Anyone who dislikes America, or, thinks nations like Canada are better, I dare you to move to Toronto.

I complain about Canada for a legitimate reason. I've been threatened, harassed, had career interference and my most basic human rights violated. I'm not just talking about our Charter of Rights which is toilet paper here, I'm referring to even basic rights enshrined in the Magna Carta from 13th century! Anyone who has gone through what I have been through in a civilized and free nation would have had recourse long ago. Our East German system ensures this doesn't happen. Remember, we are apparently "just like you".

So, this said. Any American who thinks Canada is a better place to live and be free, I dare you to move to Canada. Specifically Toronto if you truly believe this. I really don't think most who do this comparisons believe Canada is better, that's why you still reside in America even while you are free to leave. However, you can be certain that MANY Canadians believe America is a more free nation and they back it up by moving there in their prime post graduate, or, in their retirement.

Americans don't do the same, even though even some of your celebs said they would. Why not I wonder?
I’m surprised they haven’t Lynched Jordan Peterson
My word. Is there anything you like about Canada- your home country? :lol:
I will tell you about what I like about canada. Clean bathrooms. If I am out in America and need to take a dump my night is over no way I sit on a public toilet here the bathrooms are discusting. Up there I took a dump in bar. Even where drunks are they keep it clean. I like that.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?
/——/ You fix the wealth inequality by removing government interference, getting off your ass and making something of yourself.
Your statement has been utterly disproven. Deregulation leads to exploitation of workers and statistically your success level is based on characteristics you can’t control more than anything else.
/----/ No one says total deregulation. You libtards always take things to ridiculous levels. Trump has done a great job eliminating regs and it helped people greatly. Now, what part of getting off your ass and making something of yourself. has been "utterly disproven?"
“You libtards always take things to ridiculous levels”

Your quote that I bolded is a fucking hilarious level of ignorant irony. You couldn’t type a more insanely contradictory statement. Congratulations you win the lack of awareness award for the internet today.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?

Because their solutions always end up with a two tier system. A rich ruling elite, and a bunch of serfs.

Socialism creates the ultimate wealth gap.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?
/——/ You fix the wealth inequality by removing government interference, getting off your ass and making something of yourself.
Your statement has been utterly disproven. Deregulation leads to exploitation of workers and statistically your success level is based on characteristics you can’t control more than anything else.
/----/ No one says total deregulation. You libtards always take things to ridiculous levels. Trump has done a great job eliminating regs and it helped people greatly. Now, what part of getting off your ass and making something of yourself. has been "utterly disproven?"
Trump did a horrible job by eliminating environmental regulations that were put into place to protect you, and which big business was dealing with in a positive matter. He did this so that big business would make more money without any regulation and you won't benefit at all. Regulations were put there because businesses took advantage and didn't care
how the pollution affected you and me.
I complain about Canada for a legitimate reason. I've been threatened, harassed, had career interference and my most basic human rights violated. I'm not just talking about our Charter of Rights which is toilet paper here, I'm referring to even basic rights enshrined in the Magna Carta from 13th century! Anyone who has gone through what I have been through in a civilized and free nation would have had recourse long ago. Our East German system ensures this doesn't happen. Remember, we are apparently "just like you".

So, this said. Any American who thinks Canada is a better place to live and be free, I dare you to move to Canada. Specifically Toronto if you truly believe this. I really don't think most who do this comparisons believe Canada is better, that's why you still reside in America even while you are free to leave. However, you can be certain that MANY Canadians believe America is a more free nation and they back it up by moving there in their prime post graduate, or, in their retirement.

Americans don't do the same, even though even some of your celebs said they would. Why not I wonder?
Too late!!!

Huh? You moved to Toronto? God help you if you did.

While we might not be as bad as Canada, we are well down that road to tyranny.
Tyranny is already here.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?

I can tell you how to fix "wealth inequality" very quickly. Are you ready for this?

