Anyone Wondering How Michelle Is Feeling This Week?,Reminiscent Of Lewinsky Scandal?

Feb 1, 2013

How would you feel if you were the first lady in this predicament? Remember how Hilllary felt after all of her husbands affairs?
Michelle must be "Somewhat Angry" being she is the wife of the President who is now being laughed at by probably 75 to 100 Million adults.
And remember how we beat up on the Weiners during their most recent scandalous weeks?
Secretary Of State John Kerry? What happened? Did Joy Beyhard turn down the offer?
I just can't imagine how the first dogs are reacting to having to witness all of this when they watch TV.
comparing apples to oranges.
Classical schadenfreuden projections by someone that is shallow and pedantic.
She has to be livid.
African American women are incredibly protective of their men.
She must be climbing the walls because on one hand she has to defend him.
And on the other she has to know that he looks like a fool on the world stage.
And he was embarrassed by a white man...

I'm sure Obama ain't gettin any for a while.
This is a very interesting question....
Sort of a human interest angle...

Well done.
When you live in a conservative bubble you actually believe everyone is laughing at him. Just like when you guys were shocked when he was reelected. All of the con talking heads assured you Obama was going to lose bad and you believe them now?
Obama gets to the living quarters and he pours two glasses of wine
Turns on the CD player.
Starts the Al Green CD...heads to the Master bedroom....
Oh that's right that's a racially insensitive term now...
Heads to the bedroom with a single long stem rose in his teeth and two glasses of wine and finds the bedroom door locked and the Mother in law is behind it saying....

Not tonight... the house staff made up the Lincoln bedroom for you....
with Michelle having all of these fits, who is gonna cook the fried chicken and ribs for Obama this weekend? Biden and Kerry?
The only way Kerry and Obama are in the same room together is if Kerry brings his own Secret Service
detail for protection.To be safe from Michelle...
Well Bush is the reason for all of the Worlds Obama and the Democrat's will want us to believe.

None of this is Obama's responsibility.
Nothing ever is...
Being a laughingstock is not remotely like being a cheater.

Just sayin'.
If you nutters had an ounce of self would tell this idiot that he is not funny.

Your unwillingness to offend a like-minded person is tragic. Why let this poor soul believe that he is entertaining you? Put him out of his misery.
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