Anyone Wondering How Michelle Is Feeling This Week?,Reminiscent Of Lewinsky Scandal?

At least being a cheater is more of a man thing.
Looking like a fool on the world stage...

I don't know how Michelle looks at the man she loves the same way.

Reminds me of the movie the Quiet Man with John Wayne
when Maureen O'Hara was ashamed of her husband.
It was a great week for the Obamas?...bad week for Republicans

What are you talking about?
When you live in a conservative bubble you actually believe everyone is laughing at him. Just like when you guys were shocked when he was reelected. All of the con talking heads assured you Obama was going to lose bad and you believe them now?

It's like they live in their own little fantasy world. Scary.

How would you feel if you were the first lady in this predicament? Remember how Hilllary felt after all of her husbands affairs?
Michelle must be "Somewhat Angry" being she is the wife of the President who is now being laughed at by probably 75 to 100 Million adults.
And remember how we beat up on the Weiners during their most recent scandalous weeks?
Secretary Of State John Kerry? What happened? Did Joy Beyhard turn down the offer?

Lol. She has a husband who kicks GOP behinds whenever he runs. You all just better hope he doesn't run for something else after he is done fixing all of mistakes the former president and VP made.

I'm sure you'll get over the next thorough thrashing by Obama though, you've had practice.
It must be getting harder and harder for Bambi to make a speech at this point. maybe he can get Kerry to do the rest of them. at least someone will throw a shoe at him. {just for laughs)

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