I complain about Canada for a legitimate reason. I've been threatened, harassed, had career interference and my most basic human rights violated. I'm not just talking about our Charter of Rights which is toilet paper here, I'm referring to even basic rights enshrined in the Magna Carta from 13th century! Anyone who has gone through what I have been through in a civilized and free nation would have had recourse long ago. Our East German system ensures this doesn't happen. Remember, we are apparently "just like you".

So, this said. Any American who thinks Canada is a better place to live and be free, I dare you to move to Canada. Specifically Toronto if you truly believe this. I really don't think most who do this comparisons believe Canada is better, that's why you still reside in America even while you are free to leave. However, you can be certain that MANY Canadians believe America is a more free nation and they back it up by moving there in their prime post graduate, or, in their retirement.

Americans don't do the same, even though even some of your celebs said they would. Why not I wonder?

What do you see or advocate for the future of Canada? Will it become more centralized, or will the Western Provinces start going their own way? Is it really feasible to have a foreign entity (Quebec) sitting between the Maritime Provinces and the rest of Canada? Are they anything more than dependent orphans? I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
I complain about Canada for a legitimate reason. I've been threatened, harassed, had career interference and my most basic human rights violated. I'm not just talking about our Charter of Rights which is toilet paper here, I'm referring to even basic rights enshrined in the Magna Carta from 13th century! Anyone who has gone through what I have been through in a civilized and free nation would have had recourse long ago. Our East German system ensures this doesn't happen. Remember, we are apparently "just like you".

So, this said. Any American who thinks Canada is a better place to live and be free, I dare you to move to Canada. Specifically Toronto if you truly believe this. I really don't think most who do this comparisons believe Canada is better, that's why you still reside in America even while you are free to leave. However, you can be certain that MANY Canadians believe America is a more free nation and they back it up by moving there in their prime post graduate, or, in their retirement.

Americans don't do the same, even though even some of your celebs said they would. Why not I wonder?

What do you see or advocate for the future of Canada? Will it become more centralized, or will the Western Provinces start going their own way? Is it really feasible to have a foreign entity (Quebec) sitting between the Maritime Provinces and the rest of Canada? Are they anything more than dependent orphans? I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

Canada will survive as a Confederation, the problem is that economically we will continue to flail and it will become increasingly difficult to keep our best talent and maintain our standard of living. An abusive covert police state will either be heavily reigned in or we will slide even faster

America has been gaining our best certainly since NAFTA, first doctors, now scientists and software engineers, this will accelerate. Your system of embracing hard working talent and civil liberty is far too enticing and we share the same language and general customs. I've said it before, your Constitution is the envy of the world, if destroyed as some want, a major advantage for America will disappear.

Trudeau just spent $1.2B to try and bring together our best scientists and modellers (of which, I suppose I am now somewhat qualified in ML). The reason is, he is seeing an aggressive effort of both poaching of talent outright, and, our businesses. He just passed an aggressive law to basically protect businesses from foreign purchasing as he doesn't want to see struggling Canadian companies bought out and our PPE etc. shipped out. He won't be able to maintain top talent though, our system interferes and drive them away. We've had overpaid scientists which we convinced to come here, literally walk away from millions to fly back to Europe. Literally. Without warning.

So, ultimately, the West will go from have to have-not and probably not give but instead receive provincial transfer payments, long overdue. Ontario and Quebec will continue to bankrupt the entire nation while losing global innovation battles. CSIS, somewhat ironically, will have to alter their mandate (if they haven't already) to not only battle foreign threats, but, also domestic POLICE AGENCY abuses that have rendered our Charter useless and provided playground for these covert thieves and their families while our capitalism is crushed.

I can't think of any period in my lifetime in which nations, other than the Eastern Bloc in the 1980s or Germany post-wartime (and that was because the West took them, regardless of their atrocities) who essentially drove their best talent away as Canada does. When I am relaxed, honest and reflective, it's absolutely astounding and completely destructive to the point of treason. TPS, OPP, RCMP=enemies to Canada and our allies.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?

