Anyone who thinks Ukraine is going to win is deluded

Lemme guess....we are not allowed to buy from them right now....
Z = New World Order

That's exactly Putin's strategy in his slow-chase of the Yukies. The longer the citizens of the Globalist colonies have to put up with the inflation and deprivation caused by being jabbed with Russophobia sanctions, the more they will want to overthrow their Glowbully ruling classes. The multiculties' victory in the French election showed that we colonists are only half-way there. By next year, France will be exporting a surplus of guillotines
I see you are woefully ignorant of the difficulties involved in ship to ship transfers. Or the time involved unload a supertanker of oil. It can take 24 hours to unload a ship in port. With proper facilities. Doing so at sea, in weather. That is going to take even longer. Maintaining that kind of close station keeping of two large ships underway is a very technical exercise. The first time they try, you can expect both ships to be at the bottom and all that Russian oil to be floating on the surface of the sea.
Once again you're just spouting nonsense. ... :cuckoo:
US Navy ships have been doing oil transfers from oiler tankers in the middle of the ocean since before WWll and it's still standard practice today.
Once again you're just spouting nonsense. ... :cuckoo:
US Navy ships have been doing oil transfers from oiler tankers in the middle of the ocean since before WWll and it's still standard practice today.

Ah. Because the Navy does it. It must be easy. Nonsense.

The Navy experimented and found the best way to proceed. The people are not doing it cold. They observed it as junior Officers. They stood to as it was done with them watching and learning.

but we aren’t talking about refueling a Destroyer in a couple hours. We are talking about transferring an enormous volume of oil, crude oil.

First. The oil is thick. So it has to be heated to facilitate the transfer. So hot oil, literally a lake worth, is in that tanker.

Then how much you can transfer depends on how big the hoses are. A four inch hose which is incredibly heavy would transfer perhaps 500 gallons per minute.

That sounds like a lot. But it would take 24 hours to transfer the oil from one VLCC. Probably longer for a ULCC.

Now they won’t be able to do this in normal shipping lanes. Too much risk of needing to maneuver to avoid traffic, so they’ll be well off the lanes. Well away from any help.

The ships must maintain steerage speed. Say. At least five knots. Probably seven. As they are moving forward the propellers are generating suction between the ships. So the helms have to be ready to make minute adjustments quickly.

And here we are at another problem. Tankers are not very maneuverable. They are slow to respond. As the suction draws them together the ships won’t be able to avoid a collision. These are not nearly as responsive as a naval vessel where quick and extreme maneuvers may save lives in combat.

So collision between two large ships is very likely.

Unlike Naval vessels that have quick disconnect fittings. The hoses for oil tankers and regular ships are bolt on. So a dozen bolts have to be installed and tightened to get the hose secure. If the ships move too far apart. The hose will break and oil will be shooting everywhere at 500 gallons per minute.

As I’ve said before. I really hope the Russians are doing this. Because dead Russians are a good thing. And this will result in lots of dead Russians.
The Russian navy has used oiler tankers to replenish their sea going warships for decades. So I'm sure they've got the technology figured out to do tanker to tanker oil transfers. ..... :cool:
Ship-to-ship (STS) transfers happen all the time.

It isn't like replenishing a CSF where there are a bunch of ships traveling at speed. One ship usually anchors, or they both drift and they raft up tight.

It saves port fees, and sometimes tankers are too large for the facility and they have to transfer to a smaller vessel. It's also done by bulk cargo carriers. There is a whole body of regulation surrounding the practice, since obviously it involves more risk than offloading in a port facility.

Iranian tankers do this to evade sanctions, I would expect the Russians to do the same.
The Russian navy has used oiler tankers to replenish their sea going warships for decades. So I'm sure they've got the technology figured out to do tanker to tanker oil transfers. ..... :cool:

The Russian navy has limited experience with underway replenishment. They just don’t have the ships.

They have what? Two or three active underway oilers? And again, the technology for that is very different, and unless you’re going to park the Soviet Navy ships and put them on the Tankers, you’re going to be fucked because the Tankers haven’t ever done it.

The design for a naval vessel is very different than a cargo ship. Tankers are designed to efficiently go from point A to point B in as straight a line as possible. They don’t turn much, and they can’t turn quickly. They just can’t.

When they enter a harbor, they are surrounded by Tugboats, because they can’t maneuver on their own. It takes half the ocean to turn one around.

You need to learn something about what you are talking about. It would make you sound a lot less ignorant.
You need to learn something about what you are talking about. It would make you sound a lot less ignorant.
^^^^ The irony of your posts are classic comedy. ... :laugh::laugh:

Russia has hundreds of tankers out to sea and "going dark".
(turning off their location transponders)
Russia has already lost.

The people who don’t know this are Russians and their useful idiot trolls.

^^^^ The irony of your posts are classic comedy. ... :laugh::laugh:

Russia has hundreds of tankers out to sea and "going dark".
(turning off their location transponders)

Again. It is apples and oranges. A supertanker or oil tanker is very different than a designed for purpose replenishment ship. It is as if you were arguing that every driver on the road can easily handle driving a Formula One car. Or any pilot can handle a Mig-29 even if all they did was fly a Cessna.

By turning off the transponders. They are going dark. And increasing the chances of a collision at sea. I am happy to see it. More accidents at sea means more dead Russians. And more dead Russians is the only goal worth having these days.
Again. It is apples and oranges. A supertanker or oil tanker is very different than a designed for purpose replenishment ship. It is as if you were arguing that every driver on the road can easily handle driving a Formula One car. Or any pilot can handle a Mig-29 even if all they did was fly a Cessna.

By turning off the transponders. They are going dark. And increasing the chances of a collision at sea. I am happy to see it. More accidents at sea means more dead Russians. And more dead Russians is the only goal worth having these days.
I’d be happy with one dead Russian. His name is Vladimir Putin.
Russia has already lost.

The people who don’t know this are Russians and their useful idiot trolls.

when the Ukrainian army enters Moscow I will agree that Russia could lose, until then Russia wins, they just have more resources and troops and planes and tanks.
And we are stupid to take sides, we could get into a war with a senile moron as president.
then why doesn't senile joe tell the CIA to put a hit on him?
I don’t think it can be a hit by us on the rat bastard, Putin. If cancer or poison doesn’t take him out, I’d like a Russian General to get it done. One Bullet to Putin’s brain stem would be worthy of a worldwide celebration.
I don’t think it can be a hit by us on the rat bastard, Putin. If cancer or poison doesn’t take him out, I’d like a Russian General to get it done. One Bullet to Putin’s brain stem would be worthy of a worldwide celebration.
putin is quite popular with the Russian people, a coup is always possible in Russia but not very likely.

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