need to study your history better......listen to Marco Rubio......a son of Cuban exiles...

"President Obama has rewarded the Castro regime for its repressive tactics and persistent, patient opposition to American interests," Rubio said Friday in a speech at the Foreign Policy Initiative in New York City. "He has unilaterally given up on a half-century worth of policy toward the Castro regime that was agreed upon by presidents of both parties.

"The deal with Cuba threatens America's moral standing in our hemisphere and around the world, brings legitimacy to a state sponsor of terror, and further empowers an ally of China and Russia that sits just 90 miles from our shore," the Florida senator added.

Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Havana early Friday morning for the flag-raising ceremony at the American Embassy. While ranking U.S. and Cuban government officials will attend the formal event, no Cuban dissidents will be present to mark the occasion.

Rubio knocked their exclusion from the embassy opening, and added the event will be "little more than a propaganda rally for the Castro regime."

Election 2016 Marco Rubio blasts Obama on U.S. embassy opening in Cuba - CBS News
50'd that policy work out, Rubio? Look, your parents are pissed that they had to leave Cuba....we get it. But the world moves on..........well at least it does for most of us.
You have it all wrong

That embargo was going to make them embrace democracy any day now.....Obama was just too impatient

Yeah, another week and "ok, we surrender gringo, it took 54 years but we finally give up".
This is a good decade or two late, but I sure welcome today as a moment in our history when we took another step towards evolution.

Fidel's days are numbered. His brother is easier to work with and so too are his days numbered. Like Gorbachev, Raul Castro wants to be the guy who was known for bringing Cuba along into the modern world. It's a win-win for people on both sides.

Liberals are lucky that George W. Bush didn't get his original Dream Act passed or have this moment with Cuba because Republicans would've sewn up the Hispanic vote 10 years ago.

Pretty good analogy with Gorbachev. Although Gobachev has to be given credit for ending the cold war and pulling the entire human race back from the cliff of nuclear oblivion. Raygun didn't do anything. Gorbachev was the keystone that brought about that momentous change.

I think you are right with Raul Castro. He will continue on as Fidel lite but Cuba will gradually drift away from communism as business with America starts raising the standard of living there for most people.
And Reagan did a deal with the soviets. Go hide in your fallout shelter.

We had a fallout shelter next door during Kennedy's horseshit game of chicken with Khruschev, boy. And the "deal" Reagan did with the soviets, broke their backs....that's the difference between an American and a Kenyan doing deals.

LOL Raygun didn't do anything. Gorbachev was the instrument of change. Raygun was too busy wiping his ass with the Constitution.
And Reagan did a deal with the soviets. Go hide in your fallout shelter.

We had a fallout shelter next door during Kennedy's horseshit game of chicken with Khruschev, boy. And the "deal" Reagan did with the soviets, broke their backs....that's the difference between an American and a Kenyan doing deals.

LOL Raygun didn't do anything. Gorbachev was the instrument of change. Raygun was too busy whipping his ass with the Constitution.

ROFL! Someone who voted for Obama twice attacks Reagan for "wiping his ass on the Constitution?"
And Reagan did a deal with the soviets. Go hide in your fallout shelter.

We had a fallout shelter next door during Kennedy's horseshit game of chicken with Khruschev, boy. And the "deal" Reagan did with the soviets, broke their backs....that's the difference between an American and a Kenyan doing deals.

LOL Raygun didn't do anything. Gorbachev was the instrument of change. Raygun was too busy whipping his ass with the Constitution.

ROFL! Someone who voted for Obama twice attacks Reagan for "wiping his ass on the Constitution?"

Reagan was the most corrupt person to hold high office ever. He should have been in prison the last years of his life.
And Reagan did a deal with the soviets. Go hide in your fallout shelter.

We had a fallout shelter next door during Kennedy's horseshit game of chicken with Khruschev, boy. And the "deal" Reagan did with the soviets, broke their backs....that's the difference between an American and a Kenyan doing deals.

LOL Raygun didn't do anything. Gorbachev was the instrument of change. Raygun was too busy whipping his ass with the Constitution.

ROFL! Someone who voted for Obama twice attacks Reagan for "wiping his ass on the Constitution?"

Reagan was the most corrupt person to hold high office ever. He should have been in prison the last years of his life.


You're a laugh a minute!

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