AOC is blaming FOX news for the death threats that she is recieving

It looks like democrats think they will enhance their political future if they are perceived as victims but who do we blame when Hollywood celebs threaten the President with everything from assault to arson and kidnapping? Shouldn't we blame SNL when that ditsy babe held up a facsimle of the President's bloody head?
Why would she think it would be someone on the right wanting her dead.

She really is dumb if that's what she thinks. lol.
Was an AOC look-alike Caesar stabbed repeatedly in a play in Central Park?
Did I miss it?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Blames Right-Wing Media For Daily Death Threats

LOL, the Socialist who is a heartbeat away from being a communist hates the real Americans who hate her.

I kind of like really stupid people, she might be channeling Gilda Radner

Real Americans do not threaten to kill people they disagree with politically

You mean like the Founding Fathers?

Well let's see, why did the Founding Fathers have their little spat? Was it not triggered when the British tried to come after their ammo?

In fact, the level of oppression pales in comparison to the destruction of liberty that will occur with AOC's new Green Deal. She will take away our cars, make us change our homes, and restrict air travel. The legislation will also cost up to $100 trillion and when asked about it she glibly says that it's a world wide emergency with not time to ask such questions.


If I were her, I would move to Venezuela, but then, she is probably too left wing for them there as well.
That buggy-eyed, buck-toothed Obama-nosed piece of trash is such an attention whore, she's more interested in being a train wreck than in legislating.

Is there any man out there depraved enough to fuck that sickly, deformed facsimile of a female? Whose whorish layers of makeup is done in "open casket viewing" style? If so, you need to be castrated, not that there's much to be castrated of a guy finds that creature attractive. Just looking at her makes me wonder how many STD's with which she's crawling.
NO ONE TOUCH A HAIR on that casting call empty head of hers
making the justice democrats muppet a martyr will only embolden them further

AOC is a dime a dozen
There are many, many people who have criticized Trump who have received death threats from Trump's crazy worshippers.

So it's not surprising that AOC would too.

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