AOC Fined For Denying Campaign Staff Worker's Comp

I can actually understand this situation and I would hope that she would learn from this and have sympathy for businesses that make these costly mistakes instead of what politicians normally do and jump all over the business owner. It’s time government helps businesses instead of punishing them.

Let’s see if she learns.

AOC is the NEW 'Hillary Clinton'!

She just proved she, too, is TOO STUPID TO KMOW SHE'S BREAKING THE LAW!


Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Slapped With A Fine For Not Providing Proper Workers’ Comp

And you just proved you are too stupid to KNOW how to spell the word KNOW.

Chill out Tinker Bell.
you KNOW thats a typo. go home grammar patrol.

When you can’t contribute to a subject, all that’s left is grammar bitch. Not surprising who it is.

AOC is the NEW 'Hillary Clinton'!

She just proved she, too, is TOO STUPID TO KMOW SHE'S BREAKING THE LAW!


Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Slapped With A Fine For Not Providing Proper Workers’ Comp


What? She has to do paperwork?

AOC is the NEW 'Hillary Clinton'!

She just proved she, too, is TOO STUPID TO KMOW SHE'S BREAKING THE LAW!


Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Slapped With A Fine For Not Providing Proper Workers’ Comp

And you just proved you are too stupid to KNOW how to spell the word KNOW.

Chill out Tinker Bell.
you KNOW thats a typo. go home grammar patrol.

Nah he sounds like a Grammar Natzi to me. LOL

AOC is the NEW 'Hillary Clinton'!

She just proved she, too, is TOO STUPID TO KMOW SHE'S BREAKING THE LAW!


Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Slapped With A Fine For Not Providing Proper Workers’ Comp

And you just proved you are too stupid to KNOW how to spell the word KNOW.

Chill out Tinker Bell.
you KNOW thats a typo. go home grammar patrol.

Nah he sounds like a Grammar Natzi to me. LOL
Workers comp is a scam..

That has nothing to with her not paying her workman’s comp correctly. $1500? She got off cheap. Maybe she will learn.
She will, it's called forced to buy by a govt. You know just like the ACA...

Hope she does, but I seriously doubt she will make it easier for businesses. It’s not forced, she had choices and she made them, ACA was forced by simply being born you were required to pay.

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