Anyone who thinks Ukraine is going to win is deluded

I doubt that.
Putin is trying to reconstitute the old USSR, a majority of the Russian people want that to happen, so do many Ukrainians. Ukraine was not a paradise, it was a very corrupt country led by a very corrupt person.
I doubt that.
I've watched youtube videos by english speaking Russians for a couple of years. They love Putin because Russia was in chaos since the fall of the Berlin wall. When he came to power the average citizen was living hand to mouth in poverty.
First he jailed or exiled the jewish billionaire oligarchs who basically owned everything and were robbing the country blind. Then he stabilized the economy and got the country back on its feet. Rebuilt the military and gave the Russian people back their sense of pride.
So yes, Putin is very popular with the Russian people. ... :cool:
you are free to doubt it, but its true. you are also free to believe the liars on CNN, but what they tell you is not true.
I wouldn’t believe CNN if those SCI suckers said water is wet — at least without proof.

Meanwhile, I don’t believe Putin is popular. Based on what? A Russian poll? 😂
I've watched youtube videos by english speaking Russians for a couple of years. They love Putin because Russia was in chaos since the fall of the Berlin wall. When he came to power the average citizen was living hand to mouth in poverty.
First he jailed or exiled the jewish billionaire oligarchs who basically owned everything and were robbing the country blind. Then he stabilized the economy and got the country back on its feet. Rebuilt the military and gave the Russian people back their sense of pride.
So yes, Putin is very popular with the Russian people. ... :cool:
You suck the scumbags dick. You’re hardly a reliable reporter.
Putin has been waging a very limited and humane special military operation.
But the U.S. / EU coalition using NATO as its military enforcer. Is ramping up the conflict by supplying the Ukrainian forces with massive amounts of money and weapons. Falsely telling them they can win the war.
All this is doing is prolonging Ukraine's inevitable defeat and wasting the lives of untold thousands of Ukrainian citizens on a lost cause.

Who is behind Ukrainians and Russians?
One cursed by God people which had been kicked out from 110 nations through the history.
They more gentiles kill each other the more fun has this scary people.
That's all
Who is behind Ukrainians and Russians?
One cursed by God people which had been kicked out from 110 nations through the history.
They more gentiles kill each other the more fun has this scary people.
That's all
so your view of history is that all bad things came from the joooooooooooos?
Originally posted by Redfish
so your view of history is that all bad things came from the joooooooooooos?

Baron and so many others around the world is what I call "The Boy who Cried Jew".

If you blame the jewish people for everything bad that happens under the sun you'll be so discredited, so ridiculed that when you finally point out to something the jewish people was REALLY involved like for example the crucial role they played in the destruction of America's racial composition, nobody will take you seriously.

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