Because their solutions always end up with a two tier system. A rich ruling elite, and a bunch of serfs.

Socialism creates the ultimate wealth gap.
We already have the ultimate wealth gap. I’m just looking for more burden to the top earners and more help for the impoverished. It’s not rocket science.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?

I can tell you how to fix "wealth inequality" very quickly. Are you ready for this?

The unemployment rate has been 3-4% for years and yet still the wealth inequity grows and gets more concentrated at the top. There is no wealth in working. There is only wealth in owning. You can find success stories but largely you’ve lost.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?
/——/ You fix the wealth inequality by removing government interference, getting off your ass and making something of yourself.
Your statement has been utterly disproven. Deregulation leads to exploitation of workers and statistically your success level is based on characteristics you can’t control more than anything else.
/----/ No one says total deregulation. You libtards always take things to ridiculous levels. Trump has done a great job eliminating regs and it helped people greatly. Now, what part of getting off your ass and making something of yourself. has been "utterly disproven?"
Trump did a horrible job by eliminating environmental regulations that were put into place to protect you, and which big business was dealing with in a positive matter. He did this so that big business would make more money without any regulation and you won't benefit at all. Regulations were put there because businesses took advantage and didn't care
how the pollution affected you and me.
Bullshit, dumbass. You can't even respond to a thread about Canada without Trump hate. Trump did not eliminate environmental regulations, idiot. They're still there. Just not as outrageously excessive.
I complain about Canada for a legitimate reason. I've been threatened, harassed, had career interference and my most basic human rights violated. I'm not just talking about our Charter of Rights which is toilet paper here, I'm referring to even basic rights enshrined in the Magna Carta from 13th century! Anyone who has gone through what I have been through in a civilized and free nation would have had recourse long ago. Our East German system ensures this doesn't happen. Remember, we are apparently "just like you".

So, this said. Any American who thinks Canada is a better place to live and be free, I dare you to move to Canada. Specifically Toronto if you truly believe this. I really don't think most who do this comparisons believe Canada is better, that's why you still reside in America even while you are free to leave. However, you can be certain that MANY Canadians believe America is a more free nation and they back it up by moving there in their prime post graduate, or, in their retirement.

Americans don't do the same, even though even some of your celebs said they would. Why not I wonder?
..I kind of like Iran better--if the Shah's SAVAK didn't execute you, then the Ayatollah's revolutionaries they have all the bases covered ..if you are religious/liberal = dead...if you are secular/conservative = dead
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?
/——/ You fix the wealth inequality by removing government interference, getting off your ass and making something of yourself.
Your statement has been utterly disproven. Deregulation leads to exploitation of workers and statistically your success level is based on characteristics you can’t control more than anything else.
/----/ No one says total deregulation. You libtards always take things to ridiculous levels. Trump has done a great job eliminating regs and it helped people greatly. Now, what part of getting off your ass and making something of yourself. has been "utterly disproven?"
Trump did a horrible job by eliminating environmental regulations that were put into place to protect you, and which big business was dealing with in a positive matter. He did this so that big business would make more money without any regulation and you won't benefit at all. Regulations were put there because businesses took advantage and didn't care
how the pollution affected you and me.
/——/ Try and open a gas station in the US and see how many environmental laws are still on the books. Better yet, try and buy an existing one with old tanks and see what happens.
How about I just stay here and vote for people who want to fix the wealth inequality in America and the uneven access to healthcare?

Because their solutions always end up with a two tier system. A rich ruling elite, and a bunch of serfs.

Socialism creates the ultimate wealth gap.
We already have the ultimate wealth gap. I’m just looking for more burden to the top earners and more help for the impoverished. It’s not rocket science.

No, we don't. We still have a middle class. The progressive asshats haven't been able to destroy them yet.

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