Anything and Everything...

And if we want to go deep into the the original version of that wonderful song Blue Moon.... where it all my darlings...:smiliehug:....right into the 1930s.the song wasn't called Blue Moon then...but The Bad In Every Man

Its hard to let go much talent.... :( "So Far So Pleased" by Prince

going beyond space and time.....still with and white and great harmony.....



this song


do you like it as much as I do?

I....miss Prince....why did he have to die and deprive us..of his musical talent...he was one of the best sad....sad

I Can't Make You Love Me -
come here dance . ....... blah blah far so pleased good music good tune...

I don't want him to be dead ...he was so magnificent and talented....others can die,,,,but not him not Prince :(??please???

this is in my top 5
So far, so pleased -

Love this so much, am posting again. Been a few me such peace. Listen!

it's from the 1920s based movie ...from Scott Fitzgerald, he rocks ...still....after all this time ...1920's literature...decoration....and everything that is good and worth...the past.


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